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Better Late than Never…

I thought I would finally get around to posting our Father’s Day Projects… Haylee absolutely loves anything arts and craftsy so she had lots of fun coloring this for Daddy.
I got a bit creative on the back and traced Haylee and Wade’s hands. I thought it turned out cute! Getting Wade’s was interesting, as he didn’t quite want to cooperate with me.

This was the card I made for my dad and Chris’s dad… I printed the “Happy Father’s Day” on the computer and then used my beloved cricut for the hearts and stars. I was kind of limited to hearts and stars since I was trying to go for the more manly look. ;) I figured hearts were okay since we were “showing our love.” :)

I did these for Grandpa and Pop too. Pop’s was the same except it said “Pop” instead of “Grandpa” …. obviously, right? We framed it too which gave it a nice touch.

3 Responses to Better Late than Never…
  1. Jackie
    June 26, 2008 | 5:40 pm

    How cute! Wade sure does have a big hand. LOL

  2. Bette Anne
    June 26, 2008 | 5:46 pm

    Always trying to make us look bad aren’t you! ;) j/k… adorable as usual! ;)

  3. Leah
    June 26, 2008 | 10:13 pm

    ummmm…. I let the girls color on the inside of the cards we bought Fred. Does that count as “crafty”? LOL! I didn’t know you were so handy! They are really good!

Better Late than Never…

I thought I would finally get around to posting our Father’s Day Projects… Haylee absolutely loves anything arts and craftsy so she had lots of fun coloring this for Daddy.
I got a bit creative on the back and traced Haylee and Wade’s hands. I thought it turned out cute! Getting Wade’s was interesting, as he didn’t quite want to cooperate with me.

This was the card I made for my dad and Chris’s dad… I printed the “Happy Father’s Day” on the computer and then used my beloved cricut for the hearts and stars. I was kind of limited to hearts and stars since I was trying to go for the more manly look. ;) I figured hearts were okay since we were “showing our love.” :)

I did these for Grandpa and Pop too. Pop’s was the same except it said “Pop” instead of “Grandpa” …. obviously, right? We framed it too which gave it a nice touch.

3 Responses to Better Late than Never…
  1. Jackie
    June 26, 2008 | 5:40 pm

    How cute! Wade sure does have a big hand. LOL

  2. Bette Anne
    June 26, 2008 | 5:46 pm

    Always trying to make us look bad aren’t you! ;) j/k… adorable as usual! ;)

  3. Leah
    June 26, 2008 | 10:13 pm

    ummmm…. I let the girls color on the inside of the cards we bought Fred. Does that count as “crafty”? LOL! I didn’t know you were so handy! They are really good!