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The Newest and Cutest Little Four Eyes!

My sweet girlie has officially followed in her mother’s footsteps… unfortunately it happens to be in her eyesight… or lack thereof.  We came to realize how poor her vision was and kept meaning to get her an appointment to get it checked.  Chris saved the day since he was the one that found a doctor on our new insurance,  made the appointment, and took her in last week for the big day.  She was beyond thrilled and stoked about the whole process… going to the doctor as well as {and especially} getting new specs.

Since the appointment was early in the am and Davis and I like to sleep in (ha), Daddy did this appointment solo.  I got the full run down from Haylee and Chris after the fact, though I did come up with what I thought was a great plan for Chris to send me pics of the frames she picked out so I could have some input on her new look without actually having to be there.  Well, the 3 or 4 that he sent me were all the metal kind with nose pieces. 

I do like these, but I had wanted her to get plastic frames with no nose piece.  Whoops.  Guess I should’ve made that clear, huh?
Soooo… Chris allowed me to be annoying and we arranged to come back later to actually make the final choice together.

But, anyway, back to the visit… The doctor got her set up in the room after all the initial “is your eye healthy tests”, and the following convo ensued…

Doctor: “Read the smallest line you can.”
Haylee: “I don’t see any words.”
Doctor: “Oh, well, there won’t be any words.  It’s just letters.” 
Haylee: “I don’t see any letters.”

{Hmmm, why did we wait this long again??}

The doc had to bump it up bigger TWICE before she could read anything.  We found out her vision is 20/150, and has all the signs to get worse and worse… just like her momma.  The doctor said that she could even need new glasses in 6 months! :(  According to her, it’s NOT anything to do with reading with low light or whatever.  It totally has to do with genetics and poor Haylee got stuck with mine!

I actually got my first pair of specs in 2nd grade too, though mine definitely were not as cool as hers. On the car ride home wearing my new glasses, I made my mom feel like the worst parent ever when I was shocked and amazed that I could read the billboards we were driving by.  :) 

I remember one trip for glasses later in elementary school where I actually ended up with frames I hated because I didn’t want to tell the saleslady pushing them on me no!  Isn’t that so sad?  They were beyond awful! They were light blue and very “old lady” with large frames, but the worst part was the fact that the sides were “drop temples” where they attached at the bottom and then curved up. Ick. Epic Ick! 
This was the only pic I could find in the dreaded frames.  Aren’t they just sooo lovely? 
I found this pic though to show you what the sides looked like…
dropside framesCheck out the description that was underneath these online!

{Victoria Beckham Square-frame metal $510. The drop temple is timeless and super fashionable for spring/summer 2010 so I’m impressed to see this style in her limited collection.  These Victoria Beckham sunglasses styles are available online at Net-A-Porter}

Wow, I guess that saleslady did know what she was talking about!
Thankfully, Haylee wasn’t subjected to horrific drop sides.  She traded in her drop sides for these cutesy butterflies!
Much better.  Maybe she won’t be scarred for life like I was. :) 
I was actually quite proud of myself for letting her make the final choice among the approved finalists even though there was another pair that was sooo cute on her that I liked better.  You’re shocked but proud, aren’t you?  I do occasionally try to push down the control freak, you know.
When I told Chris my sad ugly frames story, he wanted to know what happened to that side of me?  Apparently he finds me a bit too eager to share my opinion now? 
As if.
2 Responses to The Newest and Cutest Little Four Eyes!
  1. Tati Cordeiro
    October 28, 2010 | 9:53 pm

    too funny—Chris's comment on what happened to that side of you. Seriously–I think I have left that behind in the dust somewhere as well! Believe me though, I am now always asking the Lord to help me control my thoughts and tongue!!

  2. Sam
    October 31, 2010 | 2:42 pm

    This was so funny. I have to go to the eye doctor too, because I can no longer see the clock unless I'm up on it, and the other cars on the road don't really appreciate my driving skills when I check the time.

The Newest and Cutest Little Four Eyes!

My sweet girlie has officially followed in her mother’s footsteps… unfortunately it happens to be in her eyesight… or lack thereof.  We came to realize how poor her vision was and kept meaning to get her an appointment to get it checked.  Chris saved the day since he was the one that found a doctor on our new insurance,  made the appointment, and took her in last week for the big day.  She was beyond thrilled and stoked about the whole process… going to the doctor as well as {and especially} getting new specs.

Since the appointment was early in the am and Davis and I like to sleep in (ha), Daddy did this appointment solo.  I got the full run down from Haylee and Chris after the fact, though I did come up with what I thought was a great plan for Chris to send me pics of the frames she picked out so I could have some input on her new look without actually having to be there.  Well, the 3 or 4 that he sent me were all the metal kind with nose pieces. 

I do like these, but I had wanted her to get plastic frames with no nose piece.  Whoops.  Guess I should’ve made that clear, huh?
Soooo… Chris allowed me to be annoying and we arranged to come back later to actually make the final choice together.

But, anyway, back to the visit… The doctor got her set up in the room after all the initial “is your eye healthy tests”, and the following convo ensued…

Doctor: “Read the smallest line you can.”
Haylee: “I don’t see any words.”
Doctor: “Oh, well, there won’t be any words.  It’s just letters.” 
Haylee: “I don’t see any letters.”

{Hmmm, why did we wait this long again??}

The doc had to bump it up bigger TWICE before she could read anything.  We found out her vision is 20/150, and has all the signs to get worse and worse… just like her momma.  The doctor said that she could even need new glasses in 6 months! :(  According to her, it’s NOT anything to do with reading with low light or whatever.  It totally has to do with genetics and poor Haylee got stuck with mine!

I actually got my first pair of specs in 2nd grade too, though mine definitely were not as cool as hers. On the car ride home wearing my new glasses, I made my mom feel like the worst parent ever when I was shocked and amazed that I could read the billboards we were driving by.  :) 

I remember one trip for glasses later in elementary school where I actually ended up with frames I hated because I didn’t want to tell the saleslady pushing them on me no!  Isn’t that so sad?  They were beyond awful! They were light blue and very “old lady” with large frames, but the worst part was the fact that the sides were “drop temples” where they attached at the bottom and then curved up. Ick. Epic Ick! 
This was the only pic I could find in the dreaded frames.  Aren’t they just sooo lovely? 
I found this pic though to show you what the sides looked like…
dropside framesCheck out the description that was underneath these online!

{Victoria Beckham Square-frame metal $510. The drop temple is timeless and super fashionable for spring/summer 2010 so I’m impressed to see this style in her limited collection.  These Victoria Beckham sunglasses styles are available online at Net-A-Porter}

Wow, I guess that saleslady did know what she was talking about!
Thankfully, Haylee wasn’t subjected to horrific drop sides.  She traded in her drop sides for these cutesy butterflies!
Much better.  Maybe she won’t be scarred for life like I was. :) 
I was actually quite proud of myself for letting her make the final choice among the approved finalists even though there was another pair that was sooo cute on her that I liked better.  You’re shocked but proud, aren’t you?  I do occasionally try to push down the control freak, you know.
When I told Chris my sad ugly frames story, he wanted to know what happened to that side of me?  Apparently he finds me a bit too eager to share my opinion now? 
As if.
2 Responses to The Newest and Cutest Little Four Eyes!
  1. Tati Cordeiro
    October 28, 2010 | 9:53 pm

    too funny—Chris's comment on what happened to that side of you. Seriously–I think I have left that behind in the dust somewhere as well! Believe me though, I am now always asking the Lord to help me control my thoughts and tongue!!

  2. Sam
    October 31, 2010 | 2:42 pm

    This was so funny. I have to go to the eye doctor too, because I can no longer see the clock unless I'm up on it, and the other cars on the road don't really appreciate my driving skills when I check the time.