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A Dad’s Worst Nightmare!

I have to make sure I give a great big “Happy Father’s Day” to all the Dads in my life… especially the magnificent Daddy to my own three kids.

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I couldn’t have imagined finding a man who is such a great Father. I am so very thankful for you, Chris and all you mean for me and our three little ones who adore you.

I wanted to repost this video I shared a few years ago in honor of these amazing dads we all know and love…

It is fascinating to me that our men can be so strong and so tough and deal with any number of gruesome things without batting an eye.

But give them a stinky diaper and watch them turn to mush. :)


Happy Father’s Day!!!


One Response to A Dad’s Worst Nightmare!
  1. Anonymous
    June 19, 2011 | 9:38 pm

    Thanks babe. The only reason I'm a halfway decent dad is because you're such a good mom!!! Love you!

A Dad’s Worst Nightmare!

I have to make sure I give a great big “Happy Father’s Day” to all the Dads in my life… especially the magnificent Daddy to my own three kids.

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I couldn’t have imagined finding a man who is such a great Father. I am so very thankful for you, Chris and all you mean for me and our three little ones who adore you.

I wanted to repost this video I shared a few years ago in honor of these amazing dads we all know and love…

It is fascinating to me that our men can be so strong and so tough and deal with any number of gruesome things without batting an eye.

But give them a stinky diaper and watch them turn to mush. :)


Happy Father’s Day!!!


One Response to A Dad’s Worst Nightmare!
  1. Anonymous
    June 19, 2011 | 9:38 pm

    Thanks babe. The only reason I'm a halfway decent dad is because you're such a good mom!!! Love you!