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Category Archives: Film and TV

Pause for Mourning, please…

Tonight is bittersweet for me, as sadly, my most favorite show, Gilmore Girls, is nearing its fateful end. There are only two more episodes remaining, tonight and next Tuesday. What? You think I’m sad and pathetic for actually blogging about this horrendous, just recently discovered news? Well, phooey on you. The really, really sad part?…

LOST anyone??

I am a fresh addict of LOST. I’ve watched an episode here and there, but have recently begun watching Season 1. If you’ve never watched it, it is a crazy show that seems to be constantly twisting and turning in the plot. Our friends Sam and Heather just recently moved two doors down from us,…

Hallelujah! Rosie is gone!

I don’t know about you, but I was THRILLED when I saw the news on my yahoo page that Rosie is leaving The View. I happened to really like her when she was on her show back in the day, but I just can NOT stand to watch her on The View. She absolutely drives…

Hooray! Sanjaya is gone! Sanjaya is gone!!!

I’m a reality tv junkie. I don’t know what it is about watching real people in those reality tv situations, but I can’t seem to get enough. I watch Survivor, Apprentice, Amazing Race, Big Brother, and obviously, American Idol. I’m not a believer in the vote for the worst philosophy. If you haven’t heard about…

Ooohhh Poor Chris Sligh…

We are so sad that Chris Sligh got voted off American Idol. We wanted to see him go far. With his roots being ultra-conservative Christian, and the fact that I know several people that knew him, I felt an immediate loyalty to him from the beginning. I even got Haylee cheering for Chris. :)I think…

Category Archives: Film and TV

Pause for Mourning, please…

Tonight is bittersweet for me, as sadly, my most favorite show, Gilmore Girls, is nearing its fateful end. There are only two more episodes remaining, tonight and next Tuesday. What? You think I’m sad and pathetic for actually blogging about this horrendous, just recently discovered news? Well, phooey on you. The really, really sad part?…

LOST anyone??

I am a fresh addict of LOST. I’ve watched an episode here and there, but have recently begun watching Season 1. If you’ve never watched it, it is a crazy show that seems to be constantly twisting and turning in the plot. Our friends Sam and Heather just recently moved two doors down from us,…

Hallelujah! Rosie is gone!

I don’t know about you, but I was THRILLED when I saw the news on my yahoo page that Rosie is leaving The View. I happened to really like her when she was on her show back in the day, but I just can NOT stand to watch her on The View. She absolutely drives…

Hooray! Sanjaya is gone! Sanjaya is gone!!!

I’m a reality tv junkie. I don’t know what it is about watching real people in those reality tv situations, but I can’t seem to get enough. I watch Survivor, Apprentice, Amazing Race, Big Brother, and obviously, American Idol. I’m not a believer in the vote for the worst philosophy. If you haven’t heard about…

Ooohhh Poor Chris Sligh…

We are so sad that Chris Sligh got voted off American Idol. We wanted to see him go far. With his roots being ultra-conservative Christian, and the fact that I know several people that knew him, I felt an immediate loyalty to him from the beginning. I even got Haylee cheering for Chris. :)I think…