Davis has had a big week. Besides getting his first ear infection, taking his first antibiotic, eating his first bite of solids and turning 6 months old, he also added lovely RSV, as well as getting his FIRST TWO teeth!
I feel so sorry for my little man going through RSV and cutting not just one but TWO teeth. :(
I actually felt the little toothers for the first time while I was sitting in the doctor’s office talking to the doctor about the RSV.
I looked back and Haylee didn’t get her first tooth until she was TEN months, and Wade didn’t get his until he was NINE months! Baby Davis is really changing things up for me! Two teeth at only SIX months!
I had researched “infant coughs” on the internet and got myself all worked up and worried earlier that morning. There’s skeery stuff on google, you know.
So after thinking it was Whooping Cough, it was a relief to hear RSV. Funny how that works. Treatment is breathing treatments and good old time running its course.
Hopefully, we really will be all better soon!
As if that weren’t enough, the same day we were at the doctor for RSV, Haylee’s glasses decided to break!
They were only about 4 months old, so I called the eye doctor and they said they would be covered which was a relief. I loaded up the family and we headed out to drop off them off to be replaced.
I was pleasantly surprised when they actually had her frames in stock. They just popped her lenses out, put them in the new frames and we were good to go. For FREE! Gotta love that.
Davis has still been gobbling up the cereal despite all his ailments! He seems to be loving it. :) I realized something cool after his first feeding… I’ve used the SAME bowl for all three kiddos’ first meal. :) I think by accident.
Haylee had her book out, and she noticed that we had used the same bowl for her, so I checked Wade’s pictures and he got the bowl too!
The bowl has had a long momentous life to be sure. :)
I, however, am ready for an un-momentous week.

Both of mine had their first tooth by 3 1/2 months. Needless to say, I didn't nurse as long as I could have. :)