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A Peek into our Week…

A picture is worth a thousand words or so they say. Here’s a peek into our week

Saturday night we went out for ice cream with Nana & Pop and the fam…  I think most of us were AMAZED to see this platter of beauty and wonderfulness appear…

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TWENTY-FOUR scoops of ICE CREAM to share!  After the 13 of us in the family had done its damage, THIS is all that was left…

photo (16)

A job well done, in my book.   :)



patriotic collage 2

Sunday morning was our Patriotic Program at church  I snapped a pic of Jonathan’s shirt during our practice… It is funny that my flip flops match his shirt pretty well.  :)



moment collage

The kids have been loving a new treat… frozen yogurt pops!  Wade is super serious about the job of eating them, as you can tell.  Davis and Haylee just were thrilled to get their picture taken.  :)



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I had to snap a pic of Wade’s amazingly mild {instead of wild} hair the other night.  I thought maybe if I could take a pic I could try to “recreate” it later too.  :) We shall see if I am that talented. 



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♥ this little man who just won’t stop growing and is INTO everything.  My poor bookshelf and side table are never safe from his reach!!



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It is hard to get outside much since it is SO hot unless we try to head out in the morning.  As we were walking one morning, Wade said, “Let’s go to the cold part.”  As in… the SHADE!  :)



lowes collage

Thursday we spent the day at Grandma’s which included a trip to Lowes with B {who is currently in project mode}.  This cart was perfect to contain the three boys, though Davis was only content to ride for so long.

I thought it was hilarious that as the boys were on edge waiting for the loud noise to start, B was talking to the guy who was NOWHERE near starting.

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While they did that… Haylee was cartwheeling away, and her hands showed the evidence.  Grody.


smiley_face_bw free

Hope your week was great!


3 Responses to A Peek into our Week…
  1. Ellen
    July 2, 2011 | 5:09 pm

    OMW, that is a TON of ice cream! lol I've never seen such a thing! lol Loved the pics of the kiddos – they really are growing up too fast, aren't they?! Can't get over how big Davis is looking in these pics!

  2. Bette
    July 2, 2011 | 5:21 pm

    WOW! I got mentioned in your blog twice in one week! Love the pictures. I think that trip to Lowes was the longest ever for just going to get a board! Reagan and I so enjoyed our naps though!

  3. Bette Anne
    July 4, 2011 | 10:28 pm

    It wasn't just for a "board" Mom!

A Peek into our Week…

A picture is worth a thousand words or so they say. Here’s a peek into our week

Saturday night we went out for ice cream with Nana & Pop and the fam…  I think most of us were AMAZED to see this platter of beauty and wonderfulness appear…

photo (17)

TWENTY-FOUR scoops of ICE CREAM to share!  After the 13 of us in the family had done its damage, THIS is all that was left…

photo (16)

A job well done, in my book.   :)



patriotic collage 2

Sunday morning was our Patriotic Program at church  I snapped a pic of Jonathan’s shirt during our practice… It is funny that my flip flops match his shirt pretty well.  :)



moment collage

The kids have been loving a new treat… frozen yogurt pops!  Wade is super serious about the job of eating them, as you can tell.  Davis and Haylee just were thrilled to get their picture taken.  :)



photo (22)

I had to snap a pic of Wade’s amazingly mild {instead of wild} hair the other night.  I thought maybe if I could take a pic I could try to “recreate” it later too.  :) We shall see if I am that talented. 



photo (24)

♥ this little man who just won’t stop growing and is INTO everything.  My poor bookshelf and side table are never safe from his reach!!



photo (27)

It is hard to get outside much since it is SO hot unless we try to head out in the morning.  As we were walking one morning, Wade said, “Let’s go to the cold part.”  As in… the SHADE!  :)



lowes collage

Thursday we spent the day at Grandma’s which included a trip to Lowes with B {who is currently in project mode}.  This cart was perfect to contain the three boys, though Davis was only content to ride for so long.

I thought it was hilarious that as the boys were on edge waiting for the loud noise to start, B was talking to the guy who was NOWHERE near starting.

photo (31)

While they did that… Haylee was cartwheeling away, and her hands showed the evidence.  Grody.


smiley_face_bw free

Hope your week was great!


3 Responses to A Peek into our Week…
  1. Ellen
    July 2, 2011 | 5:09 pm

    OMW, that is a TON of ice cream! lol I've never seen such a thing! lol Loved the pics of the kiddos – they really are growing up too fast, aren't they?! Can't get over how big Davis is looking in these pics!

  2. Bette
    July 2, 2011 | 5:21 pm

    WOW! I got mentioned in your blog twice in one week! Love the pictures. I think that trip to Lowes was the longest ever for just going to get a board! Reagan and I so enjoyed our naps though!

  3. Bette Anne
    July 4, 2011 | 10:28 pm

    It wasn't just for a "board" Mom!