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Menu Monday… on Sunday


Since tomorrow is the big Vday, I am posting my menu today…

Up on the menu this week…

Monday… Black Bean Quesadillas

Tuesday… Crockpot BBQ Beef & Cornbread

Wednesday… Shrimp Quesadillas

Thursday… Green Bean Casserole

Friday… Pizza

Saturday… Cheeseburger Sliders

Yum Yum! I’m trying some new and kind of “different” recipes this week.  Hopefully they will be a hit and not big fat fails!  :)

We usually always eat out on weekends.  Usually it is just take out or fast food, not going to a sit down place, but I am trying really hard to plan more “fun” meals for Saturday so we will want to eat in!  The first week was Chicken Fingers.  Last week was Black Bean Quesadillas and this week Cheeseburger Sliders.

We ended up being able to actually go out to dinner to celebrate Valentine’s Day {just the 2 of us…wahoo!} on Saturday night, so Saturday’s meal got bumped to Monday.  Only 4 meals to make this week!

I’m still loving not “cooking” every day. I promise, if I can do it, anyone can!

One Response to Menu Monday… on Sunday
  1. CrystalC2B
    February 15, 2011 | 3:00 am

    I'm struggling with the whole "cooking" every day too; although, it does cheer me up when I see the drop in our grocery budget.

Menu Monday… on Sunday


Since tomorrow is the big Vday, I am posting my menu today…

Up on the menu this week…

Monday… Black Bean Quesadillas

Tuesday… Crockpot BBQ Beef & Cornbread

Wednesday… Shrimp Quesadillas

Thursday… Green Bean Casserole

Friday… Pizza

Saturday… Cheeseburger Sliders

Yum Yum! I’m trying some new and kind of “different” recipes this week.  Hopefully they will be a hit and not big fat fails!  :)

We usually always eat out on weekends.  Usually it is just take out or fast food, not going to a sit down place, but I am trying really hard to plan more “fun” meals for Saturday so we will want to eat in!  The first week was Chicken Fingers.  Last week was Black Bean Quesadillas and this week Cheeseburger Sliders.

We ended up being able to actually go out to dinner to celebrate Valentine’s Day {just the 2 of us…wahoo!} on Saturday night, so Saturday’s meal got bumped to Monday.  Only 4 meals to make this week!

I’m still loving not “cooking” every day. I promise, if I can do it, anyone can!

One Response to Menu Monday… on Sunday
  1. CrystalC2B
    February 15, 2011 | 3:00 am

    I'm struggling with the whole "cooking" every day too; although, it does cheer me up when I see the drop in our grocery budget.