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Guest Post!

I am so excited to be Guest Posting for Christina over at Centsible Savings!


I’ve known Christina since she began attending our church her freshman year of college many, many moons ago! 

When I first saw her, I remember being shocked how much she looked like my bff from college!  I’m pretty sure she got really tired of hearing, “Oh, you look just like Rebekah!” from everyone! {Including especially me!}  Ha ha, sorry!

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After she got married, we kept up through good old facebook, and I remember when she started grocery gaming for the first time!

Now she is HARD CORE!!  :)

She is away enjoying the awesome-ness at Disney, so I get to share all about my obsession for my crazy Meal Prep Plan!

Head on over and check it out!!!


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Guest Post!

I am so excited to be Guest Posting for Christina over at Centsible Savings!


I’ve known Christina since she began attending our church her freshman year of college many, many moons ago! 

When I first saw her, I remember being shocked how much she looked like my bff from college!  I’m pretty sure she got really tired of hearing, “Oh, you look just like Rebekah!” from everyone! {Including especially me!}  Ha ha, sorry!

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After she got married, we kept up through good old facebook, and I remember when she started grocery gaming for the first time!

Now she is HARD CORE!!  :)

She is away enjoying the awesome-ness at Disney, so I get to share all about my obsession for my crazy Meal Prep Plan!

Head on over and check it out!!!


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