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Clutter Confessions… Junk Drawer

Yes, believe it or not, I have more confessions of clutter.  This time it’s our junk drawer… I really think part of the junk pile up problem is that I really do abhor the clutter. It makes me twitch and gets me s t r e s s e d!  
Soooo, I think a really, really easy fix in the moment is to just shove it in a drawer already!
A Bowl Full of Lemons is doing a 21 Day Organizational Challenge which is a bit too much for me… just being honest.  I can’t see doing 21 straight days of projects, but you never know.  I do find it inspiring to look at everyone’s projects to get ideas and get motivated!
Here’s my BEFORE…
And the AFTER… so much better!  I didn’t have actual office type drawer containers {Even though I had a kajillion that I brought home from my school desk… aghh! I think I might have tossed them when we cleaned out the storage building!} so I took an idea I saw on one of the blogs linked up to the organizing party… tupperware containers! 
Even though there is still a lot of miscellaneous stuff in there, it’s just so much easier to control when it is not free to spread out and take over the drawer!
Hopefully, the nifty and FREE containers will help us keep the drawer looking like this. 
One can hope, right? :)

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Clutter Confessions… Junk Drawer

Yes, believe it or not, I have more confessions of clutter.  This time it’s our junk drawer… I really think part of the junk pile up problem is that I really do abhor the clutter. It makes me twitch and gets me s t r e s s e d!  
Soooo, I think a really, really easy fix in the moment is to just shove it in a drawer already!
A Bowl Full of Lemons is doing a 21 Day Organizational Challenge which is a bit too much for me… just being honest.  I can’t see doing 21 straight days of projects, but you never know.  I do find it inspiring to look at everyone’s projects to get ideas and get motivated!
Here’s my BEFORE…
And the AFTER… so much better!  I didn’t have actual office type drawer containers {Even though I had a kajillion that I brought home from my school desk… aghh! I think I might have tossed them when we cleaned out the storage building!} so I took an idea I saw on one of the blogs linked up to the organizing party… tupperware containers! 
Even though there is still a lot of miscellaneous stuff in there, it’s just so much easier to control when it is not free to spread out and take over the drawer!
Hopefully, the nifty and FREE containers will help us keep the drawer looking like this. 
One can hope, right? :)

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