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Am I Growing??????

I’m 10 wks 3 days today, so I need to take another pic tomorrow to add to these… :) Belly pics are fun, huh?

Also, please note my haircut, since no one else noticed. I even asked Chris specifically if he noticed anything different about me. After staring me down, he still didn’t know! The funny thing is that it was such a drastic change to me!

I went to my fab doctor on Wednesday and was able to get another ultrasound. Yippee! I was so excited. It was just the portable one so I didn’t get to take any pics home, but I’m so happy that he decided to give me one. He said that the baby looks perfect. It’s growing. The heartbeat looks strong, and I was thrilled to be able to actually see the little bean moving around and waving its hands.

Dr. Peach said that a strong heartbeat at 10 weeks is a really good indicator of how things will go. The chances of having problems at this point have gone down, which is always good to hear…

6 Responses to Am I Growing??????
  1. Rachel
    August 11, 2007 | 1:42 pm

    You are so skinny, you skinny person, you! No seriously, you look fantastic, and actually, the first thing I noticed was your hair! I’ve always thought you had gorgeous hair, and it’s a lot longer than I’ve ever seen on you. Enjoy that wonderful pregnancy hair – nice and thick!

    Hope you’re feeling well, and everything’s going okay. Have a great weekend, my friend!

  2. Heather
    August 11, 2007 | 2:31 pm

    Aww, you look so cute!

  3. Bette Anne
    August 11, 2007 | 2:52 pm

    I see a little increase in the belly, but seriously, I hate you cause you’re so little! You look great by the way. :)

  4. Ellen
    August 11, 2007 | 6:36 pm

    You look great! I love your hair… I’m still so excited for you!! Hope you continue to feel well. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!!

  5. twiga92
    August 12, 2007 | 12:24 pm

    Your hair is definitely shorter. It cracks me up that guys don’t notice these things!
    You’re looking good!

  6. Amy's Journal
    August 17, 2007 | 12:14 am

    awwww how neat in the same shirt great idea.. update please.

Am I Growing??????

I’m 10 wks 3 days today, so I need to take another pic tomorrow to add to these… :) Belly pics are fun, huh?

Also, please note my haircut, since no one else noticed. I even asked Chris specifically if he noticed anything different about me. After staring me down, he still didn’t know! The funny thing is that it was such a drastic change to me!

I went to my fab doctor on Wednesday and was able to get another ultrasound. Yippee! I was so excited. It was just the portable one so I didn’t get to take any pics home, but I’m so happy that he decided to give me one. He said that the baby looks perfect. It’s growing. The heartbeat looks strong, and I was thrilled to be able to actually see the little bean moving around and waving its hands.

Dr. Peach said that a strong heartbeat at 10 weeks is a really good indicator of how things will go. The chances of having problems at this point have gone down, which is always good to hear…

6 Responses to Am I Growing??????
  1. Rachel
    August 11, 2007 | 1:42 pm

    You are so skinny, you skinny person, you! No seriously, you look fantastic, and actually, the first thing I noticed was your hair! I’ve always thought you had gorgeous hair, and it’s a lot longer than I’ve ever seen on you. Enjoy that wonderful pregnancy hair – nice and thick!

    Hope you’re feeling well, and everything’s going okay. Have a great weekend, my friend!

  2. Heather
    August 11, 2007 | 2:31 pm

    Aww, you look so cute!

  3. Bette Anne
    August 11, 2007 | 2:52 pm

    I see a little increase in the belly, but seriously, I hate you cause you’re so little! You look great by the way. :)

  4. Ellen
    August 11, 2007 | 6:36 pm

    You look great! I love your hair… I’m still so excited for you!! Hope you continue to feel well. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!!

  5. twiga92
    August 12, 2007 | 12:24 pm

    Your hair is definitely shorter. It cracks me up that guys don’t notice these things!
    You’re looking good!

  6. Amy's Journal
    August 17, 2007 | 12:14 am

    awwww how neat in the same shirt great idea.. update please.