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Category Archives: Film and TV

I am Lost…

So, I have to say I have LOVED watching Lost.  Sam got us into it a while back, and we started by watching Seasons 1-3 on DVD.  It didn’t take long for us to be hooked! We have endured through the questions and twists and suspense hoping that ONE DAY those questions would be answered….

Netflix Neat-o

Chris subscribed us to Netflix several weeks ago for like $9/mo, but I wasn’t really that thrilled with  the idea.  At that point we had tons to watch on the DVR and never seemed or seem to have the time to watch everything as it is. I will admit that I was the complete Netflix…

Hunting for National Treasure

We had a National Treasure Movie Marathon the other night, and it was so fun. It wasn’t very frugal, seeing as we ordered through Time Warner’s movies on demand. (At least we didn’t use any gas getting to the video store, though!) The first movie was only $1.99 and the second one was $3.99. We…

My Sawyer Nickname

We just finished watching our last episode of season four of Lost with Sam and Heather the other night, and it was so very sad. Sad that it was over, that is. We had been saving the episodes until Sam got home from Kuwait (cuz we’re awesome like that!). Now, we have to wait until…

Lost…. Are you serious?

So, as I’ve mentioned before, I’m a recent Lost addict. We have started with Season 1 and as of last night we are up to date. Last night we watched the Season Finale of Season 3. I just don’t even know what to say about this season. It has gotten crazier and crazier. Instead of…

Date Night… Whoo hoo!

Rachel’s post spurred me to go out and rent Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves. It seemed wrong that I have never actually seen it. I’m thinking it was a big blockbuster in its day, right?We just recently joined at Family Video. Any of you all have those nearby? They are amazingly cheap, especially compared to…

Mmmm…. All for Love!!!

Okay… Rachel’s post with the Bryan Adams video of “Everything I do” got me thinking about another Bryan Adams favorite of mine from back in the day. “All for Love” is from the movie, The Three Musketeers, which my friends and I all loved in high school. We even had a cd of Pavarotti and…

The Winner is Announced… or is it?

This morning, Chris got home from the gym and informed me I had better watch AI before I went unless I want to find out the winner from the Y.So I fast-forwarded through not 1, not 2, but 3 hours of American Idol. The 2 hour finale was just typical AI filler with only a…

AI… Say what??

I just watched the American Idol episodes from this week last night (we’re avid dvr users, especially with shows like AI or Deal or No Deal where the whole show is filled with nonsense time wasters). I was in utter shock to see that Melinda was voted off. She is without a doubt the finalist…

RIP Gilmores…

Sniff, sniff… I watched Gilmore Girl’s final episode this afternoon. I recorded it, since my other half is not the avid fan that I am. I waited until Haylee went down for her nap in order to give my undivided attention to this momentous occasion. To relish the moment, I didn’t even fast forward the…

Category Archives: Film and TV

I am Lost…

So, I have to say I have LOVED watching Lost.  Sam got us into it a while back, and we started by watching Seasons 1-3 on DVD.  It didn’t take long for us to be hooked! We have endured through the questions and twists and suspense hoping that ONE DAY those questions would be answered….

Netflix Neat-o

Chris subscribed us to Netflix several weeks ago for like $9/mo, but I wasn’t really that thrilled with  the idea.  At that point we had tons to watch on the DVR and never seemed or seem to have the time to watch everything as it is. I will admit that I was the complete Netflix…

Hunting for National Treasure

We had a National Treasure Movie Marathon the other night, and it was so fun. It wasn’t very frugal, seeing as we ordered through Time Warner’s movies on demand. (At least we didn’t use any gas getting to the video store, though!) The first movie was only $1.99 and the second one was $3.99. We…

My Sawyer Nickname

We just finished watching our last episode of season four of Lost with Sam and Heather the other night, and it was so very sad. Sad that it was over, that is. We had been saving the episodes until Sam got home from Kuwait (cuz we’re awesome like that!). Now, we have to wait until…

Lost…. Are you serious?

So, as I’ve mentioned before, I’m a recent Lost addict. We have started with Season 1 and as of last night we are up to date. Last night we watched the Season Finale of Season 3. I just don’t even know what to say about this season. It has gotten crazier and crazier. Instead of…

Date Night… Whoo hoo!

Rachel’s post spurred me to go out and rent Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves. It seemed wrong that I have never actually seen it. I’m thinking it was a big blockbuster in its day, right?We just recently joined at Family Video. Any of you all have those nearby? They are amazingly cheap, especially compared to…

Mmmm…. All for Love!!!

Okay… Rachel’s post with the Bryan Adams video of “Everything I do” got me thinking about another Bryan Adams favorite of mine from back in the day. “All for Love” is from the movie, The Three Musketeers, which my friends and I all loved in high school. We even had a cd of Pavarotti and…

The Winner is Announced… or is it?

This morning, Chris got home from the gym and informed me I had better watch AI before I went unless I want to find out the winner from the Y.So I fast-forwarded through not 1, not 2, but 3 hours of American Idol. The 2 hour finale was just typical AI filler with only a…

AI… Say what??

I just watched the American Idol episodes from this week last night (we’re avid dvr users, especially with shows like AI or Deal or No Deal where the whole show is filled with nonsense time wasters). I was in utter shock to see that Melinda was voted off. She is without a doubt the finalist…

RIP Gilmores…

Sniff, sniff… I watched Gilmore Girl’s final episode this afternoon. I recorded it, since my other half is not the avid fan that I am. I waited until Haylee went down for her nap in order to give my undivided attention to this momentous occasion. To relish the moment, I didn’t even fast forward the…