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Wade the Entertainer…

After singing ‘My God is so Big, so Strong and so Mighty’ the other night, Wade had this thought to share with us…
Wade: God walked in the mud.
Chris: Uh, God made the mud.
Wade: {thinking} Yeah, and then He stepped in it.
We figured that he has been singing the word ‘muddy’ in place of the word ‘mighty’ in the song.  So in his world, he’s saying that God is so big and so muddy… so God must have stepped in the mud!
Here’s his rendition… :)

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Wade the Entertainer…

After singing ‘My God is so Big, so Strong and so Mighty’ the other night, Wade had this thought to share with us…
Wade: God walked in the mud.
Chris: Uh, God made the mud.
Wade: {thinking} Yeah, and then He stepped in it.
We figured that he has been singing the word ‘muddy’ in place of the word ‘mighty’ in the song.  So in his world, he’s saying that God is so big and so muddy… so God must have stepped in the mud!
Here’s his rendition… :)

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