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Category Archives: Instagram

a Peek into our Week…

A picture is worth a thousand words or so they say. Here’s  a peek into our week…    Cheating on this one since it wasn’t technically THIS  week, but I couldn’t resist posting since I love grassy baby pics.  :)   And this was back when my baby WASN’T the most miserable, pitiful thing. To keep…

a PEEK into our WEEK…

A picture is worth a thousand words or so they say. Here’s a peek into our week… via the instagram shots I took.   Saturday night we were over at Nana & Pop’s and decided to give the kiddos a bath before we headed home.  Needless to say they all had a BLAST… and I…

A Peek into our Week…

A picture is worth a thousand words or so they say.  Here’s a peek into our week… via the instagram shots I took.  {If you have an iphone you gotta check out instagram!}   Enjoying a mum-mum snack in big brother’s chair…  I am enamored with that little boy’s smiles!     This is the…

Category Archives: Instagram

a Peek into our Week…

A picture is worth a thousand words or so they say. Here’s  a peek into our week…    Cheating on this one since it wasn’t technically THIS  week, but I couldn’t resist posting since I love grassy baby pics.  :)   And this was back when my baby WASN’T the most miserable, pitiful thing. To keep…

a PEEK into our WEEK…

A picture is worth a thousand words or so they say. Here’s a peek into our week… via the instagram shots I took.   Saturday night we were over at Nana & Pop’s and decided to give the kiddos a bath before we headed home.  Needless to say they all had a BLAST… and I…

A Peek into our Week…

A picture is worth a thousand words or so they say.  Here’s a peek into our week… via the instagram shots I took.  {If you have an iphone you gotta check out instagram!}   Enjoying a mum-mum snack in big brother’s chair…  I am enamored with that little boy’s smiles!     This is the…