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Category Archives: Uncategorized

Put your hands together now… Y-M-C-A…

April was “no joiner fee” month for the Y, so we decided to take the plunge into the gym world. Since Saturday, we have experienced the treadmills, the weight room, group class, and the pool. At least we’re starting out on the right foot. Maybe I can get back to my figure of long ago….

It’s my party, and we’ll do what I want to…

Birthday’s were always SO big in my house growing up. The birthday person was always made to feel so special and had free reign for the day to do or not do whatever they wanted (within reason, of course). Birthdays are not as big of a deal to my wonderful husband. Maybe he would agree…

Take the test… Are you happy?

Oprah did a show on Happiness the other day. I thought it quite interesting. See how happy you are…..take the test I think the concept is that you can affect your happiness by your outlook on life and the circumstances you face. The pessimist and the optimist are both right about life. They focus on…

Terror at Virginia Tech

I’m sitting here watching the CNN coverage of this horrific story. How could a 23 year old think this was his only course of action? Listening to the accounts of the survivors is horrifying. One group of students saw the gunman in the hall and decided to barricade the door with tables and desks. The…


I got this in a myspace bulletin, and I thought it quite funny. You can see for yourself…Okay.–Go to–Click on Maps.–Click on get Directions.–From New York,New York–To Paris,France.–And read line # 23If you laugh, leave a comment and let me know… I know that you don’t feel like doing this, but it is really…

Easier is better??

My mom got me to try those nifty Electrosal tabs or gel packs for the dishwasher as if the act of pouring detergent into the cup were just too troublesome a trial. Okay, I do admit, they are convenient. It’s just funny that we have so many conveniences in this day and age compared to…

The Big Day

St. Patrick’s Day was the BIG day. The big day for Sam and Heather that is. And for me too, since I was the Wedding Planner. Heather likes to call me J-Lo b/c of her movie, “The Wedding Planner” although I didn’t have the cool headset that she sported in the film. As weddings usually…

A New Baby!

Can you tell I’m trying to catch up on all that’s been going on?? I’m doing my best… Tuesday morning, Baby Marli arrived! Chris’s cousin Amy went in for a c-section with the fabulous Dr. Peach by the way. He’s my ob too, and I love, love, love him. Everything went well with the delivery…

Vacation is coming! Can’t wait!

Happy Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s is a day that many do not love. For the single (especially female) it can be a stark reminder of all that you do not have. For the unhappily married, it brings regret and lost hope of what could be. For the forgetful hubby, it can be a day of disappointing the one he…

Category Archives: Uncategorized

Put your hands together now… Y-M-C-A…

April was “no joiner fee” month for the Y, so we decided to take the plunge into the gym world. Since Saturday, we have experienced the treadmills, the weight room, group class, and the pool. At least we’re starting out on the right foot. Maybe I can get back to my figure of long ago….

It’s my party, and we’ll do what I want to…

Birthday’s were always SO big in my house growing up. The birthday person was always made to feel so special and had free reign for the day to do or not do whatever they wanted (within reason, of course). Birthdays are not as big of a deal to my wonderful husband. Maybe he would agree…

Take the test… Are you happy?

Oprah did a show on Happiness the other day. I thought it quite interesting. See how happy you are…..take the test I think the concept is that you can affect your happiness by your outlook on life and the circumstances you face. The pessimist and the optimist are both right about life. They focus on…

Terror at Virginia Tech

I’m sitting here watching the CNN coverage of this horrific story. How could a 23 year old think this was his only course of action? Listening to the accounts of the survivors is horrifying. One group of students saw the gunman in the hall and decided to barricade the door with tables and desks. The…


I got this in a myspace bulletin, and I thought it quite funny. You can see for yourself…Okay.–Go to–Click on Maps.–Click on get Directions.–From New York,New York–To Paris,France.–And read line # 23If you laugh, leave a comment and let me know… I know that you don’t feel like doing this, but it is really…

Easier is better??

My mom got me to try those nifty Electrosal tabs or gel packs for the dishwasher as if the act of pouring detergent into the cup were just too troublesome a trial. Okay, I do admit, they are convenient. It’s just funny that we have so many conveniences in this day and age compared to…

The Big Day

St. Patrick’s Day was the BIG day. The big day for Sam and Heather that is. And for me too, since I was the Wedding Planner. Heather likes to call me J-Lo b/c of her movie, “The Wedding Planner” although I didn’t have the cool headset that she sported in the film. As weddings usually…

A New Baby!

Can you tell I’m trying to catch up on all that’s been going on?? I’m doing my best… Tuesday morning, Baby Marli arrived! Chris’s cousin Amy went in for a c-section with the fabulous Dr. Peach by the way. He’s my ob too, and I love, love, love him. Everything went well with the delivery…

Vacation is coming! Can’t wait!

Happy Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s is a day that many do not love. For the single (especially female) it can be a stark reminder of all that you do not have. For the unhappily married, it brings regret and lost hope of what could be. For the forgetful hubby, it can be a day of disappointing the one he…