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The New Plan


Since I am the uber-planner, I like to at least pretend that I can “plan” this baby’s arrival into our fam.  :) 

Here’s the plan… Baby#3 is going to arrive this Sunday, September 12th. 

Why? You ask?

Well, it’s simple really.  Are you ready for the facts? The reliable and concrete statistics?? :)

First of all, Haylee was born on her due date.  Wade was born four days early.  Sooooo, it is only logical that we follow the same pattern and Baby #3 will be coming an additional four days early which would be 8 days early… September 12th!

My second statistic I’m “relying” on is that Haylee was born on a Friday, and Wade was born on a Saturday.  Soooo, what would the next day in the “pattern” be??  Sunday, of course!!!

The final rung in my ladder of predicting the future came at my last appointment when I found out when Dr. Peach is on call at the hospital… yes, he is! Sunday, September 12th!

So, let’s all pray that this little wiggly one will listen to his momma and come out when he’s supposed to!  :)

2 Responses to The New Plan
  1. Ellen
    September 11, 2010 | 1:51 am

    You make me laugh out loud. Praying that just maybe, the Lord will see fit to give you your heart's desire. ;)

  2. Rachel
    September 13, 2010 | 9:10 pm

    Did it work?????

The New Plan


Since I am the uber-planner, I like to at least pretend that I can “plan” this baby’s arrival into our fam.  :) 

Here’s the plan… Baby#3 is going to arrive this Sunday, September 12th. 

Why? You ask?

Well, it’s simple really.  Are you ready for the facts? The reliable and concrete statistics?? :)

First of all, Haylee was born on her due date.  Wade was born four days early.  Sooooo, it is only logical that we follow the same pattern and Baby #3 will be coming an additional four days early which would be 8 days early… September 12th!

My second statistic I’m “relying” on is that Haylee was born on a Friday, and Wade was born on a Saturday.  Soooo, what would the next day in the “pattern” be??  Sunday, of course!!!

The final rung in my ladder of predicting the future came at my last appointment when I found out when Dr. Peach is on call at the hospital… yes, he is! Sunday, September 12th!

So, let’s all pray that this little wiggly one will listen to his momma and come out when he’s supposed to!  :)

2 Responses to The New Plan
  1. Ellen
    September 11, 2010 | 1:51 am

    You make me laugh out loud. Praying that just maybe, the Lord will see fit to give you your heart's desire. ;)

  2. Rachel
    September 13, 2010 | 9:10 pm

    Did it work?????