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All Decked Out…

In case you haven’t been paying attention to this momma’s broken record… my baby is starting kindergarten in just a few weeks, and I can hardly believe it. Wade will be in the baby room of the preschool, and I also hardly believe that.

We went Friday and checked out the baby room, talked with the teachers, and got the low down on all the rules and regulations. :)

When I say rules and regulations, I mean rules and regulations! They are state ordered things that are a step beyond a normal person’s common sense. They have a whole handout on safe sleep habits stemming from the SIDS “Back to Sleep” issue. They are not allowed to put the babies on their stomach to sleep which would be quite a horrid ordeal for a baby who only liked tummy sleeping.

I think this prompted the question asked with bated breath, “Does he sleep on his back?” I could hear the fear and terror in their voices with the question. Wondering if this school year watching my little Wadester would be one of turmoil or peace. :) I put their minds at ease fairly quickly, though, since this Worry Wart Mommy could never rest with the baby on its belly. :)

We also have to label EVERYTHING! Bottles have to labeled with his initials (which means the bottle, the ring and the cap all have to have initials), as well as today’s date since they must be sent already prepared. I think what seems craziest to me though is that every single diaper has to be labeled as well!

Part of the Safe Sleep rules is that they have to physically check on sleeping little ones every 15 minutes and then make a note on a chart including their initials, what time it was and what position the baby was sleeping in.

I am struggling with already having to be separated from my sweetie, but trying to remember to be thankful that he is at least going to be at school with me, and I know the teachers better since I work there too. I’m sure he’ll be fine. It’s his mother who will be a wreck.

Haylee and Wade’s tuition is free (which is awesome, of course), but we are responsible for all fees and uniforms which can add up believe it or not. Fortunately, they had a Uniform Consignment Sale on Saturday, and I was able to pick up several staple items for Haylee. I will probably have to buy a few things new, but this was a HUGE help!

The regular price on these uniforms is high enough that when I arrived before the doors were open, there were probably 50 to 100 people waiting to get in. It was a mad house trying to find what you needed and things seemed to go fast. They have many clothes options to choose from, but she is required to have the plaid jumper with white blouse. It took me a minute to even locate those, and by that time there were no blouses left. I did snag a few jumpers, but later went to put one of them back and was able to find a blouse!

Here’s what I got…..

  • 3 culottes (reg price – $28 each; I paid $15 for all three)
  • 1 Blouse (reg price – $16; I paid $5)
  • 2 l/s polos (reg price – $20 each; I paid $10 for both)
  • 2 s/s polos (reg price – $19 each; I paid $10 for both)
  • 2 Jumpers (reg price- $27 each; I paid $19 for both)
  • 1 Cardigan sweater ( reg price – $31; I paid $15… way too much I know, but it was in good condition and the rule at school is you can’t wear any jacket/sweater in the classroom unless it’s a uniform one. Haylee is so funny about getting cold, ie wearing her sweater to the grocery store in July, that I felt like she really needed one to have.)

Here she is modeling her new duds…

9 Responses to All Decked Out…
  1. Twinmama
    July 28, 2008 | 5:15 pm

    Oh dear. I have never like the thought of uniforms, but if you gotta have them for quality education…you gotta have ’em. Haley looks really cutee though! And at least it has a pattern, not just khaki or navy solids! Good deals. So she has to wear what you bought every day? Laundry often, huh? :)
    And Wade will be FINE – as often as they check and report on him…he’ll be fine! :)

  2. Ellen
    July 28, 2008 | 6:19 pm

    Glad that the sale worked out ok. -While they are costly, I have to say she is SO CUTE in her uniform!! :) I am going to be the SAME way when it’s Claire’s turn next fall. Trust me, I’m going to be a basket case. LOL. It is a blessing to have them both right at the same school you’re teaching in — glad for that! :) Praying for you as you prepare for your school year and all the changes…

  3. Amy's Journal
    July 28, 2008 | 7:36 pm

    Great deals! and yes free school right? My kids bothed loved to sleep on their bellys.. I know horrible right? but when they were 4 months they were rolling over and if you laid them down on their backs they flipped right over.. love ya

  4. The Barth Family
    July 28, 2008 | 8:50 pm

    You really can’t beat your set-up… free-tuition, your baby so close w/people you know have the same beliefs as you… and you get to teach AND GET PAID! You are sooooooooo blessed! :-)

    Haylee looks adorable. I’m thinking with girls like ours, uniforms will ease the Mommy-Daughter outfit drama that plagues so many daily!

    Best wishes for the New School Year!

  5. Amy's Journal
    July 28, 2008 | 11:04 pm

    I meant to ask.. I thought you said the dress code there was very casual, is that just for teachers? How do ya’ll have to dress. Does it change for the older high school students.. I like the uniform idea but probably would have died as a kid cause there was something about back to school cloths shopping and back then when it was mommy and daddies money .. It was so fun to spend.. lol.. Target even has uniform section now.. but everyone looking the same probably cuts down on a lot of peer pressure these days and getting made fun of for what or what ou don’t wear..

  6. Rachel
    July 29, 2008 | 1:09 am

    She looks really cute in her new duds! I personally like schools with uniforms, because I think it saves money in the long run, since the kids don’t need twenty different “school” outfits.

    Great sale!

  7. Pumpkinhead-Michelle
    July 29, 2008 | 10:31 am

    Gotta love the uniforms. Morgann is starting school too and we had to get her a uniform. They look so grown up in it. I bet Haylee is as excited as Morgann is about starting school.

  8. Leah
    July 29, 2008 | 11:55 pm

    She looks adorable! I almost (Note… ALMOST)wish Emma-Grace’s school had a uniform for the kindergarten.
    Both my girls slept on their stomachs. Emma-Grace would lift her head when she was only about a week old and look at me like I had lost my mind if I laid her on her back. And Madalynn screamed constantly until I laid her on her belly. then she slept like an angel! :-) don’t know what our parents did before they knew about SIDS! :-)

  9. Bette Anne
    July 30, 2008 | 5:25 am

    Seriously… She has GOT to stop growing up! She looks about 12 in these pictures! :)

    I’m not sure how I feel about uniforms, but I do understand why they have them! I know she’s gonna love school though… she is her Mother’s daughter! ;)

All Decked Out…

In case you haven’t been paying attention to this momma’s broken record… my baby is starting kindergarten in just a few weeks, and I can hardly believe it. Wade will be in the baby room of the preschool, and I also hardly believe that.

We went Friday and checked out the baby room, talked with the teachers, and got the low down on all the rules and regulations. :)

When I say rules and regulations, I mean rules and regulations! They are state ordered things that are a step beyond a normal person’s common sense. They have a whole handout on safe sleep habits stemming from the SIDS “Back to Sleep” issue. They are not allowed to put the babies on their stomach to sleep which would be quite a horrid ordeal for a baby who only liked tummy sleeping.

I think this prompted the question asked with bated breath, “Does he sleep on his back?” I could hear the fear and terror in their voices with the question. Wondering if this school year watching my little Wadester would be one of turmoil or peace. :) I put their minds at ease fairly quickly, though, since this Worry Wart Mommy could never rest with the baby on its belly. :)

We also have to label EVERYTHING! Bottles have to labeled with his initials (which means the bottle, the ring and the cap all have to have initials), as well as today’s date since they must be sent already prepared. I think what seems craziest to me though is that every single diaper has to be labeled as well!

Part of the Safe Sleep rules is that they have to physically check on sleeping little ones every 15 minutes and then make a note on a chart including their initials, what time it was and what position the baby was sleeping in.

I am struggling with already having to be separated from my sweetie, but trying to remember to be thankful that he is at least going to be at school with me, and I know the teachers better since I work there too. I’m sure he’ll be fine. It’s his mother who will be a wreck.

Haylee and Wade’s tuition is free (which is awesome, of course), but we are responsible for all fees and uniforms which can add up believe it or not. Fortunately, they had a Uniform Consignment Sale on Saturday, and I was able to pick up several staple items for Haylee. I will probably have to buy a few things new, but this was a HUGE help!

The regular price on these uniforms is high enough that when I arrived before the doors were open, there were probably 50 to 100 people waiting to get in. It was a mad house trying to find what you needed and things seemed to go fast. They have many clothes options to choose from, but she is required to have the plaid jumper with white blouse. It took me a minute to even locate those, and by that time there were no blouses left. I did snag a few jumpers, but later went to put one of them back and was able to find a blouse!

Here’s what I got…..

  • 3 culottes (reg price – $28 each; I paid $15 for all three)
  • 1 Blouse (reg price – $16; I paid $5)
  • 2 l/s polos (reg price – $20 each; I paid $10 for both)
  • 2 s/s polos (reg price – $19 each; I paid $10 for both)
  • 2 Jumpers (reg price- $27 each; I paid $19 for both)
  • 1 Cardigan sweater ( reg price – $31; I paid $15… way too much I know, but it was in good condition and the rule at school is you can’t wear any jacket/sweater in the classroom unless it’s a uniform one. Haylee is so funny about getting cold, ie wearing her sweater to the grocery store in July, that I felt like she really needed one to have.)

Here she is modeling her new duds…

9 Responses to All Decked Out…
  1. Twinmama
    July 28, 2008 | 5:15 pm

    Oh dear. I have never like the thought of uniforms, but if you gotta have them for quality education…you gotta have ’em. Haley looks really cutee though! And at least it has a pattern, not just khaki or navy solids! Good deals. So she has to wear what you bought every day? Laundry often, huh? :)
    And Wade will be FINE – as often as they check and report on him…he’ll be fine! :)

  2. Ellen
    July 28, 2008 | 6:19 pm

    Glad that the sale worked out ok. -While they are costly, I have to say she is SO CUTE in her uniform!! :) I am going to be the SAME way when it’s Claire’s turn next fall. Trust me, I’m going to be a basket case. LOL. It is a blessing to have them both right at the same school you’re teaching in — glad for that! :) Praying for you as you prepare for your school year and all the changes…

  3. Amy's Journal
    July 28, 2008 | 7:36 pm

    Great deals! and yes free school right? My kids bothed loved to sleep on their bellys.. I know horrible right? but when they were 4 months they were rolling over and if you laid them down on their backs they flipped right over.. love ya

  4. The Barth Family
    July 28, 2008 | 8:50 pm

    You really can’t beat your set-up… free-tuition, your baby so close w/people you know have the same beliefs as you… and you get to teach AND GET PAID! You are sooooooooo blessed! :-)

    Haylee looks adorable. I’m thinking with girls like ours, uniforms will ease the Mommy-Daughter outfit drama that plagues so many daily!

    Best wishes for the New School Year!

  5. Amy's Journal
    July 28, 2008 | 11:04 pm

    I meant to ask.. I thought you said the dress code there was very casual, is that just for teachers? How do ya’ll have to dress. Does it change for the older high school students.. I like the uniform idea but probably would have died as a kid cause there was something about back to school cloths shopping and back then when it was mommy and daddies money .. It was so fun to spend.. lol.. Target even has uniform section now.. but everyone looking the same probably cuts down on a lot of peer pressure these days and getting made fun of for what or what ou don’t wear..

  6. Rachel
    July 29, 2008 | 1:09 am

    She looks really cute in her new duds! I personally like schools with uniforms, because I think it saves money in the long run, since the kids don’t need twenty different “school” outfits.

    Great sale!

  7. Pumpkinhead-Michelle
    July 29, 2008 | 10:31 am

    Gotta love the uniforms. Morgann is starting school too and we had to get her a uniform. They look so grown up in it. I bet Haylee is as excited as Morgann is about starting school.

  8. Leah
    July 29, 2008 | 11:55 pm

    She looks adorable! I almost (Note… ALMOST)wish Emma-Grace’s school had a uniform for the kindergarten.
    Both my girls slept on their stomachs. Emma-Grace would lift her head when she was only about a week old and look at me like I had lost my mind if I laid her on her back. And Madalynn screamed constantly until I laid her on her belly. then she slept like an angel! :-) don’t know what our parents did before they knew about SIDS! :-)

  9. Bette Anne
    July 30, 2008 | 5:25 am

    Seriously… She has GOT to stop growing up! She looks about 12 in these pictures! :)

    I’m not sure how I feel about uniforms, but I do understand why they have them! I know she’s gonna love school though… she is her Mother’s daughter! ;)