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A Visit from a Fairy

Yes, apparently, there are fairies in our House.  Well, one, at least. He’s 6 feet tall and loves his little girl to pieces.  :) Haylee has been dying to lose her first tooth, ever since her kindergarten teacher had a chart up in the room where she would add the names of people who lost teeth through the year.   Well, her big day has FINALLY come! I’ve heard that if they get their teeth late, they will lose them late, and man did she ever get hers late.  I was ready to look into baby dentures.  :)  I think she was 10 months before she got her first one!

She’s had a tooth that’s been loose for a while so it was only a matter of time…  I saw her when she came to computer and was shocked to see a gap in her bottom teeth.  I asked her if she had lost a tooth and she said No!

I showed her in my little mirror and the rest is history.  Her class had earned a special smores treat, and she thinks that is when the fateful deed occurred.  We decided she could write a note to the tooth fairy since she didn’t have a tooth to put under her pillow!

After she went to bed, Chris and I discussed what was the tooth fairy’s going rate?  Who knows, right?  I remember getting a quarter, and Chris says he used to get a dollar. (Further proof in the ongoing case of my deprived childhood and his spoiled one… ha!) He suggested $5, but my cheap-o-ness balked at the idea of setting that high of a standard that we therefore have to carry out on ALL the teeth of ALL three kids.  Yikes-a-rama.

I suggested we conduct a facebook poll.  It’s very scientific you know. After hearing the results, we decided to go with $5 for the first tooth and some-lesser-amount-not-yet-decided-upon for every tooth thereafter.

Here’s the play by play as told by Haylee herself…

One Response to A Visit from a Fairy
  1. Ellen
    March 17, 2010 | 5:04 pm

    Too funny! Love that pic of her. Claire got her teeth REALLY early, so I guess that's why she lost hers already… I couldn't help but chuckle at your suggestion of how to determine the going rate for the tooth fairy. ;) Congrats to Haylee!

A Visit from a Fairy

Yes, apparently, there are fairies in our House.  Well, one, at least. He’s 6 feet tall and loves his little girl to pieces.  :) Haylee has been dying to lose her first tooth, ever since her kindergarten teacher had a chart up in the room where she would add the names of people who lost teeth through the year.   Well, her big day has FINALLY come! I’ve heard that if they get their teeth late, they will lose them late, and man did she ever get hers late.  I was ready to look into baby dentures.  :)  I think she was 10 months before she got her first one!

She’s had a tooth that’s been loose for a while so it was only a matter of time…  I saw her when she came to computer and was shocked to see a gap in her bottom teeth.  I asked her if she had lost a tooth and she said No!

I showed her in my little mirror and the rest is history.  Her class had earned a special smores treat, and she thinks that is when the fateful deed occurred.  We decided she could write a note to the tooth fairy since she didn’t have a tooth to put under her pillow!

After she went to bed, Chris and I discussed what was the tooth fairy’s going rate?  Who knows, right?  I remember getting a quarter, and Chris says he used to get a dollar. (Further proof in the ongoing case of my deprived childhood and his spoiled one… ha!) He suggested $5, but my cheap-o-ness balked at the idea of setting that high of a standard that we therefore have to carry out on ALL the teeth of ALL three kids.  Yikes-a-rama.

I suggested we conduct a facebook poll.  It’s very scientific you know. After hearing the results, we decided to go with $5 for the first tooth and some-lesser-amount-not-yet-decided-upon for every tooth thereafter.

Here’s the play by play as told by Haylee herself…

One Response to A Visit from a Fairy
  1. Ellen
    March 17, 2010 | 5:04 pm

    Too funny! Love that pic of her. Claire got her teeth REALLY early, so I guess that's why she lost hers already… I couldn't help but chuckle at your suggestion of how to determine the going rate for the tooth fairy. ;) Congrats to Haylee!