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Fabulous, Darling

Is it a good thing when your daughter calls you “flabulous?” She’s heard me say that this or that is fabulous so she made an attempt at the word. Hmmm… is she trying to tell me something?

Although, I believe she did specifically say my hairdo was “flabulous” so maybe I’m okay. :)

3 Responses to Fabulous, Darling
  1. Suburban Oblivion
    April 4, 2007 | 12:16 am

    Flabulous hair? I’d assume you were in Alabama! They got some biiiiiig hair here! ;)

  2. Jia
    April 4, 2007 | 8:48 am

    LOL I love it when little girls act like beauty queens and fashionistas. When she was about four, one of my nieces said, in response to the question of “How did you get so cute”: “Well evey mo-nin’ my Mommy, she makes my hair up and then I’m just cute cute cute.” And she did this with her hands all angelic under her chin.

  3. Renee
    April 4, 2007 | 1:03 pm

    He He… I had my hair up in a high ponytail with the ends tucked in so the bottom fringe of hair was sticking out everywhere up top. :) Guess she was impressed. I’ve started doing this great ‘do as it has been heating up a bit… :)

Fabulous, Darling

Is it a good thing when your daughter calls you “flabulous?” She’s heard me say that this or that is fabulous so she made an attempt at the word. Hmmm… is she trying to tell me something?

Although, I believe she did specifically say my hairdo was “flabulous” so maybe I’m okay. :)

3 Responses to Fabulous, Darling
  1. Suburban Oblivion
    April 4, 2007 | 12:16 am

    Flabulous hair? I’d assume you were in Alabama! They got some biiiiiig hair here! ;)

  2. Jia
    April 4, 2007 | 8:48 am

    LOL I love it when little girls act like beauty queens and fashionistas. When she was about four, one of my nieces said, in response to the question of “How did you get so cute”: “Well evey mo-nin’ my Mommy, she makes my hair up and then I’m just cute cute cute.” And she did this with her hands all angelic under her chin.

  3. Renee
    April 4, 2007 | 1:03 pm

    He He… I had my hair up in a high ponytail with the ends tucked in so the bottom fringe of hair was sticking out everywhere up top. :) Guess she was impressed. I’ve started doing this great ‘do as it has been heating up a bit… :)