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Clutter Confessions {laundry room}

I hope you are not getting sick of seeing all my clutter.  I also hope that you aren’t judging me by my messes I’m sharing with the world.  :)  I am more than my messes.

When we renovated our house we actually built this little laundry room which is really more like a laundry closet. It previously just had the washer/dryer out in the open in the middle of the house.  It is very small and has an extremely deeeeep shelf on top where things go to be lost forever.  Standing on a chair, on my tiptoes, I can’t even reach the back of it.


LR before


See how the dryer sheets are precariously hanging over the edge?  It’s really convenient to stash things on the dryer, but sometimes they get shaken right off during a load.  :)

LR top shelf before

And the results….

LR after 

I put most everything in a box, bin, or basket and made up some labels too, so I would actually know what what was back there in my endless shelf.  Having it in a container too means that I can reach the stuff in the back by just sliding it out.  

LR top shelf


My hanging storage… 

LR side storage 

{No, the magnetic letters don’t ever look like that.  I was trying to impress you.}


Visit Bowl Full of Lemon’s Organizing Party and Beneath my Heart to see some more Laundry Room Redo’s!

3 Responses to Clutter Confessions {laundry room}
  1. Tracey
    February 4, 2011 | 7:40 pm

    I was just looking at a steam mop this week. I'm glad to see you like yours! You did a great job on your clutter!

  2. The Domestic Chick
    February 4, 2011 | 8:10 pm

    You certainly did some organizing! Great work!

  3. TK
    February 5, 2011 | 6:37 am

    I love your cleared space!!! & I adore your sweet family – it bought a tear to my eyes for some reason!! Hope you are having a fantastic weekend! TK xx

Clutter Confessions {laundry room}

I hope you are not getting sick of seeing all my clutter.  I also hope that you aren’t judging me by my messes I’m sharing with the world.  :)  I am more than my messes.

When we renovated our house we actually built this little laundry room which is really more like a laundry closet. It previously just had the washer/dryer out in the open in the middle of the house.  It is very small and has an extremely deeeeep shelf on top where things go to be lost forever.  Standing on a chair, on my tiptoes, I can’t even reach the back of it.


LR before


See how the dryer sheets are precariously hanging over the edge?  It’s really convenient to stash things on the dryer, but sometimes they get shaken right off during a load.  :)

LR top shelf before

And the results….

LR after 

I put most everything in a box, bin, or basket and made up some labels too, so I would actually know what what was back there in my endless shelf.  Having it in a container too means that I can reach the stuff in the back by just sliding it out.  

LR top shelf


My hanging storage… 

LR side storage 

{No, the magnetic letters don’t ever look like that.  I was trying to impress you.}


Visit Bowl Full of Lemon’s Organizing Party and Beneath my Heart to see some more Laundry Room Redo’s!

3 Responses to Clutter Confessions {laundry room}
  1. Tracey
    February 4, 2011 | 7:40 pm

    I was just looking at a steam mop this week. I'm glad to see you like yours! You did a great job on your clutter!

  2. The Domestic Chick
    February 4, 2011 | 8:10 pm

    You certainly did some organizing! Great work!

  3. TK
    February 5, 2011 | 6:37 am

    I love your cleared space!!! & I adore your sweet family – it bought a tear to my eyes for some reason!! Hope you are having a fantastic weekend! TK xx