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Unexpected Family Fun…

I am so thankful for the hubby’s new job. 

Lemme just say that again…

Sooooo thankful.

At his previous job, we really felt like we never saw him. He usually got home with only a half hour or so before the kids’ bedtime, AND he had to work TWO Saturdays a month.

Last month we got the unexpected opportunity to go to Discovery Place for some family fun courtesy of the new job.

It had been a while since I had been there, and it has definitely undergone some big changes.  We didn’t even end up seeing everything because we {I} couldn’t muster up the energy to keep going.

They had a cute room for the younger ones with a super neat-o water activity table complete with plastic aprons.

water table

Wade was obviously in his glory.  Blanket permission and access to supplies to royally make a mess? Yes, please.

power of wind

I totally dig the goggles.

There were also animal displays and exhibits…


We had to wait to get our turn on the bed o’ nails, but it was worth the wait.  :)


They had a blast making music via some unconventional means.  I guess it goes without saying that excessive banging on things was right up their alley.

making music

There was a totally rad rope bridge in the rainforest that they probably went through oh maybe a zillion times.  I even gave it a go. 

It was harder than it looks, believe it or not.  :)

IMG_2284 2


Great fun was had by one and all.


And we mighta even learned a thing or two while we were at it. 

One Response to Unexpected Family Fun…
  1. Irvin
    November 2, 2012 | 4:14 pm

    What’s up, for all time i used to check blog posts here in the early hours in the break of day, because i enjoy to learn more and more.

Unexpected Family Fun…

I am so thankful for the hubby’s new job. 

Lemme just say that again…

Sooooo thankful.

At his previous job, we really felt like we never saw him. He usually got home with only a half hour or so before the kids’ bedtime, AND he had to work TWO Saturdays a month.

Last month we got the unexpected opportunity to go to Discovery Place for some family fun courtesy of the new job.

It had been a while since I had been there, and it has definitely undergone some big changes.  We didn’t even end up seeing everything because we {I} couldn’t muster up the energy to keep going.

They had a cute room for the younger ones with a super neat-o water activity table complete with plastic aprons.

water table

Wade was obviously in his glory.  Blanket permission and access to supplies to royally make a mess? Yes, please.

power of wind

I totally dig the goggles.

There were also animal displays and exhibits…


We had to wait to get our turn on the bed o’ nails, but it was worth the wait.  :)


They had a blast making music via some unconventional means.  I guess it goes without saying that excessive banging on things was right up their alley.

making music

There was a totally rad rope bridge in the rainforest that they probably went through oh maybe a zillion times.  I even gave it a go. 

It was harder than it looks, believe it or not.  :)

IMG_2284 2


Great fun was had by one and all.


And we mighta even learned a thing or two while we were at it. 

One Response to Unexpected Family Fun…
  1. Irvin
    November 2, 2012 | 4:14 pm

    What’s up, for all time i used to check blog posts here in the early hours in the break of day, because i enjoy to learn more and more.