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Menu Monday

menu monday 2

I have to start by saying how remarkably DELISH the Honey Mustard Teriyaki Chicken on the grill was last week!  Oh my, the yumminess.  I think it certainly helped to have it marinating for a few WHOLE days in the fridge as opposed to the prescribed measly thirty minutes. It will definitely be appearing again shortly on the summer menu. 

Of course, I think anytime the hubster cooks, it makes the food oh so incredibly tasty.  :)

{Plus, it didn’t hurt that it was only 180 calories a serving. Win-Win!}

Up on the menu this week…

Monday… Black Bean Quesadillas

Tuesday… Broiled Tilapia Parmesan 

Wednesday… Tangy Meatballs & Rice

Thursday… ‘Favorites’ Night

Friday… Pizza

Saturday… Haylee’s Birthday Par-tay

I’m doing another FIRST this week in the fish genre… TILAPIA!  I am amazed at how much my cooking has branched out since I started this little cooking experiment so many moons ago {back in JANUARY, can you believe it?!}.  Never woulda thought I would be cooking tilapia or salmon.  Proves you are never too old to learn something new!

Thank you 5dinners1hour.  I heart you.

Just three meals to prep this week…



Click here for more scrumptious menu inspiration from orgjunkie as well as here and here for more info on the 5 dinners in 1 hour Prep Plan that just may change your life

2 Responses to Menu Monday
  1. Ashley
    January 30, 2012 | 9:11 pm

    Hey just a side note> If you just use the platter behind all of your receipes for deocoration, it would look great if you personalize it. For example make a vinyl letter of the inital of your last name and the color of your kitchen and just stick it on. I have one on a charger and it looks great in the kitchen.:) – Ashley

  2. Renee Living Laughing Loving
    February 4, 2012 | 8:36 pm

    Thanks for the tip!!! I do need to do that!

Menu Monday

menu monday 2

I have to start by saying how remarkably DELISH the Honey Mustard Teriyaki Chicken on the grill was last week!  Oh my, the yumminess.  I think it certainly helped to have it marinating for a few WHOLE days in the fridge as opposed to the prescribed measly thirty minutes. It will definitely be appearing again shortly on the summer menu. 

Of course, I think anytime the hubster cooks, it makes the food oh so incredibly tasty.  :)

{Plus, it didn’t hurt that it was only 180 calories a serving. Win-Win!}

Up on the menu this week…

Monday… Black Bean Quesadillas

Tuesday… Broiled Tilapia Parmesan 

Wednesday… Tangy Meatballs & Rice

Thursday… ‘Favorites’ Night

Friday… Pizza

Saturday… Haylee’s Birthday Par-tay

I’m doing another FIRST this week in the fish genre… TILAPIA!  I am amazed at how much my cooking has branched out since I started this little cooking experiment so many moons ago {back in JANUARY, can you believe it?!}.  Never woulda thought I would be cooking tilapia or salmon.  Proves you are never too old to learn something new!

Thank you 5dinners1hour.  I heart you.

Just three meals to prep this week…



Click here for more scrumptious menu inspiration from orgjunkie as well as here and here for more info on the 5 dinners in 1 hour Prep Plan that just may change your life

2 Responses to Menu Monday
  1. Ashley
    January 30, 2012 | 9:11 pm

    Hey just a side note> If you just use the platter behind all of your receipes for deocoration, it would look great if you personalize it. For example make a vinyl letter of the inital of your last name and the color of your kitchen and just stick it on. I have one on a charger and it looks great in the kitchen.:) – Ashley

  2. Renee Living Laughing Loving
    February 4, 2012 | 8:36 pm

    Thanks for the tip!!! I do need to do that!