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Changing Times

I don’t know if you’ve noticed a few changes going round this blog, but I stumbled upon a helpful blog recently that is so cool.

She gives tutorials and simple explanations to tweaking and improving your blog… all for free! She does also offer blog makeovers for a fee as well, but as of this point, I haven’t quite given in to that idea. :) I am going to try to restrain my longing for my own blog makeover and remember my frugal roots. :)

This site, Zimbio gave step by step (although complicated) html instructions for adding a sidebar, and somehow miraculously I managed to figure it out and even took the knowledge I gained from the site and tweaked at whim. Shocking, I know! I actually know just enough now to be dangerous!

So, if you’re feeling adventurous yourself…. give it a shot and see what you can do with yours. :)

One Response to Changing Times
  1. Bette Anne
    May 29, 2008 | 1:37 pm

    I remembered you saying you wanted to tweak things, so it’s cool that you found something that actually simplifies the language! ;)

Changing Times

I don’t know if you’ve noticed a few changes going round this blog, but I stumbled upon a helpful blog recently that is so cool.

She gives tutorials and simple explanations to tweaking and improving your blog… all for free! She does also offer blog makeovers for a fee as well, but as of this point, I haven’t quite given in to that idea. :) I am going to try to restrain my longing for my own blog makeover and remember my frugal roots. :)

This site, Zimbio gave step by step (although complicated) html instructions for adding a sidebar, and somehow miraculously I managed to figure it out and even took the knowledge I gained from the site and tweaked at whim. Shocking, I know! I actually know just enough now to be dangerous!

So, if you’re feeling adventurous yourself…. give it a shot and see what you can do with yours. :)

One Response to Changing Times
  1. Bette Anne
    May 29, 2008 | 1:37 pm

    I remembered you saying you wanted to tweak things, so it’s cool that you found something that actually simplifies the language! ;)