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a Peek into our Week…

A picture is worth a thousand words or so they say. Here’s  a peek into our week 


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Cheating on this one since it wasn’t technically THIS  week, but I couldn’t resist posting since I love grassy baby pics.  :)   And this was back when my baby WASN’T the most miserable, pitiful thing.

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To keep him happy during dinner I passed him my almost eaten corn on the cob, and he WENT TO TOWN on it!

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Poor Davis looks a bit worried about the Wadester being entrusted with pushing him.  :)  {I don’t blame you, Davis.}

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Moving Days for Mom and Dad were Sunday & Monday and life was definitely CRAZY, but I was so impressed that Aunt Jen bounced and cuddled Davis to sleep on her shoulder.  While she was just sitting down at the kitchen table.  Uh, Wow.

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Wednesday was Chris’s last day in “Class” at work {he’s been in training since March} so he thought it would be a good time for us to come visit him for lunch.  There are beautiful fountains and trailways {complete with little streams and ponds} that we strolled on after lunch. 

I want to SHOUT from the rooftops how THRILLED we are that he found out Thursday he will be getting an EARLY shift! 

Wa-to-the-hoo, people!!!!  His hours will be 7:45 am to 4:45 pm as opposed to what it could have been… 11:00 am to 8:00 pm.  {We’ve been there, done that, and hated it immensely.}

So. very. very. very. thankful God answered our request!

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Wednesday we were back at Mom’s for more unpacking.  The perk of helping people unpack is getting to snag the stuff they don’t want!  Wade loved getting his hands on Eli’s old dragon costume though it did make its way around the room before it got back to him.  :)

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That afternoon at mom’s, Davis woke up from his nap with a fever and things just went downhill from there…

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After ALL DAY LONG of inconsolable crying, we headed to the doctor to see what we could do.  He was DROOLING like crazy all day so I thought maybe it was just teething.  It wasn’t until much later that I happened to put it together that he could be drooling so much just to AVOID swallowing.

Turns out he had a bad infection on his tonsils that was causing all his pain.  :(  He is doing better and better, but things are still not great. 

I really don’t know how parents of colicky babies survive, cuz after just a few days of a screaming baby almost day and night, I am pooped… emotionally and physically.

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So far the other two are feeling fine and just as crazy as ever…

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Hoping they can manage to stay well…

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Puh-lease, kids?  For the sake of mommy’s sanity?!


Hope your week was great!


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a Peek into our Week…

A picture is worth a thousand words or so they say. Here’s  a peek into our week 


photo (1)

Cheating on this one since it wasn’t technically THIS  week, but I couldn’t resist posting since I love grassy baby pics.  :)   And this was back when my baby WASN’T the most miserable, pitiful thing.

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To keep him happy during dinner I passed him my almost eaten corn on the cob, and he WENT TO TOWN on it!

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Poor Davis looks a bit worried about the Wadester being entrusted with pushing him.  :)  {I don’t blame you, Davis.}

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Moving Days for Mom and Dad were Sunday & Monday and life was definitely CRAZY, but I was so impressed that Aunt Jen bounced and cuddled Davis to sleep on her shoulder.  While she was just sitting down at the kitchen table.  Uh, Wow.

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Wednesday was Chris’s last day in “Class” at work {he’s been in training since March} so he thought it would be a good time for us to come visit him for lunch.  There are beautiful fountains and trailways {complete with little streams and ponds} that we strolled on after lunch. 

I want to SHOUT from the rooftops how THRILLED we are that he found out Thursday he will be getting an EARLY shift! 

Wa-to-the-hoo, people!!!!  His hours will be 7:45 am to 4:45 pm as opposed to what it could have been… 11:00 am to 8:00 pm.  {We’ve been there, done that, and hated it immensely.}

So. very. very. very. thankful God answered our request!

photo (6)

Wednesday we were back at Mom’s for more unpacking.  The perk of helping people unpack is getting to snag the stuff they don’t want!  Wade loved getting his hands on Eli’s old dragon costume though it did make its way around the room before it got back to him.  :)

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That afternoon at mom’s, Davis woke up from his nap with a fever and things just went downhill from there…

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After ALL DAY LONG of inconsolable crying, we headed to the doctor to see what we could do.  He was DROOLING like crazy all day so I thought maybe it was just teething.  It wasn’t until much later that I happened to put it together that he could be drooling so much just to AVOID swallowing.

Turns out he had a bad infection on his tonsils that was causing all his pain.  :(  He is doing better and better, but things are still not great. 

I really don’t know how parents of colicky babies survive, cuz after just a few days of a screaming baby almost day and night, I am pooped… emotionally and physically.

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So far the other two are feeling fine and just as crazy as ever…

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Hoping they can manage to stay well…

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Puh-lease, kids?  For the sake of mommy’s sanity?!


Hope your week was great!


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