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Category Archives: Printables

The Much Procrastinated Curriculum Choice

Oh my. I put off my curriculum choices for the Fall as long as I could… until the fourth of July loomed close, and I had a moment of panic that the summer was OVER and I HAD to decide already! I’m all about agonizing over making choices… a fault of mine that I just…

Birthday Favor Tags!

It’s not like it’s hard or anything, I know. BUT… these tips would’ve helped me making the tags for Haylee’s party favor bags, so I thought I would pass on the learning curve.  :) I started off by downloading a free circle label template for Word and Printshop.  I ended up using Printshop but you…

In case somebody HASN’T heard of Pinterest…

{via} Pinterest is a new internet sensation that has everybody jumping with glee.  I’m serious.  People are actually jumping with Glee.  :) {via} Basically it’s a plethora of virtual corkboards where you can Pin the awesome stuff you run across on the web that you wanna remember or share.  Pinterest makes everything So Very Easy. …

A Needed Reminder {& Free Printable!}

Being a wife and mom is a great job, isn’t it?  It’s a tough one for sure but often comes with rewards like sticky hugs and adorable smiles.  Sometimes we I seem to focus on the part of the job that isn’t so marvelous though… the daily grind of the mostly mundane stuff… wiping faces,…

Thoughts and Confessions on Coupons

We’ve been really trying to stick to a budget lately. We’ve put our envelope system in place and are trying to get adjusted to using cash for those variable expenses to keep them to a minimum. It really is true. Using cash just has a way of making you have a better sense of the…

Do you have a Family Notebook?

Amid my Organizing Frenzy in January, see here, here, here, here, here, here, and here, I got the inspiration combined with the urge to create a Family Notebook to try to keep all things organized! There are tons of free {and not so free} printables out there to get you started if you’re so inclined,…

Subway Art… FREE printables!

I love me some free stuff, don’t you?  I also love instant gratification.  It’s hard to beat seeing some neat thing someone has and then having one yourself within mere minutes! I found this blog linked up to A Bowl Full of Lemons and had to share her free Subway Art Printables she is sharing. …

Nifty Free Timeline

The Classical Style of homeschooling is big on using timelines, which I first heard about at a Teacher’s Conference last Spring.   The idea is to create a Comprehensive timeline that each student keeps from K all the way through high school.  Making notes on whatever points in History are being learned about… regardless of whether…

It’s Time to SHARE!

I wanted to share some things I’ve made and/or collected from various places… I thought this was such a cute idea… Basically a chart showing the first 100 books you read this year. This is from Afterthoughts. We started this already last week, and I even numbered the back so we can keep track of…

What’s on the brain…

Can you tell I have homeschooling on the brain? Well, what about this… Is it weird that I’m excited that I purchased our very own electric Pencil Sharpener?  Some other super cool things we’ve gotten… The first one is a Laminator!  I’ve printed some file folder games and other printable games, so they needed to…

Category Archives: Printables

The Much Procrastinated Curriculum Choice

Oh my. I put off my curriculum choices for the Fall as long as I could… until the fourth of July loomed close, and I had a moment of panic that the summer was OVER and I HAD to decide already! I’m all about agonizing over making choices… a fault of mine that I just…

Birthday Favor Tags!

It’s not like it’s hard or anything, I know. BUT… these tips would’ve helped me making the tags for Haylee’s party favor bags, so I thought I would pass on the learning curve.  :) I started off by downloading a free circle label template for Word and Printshop.  I ended up using Printshop but you…

In case somebody HASN’T heard of Pinterest…

{via} Pinterest is a new internet sensation that has everybody jumping with glee.  I’m serious.  People are actually jumping with Glee.  :) {via} Basically it’s a plethora of virtual corkboards where you can Pin the awesome stuff you run across on the web that you wanna remember or share.  Pinterest makes everything So Very Easy. …

A Needed Reminder {& Free Printable!}

Being a wife and mom is a great job, isn’t it?  It’s a tough one for sure but often comes with rewards like sticky hugs and adorable smiles.  Sometimes we I seem to focus on the part of the job that isn’t so marvelous though… the daily grind of the mostly mundane stuff… wiping faces,…

Thoughts and Confessions on Coupons

We’ve been really trying to stick to a budget lately. We’ve put our envelope system in place and are trying to get adjusted to using cash for those variable expenses to keep them to a minimum. It really is true. Using cash just has a way of making you have a better sense of the…

Do you have a Family Notebook?

Amid my Organizing Frenzy in January, see here, here, here, here, here, here, and here, I got the inspiration combined with the urge to create a Family Notebook to try to keep all things organized! There are tons of free {and not so free} printables out there to get you started if you’re so inclined,…

Subway Art… FREE printables!

I love me some free stuff, don’t you?  I also love instant gratification.  It’s hard to beat seeing some neat thing someone has and then having one yourself within mere minutes! I found this blog linked up to A Bowl Full of Lemons and had to share her free Subway Art Printables she is sharing. …

Nifty Free Timeline

The Classical Style of homeschooling is big on using timelines, which I first heard about at a Teacher’s Conference last Spring.   The idea is to create a Comprehensive timeline that each student keeps from K all the way through high school.  Making notes on whatever points in History are being learned about… regardless of whether…

It’s Time to SHARE!

I wanted to share some things I’ve made and/or collected from various places… I thought this was such a cute idea… Basically a chart showing the first 100 books you read this year. This is from Afterthoughts. We started this already last week, and I even numbered the back so we can keep track of…

What’s on the brain…

Can you tell I have homeschooling on the brain? Well, what about this… Is it weird that I’m excited that I purchased our very own electric Pencil Sharpener?  Some other super cool things we’ve gotten… The first one is a Laminator!  I’ve printed some file folder games and other printable games, so they needed to…