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Angry Birds Behavior Clip Chart! Free Printable!

Way back light years ago early in my planning mode, I decided to give the behavior clip chart a try… but with a little angry birds twist!

I think I first heard of the behavior clip chart from Haylee’s fabulous kindergarten teacher.  I guess I thought of it more of as a primary grade thing, but I decided to make it a bit more complicated and see how it could work for my 4th graders.

All students come in and start the day on the Ready to Learn Red Bird.  They then have the opportunity to clip UP or DOWN based on their behavior choices.

They can clip up to the Blue Bird {Good Choices} and the Green Bird {Outstanding}, or down to the Yellow Bird {3 laps}, the Black Bird {5 laps}, and the Green Pig {Parent Contact}.

Students that have to “clip down” WILL have the chance to clip back up, but they will still receive the appropriate consequences.


To make the clip chart, I printed the birds and captions and trimmed around the edges.

Then I glued it to patterned scrapbook paper…


I love how it turned out, and my students are loving it too!  Here’s the FREE printable files for you if you want to give it a try! I’m sure your students will flip for it just like mine did!

I love the fact that the clip chart provides me with a way to reward and motivate positive behavior while also providing quick and appropriate consequences for the negatives ones.

Do you use clip charts?  What’s your favorite way to motivate good behavior choices?

Linking up to.. Weekend Bloggy Link upFive Days Five Ways, and 4th Grade Frolics!

9 Responses to Angry Birds Behavior Clip Chart! Free Printable!
  1. Bette
    August 24, 2012 | 7:29 am

    Loving how this turned out! Been trying to decide what I was going to do and think I’m going to do this as well but maybe not with angry birds. School starts MONDAY!!!! Thanks for the printables!!

    BTW…how is your yellow pocket chart in the pic staying up without a chart stand? Can’t wait to see pictures of your whole room!

    • Renee
      August 25, 2012 | 5:49 pm

      The pocket chart is actually hanging from fishing line that’s attached to a paperclip stuck in the ceiling tile. :)

  2. Christina
    August 25, 2012 | 12:57 am

    Cute idea!

    so they have to run laps at recess? or what is the laps thing?

    do they get anything if they get to the top – your bucks?

    When I taught kindergarten we had something like this – a tree? I can’t remember. Some kids clips stayed at the bad part – LOL :)

    • Renee
      August 25, 2012 | 5:51 pm

      Yes, the laps were an existing consequence that I’m trying. They just walk laps around the playground during recess. Right now there is no additional special reward for going up, but maybe I should do that!

  3. Jennie mae
    September 21, 2012 | 12:24 pm

    If they go up maybe you could put happy grams ina golden egg :) Just an Idea

  4. Fran
    November 9, 2012 | 7:58 pm

    Great Clip chart Renee. I will be making it this weekend for my SDC class of 4-6. For moving up the chart you could combine with a treasure chest of sorts or no homework passes. etc. I will be using a bingo concept with b-i-r-d-s for the letters of bingo. Every time a child moves up they can put their name on the bingo (birds) board. At the end of the day you pull a letter tile (from a scrabble set) and number from an old math game and the student who’s name is in that square wins a trip to the treasure box. no management of tickets, dollars, etc. luck of the draw, but rewarding positive behavior.

  5. […] And of course, my Angry Birds Clip Chart! […]

  6. Heather
    October 16, 2013 | 10:36 am

    Where did you find this font? I would like to use it for another project for the preschooler I am working with. He love Angry Birds and this would be perfect. Thanks!


  7. Meghan
    July 15, 2014 | 11:27 pm

    Hi Renee! I love the Angry Bird behavior clip chart. I clicked on your free link and it said the link was moved or deleted. I know you posted it about two years ago and I was wondering if you still had the file? Please let me know! Thanks!

Angry Birds Behavior Clip Chart! Free Printable!

Way back light years ago early in my planning mode, I decided to give the behavior clip chart a try… but with a little angry birds twist!

I think I first heard of the behavior clip chart from Haylee’s fabulous kindergarten teacher.  I guess I thought of it more of as a primary grade thing, but I decided to make it a bit more complicated and see how it could work for my 4th graders.

All students come in and start the day on the Ready to Learn Red Bird.  They then have the opportunity to clip UP or DOWN based on their behavior choices.

They can clip up to the Blue Bird {Good Choices} and the Green Bird {Outstanding}, or down to the Yellow Bird {3 laps}, the Black Bird {5 laps}, and the Green Pig {Parent Contact}.

Students that have to “clip down” WILL have the chance to clip back up, but they will still receive the appropriate consequences.


To make the clip chart, I printed the birds and captions and trimmed around the edges.

Then I glued it to patterned scrapbook paper…


I love how it turned out, and my students are loving it too!  Here’s the FREE printable files for you if you want to give it a try! I’m sure your students will flip for it just like mine did!

I love the fact that the clip chart provides me with a way to reward and motivate positive behavior while also providing quick and appropriate consequences for the negatives ones.

Do you use clip charts?  What’s your favorite way to motivate good behavior choices?

Linking up to.. Weekend Bloggy Link upFive Days Five Ways, and 4th Grade Frolics!

9 Responses to Angry Birds Behavior Clip Chart! Free Printable!
  1. Bette
    August 24, 2012 | 7:29 am

    Loving how this turned out! Been trying to decide what I was going to do and think I’m going to do this as well but maybe not with angry birds. School starts MONDAY!!!! Thanks for the printables!!

    BTW…how is your yellow pocket chart in the pic staying up without a chart stand? Can’t wait to see pictures of your whole room!

    • Renee
      August 25, 2012 | 5:49 pm

      The pocket chart is actually hanging from fishing line that’s attached to a paperclip stuck in the ceiling tile. :)

  2. Christina
    August 25, 2012 | 12:57 am

    Cute idea!

    so they have to run laps at recess? or what is the laps thing?

    do they get anything if they get to the top – your bucks?

    When I taught kindergarten we had something like this – a tree? I can’t remember. Some kids clips stayed at the bad part – LOL :)

    • Renee
      August 25, 2012 | 5:51 pm

      Yes, the laps were an existing consequence that I’m trying. They just walk laps around the playground during recess. Right now there is no additional special reward for going up, but maybe I should do that!

  3. Jennie mae
    September 21, 2012 | 12:24 pm

    If they go up maybe you could put happy grams ina golden egg :) Just an Idea

  4. Fran
    November 9, 2012 | 7:58 pm

    Great Clip chart Renee. I will be making it this weekend for my SDC class of 4-6. For moving up the chart you could combine with a treasure chest of sorts or no homework passes. etc. I will be using a bingo concept with b-i-r-d-s for the letters of bingo. Every time a child moves up they can put their name on the bingo (birds) board. At the end of the day you pull a letter tile (from a scrabble set) and number from an old math game and the student who’s name is in that square wins a trip to the treasure box. no management of tickets, dollars, etc. luck of the draw, but rewarding positive behavior.

  5. […] And of course, my Angry Birds Clip Chart! […]

  6. Heather
    October 16, 2013 | 10:36 am

    Where did you find this font? I would like to use it for another project for the preschooler I am working with. He love Angry Birds and this would be perfect. Thanks!


  7. Meghan
    July 15, 2014 | 11:27 pm

    Hi Renee! I love the Angry Bird behavior clip chart. I clicked on your free link and it said the link was moved or deleted. I know you posted it about two years ago and I was wondering if you still had the file? Please let me know! Thanks!