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Blog Hop..The Momentous First Day Photos!

After much planning and research and preparation, our FIRST DAY of school… of homeschooling, that is, had finally arrived.  Haylee was very excited thankfully.  It is hard to believe it is even possible she actually be going into SECOND grade?? How did this happen?

We had to get the customary “First Day of School” pictures though it seemed a bit odd without a backpack or lunchbox.  :) 

We did try one with her new clipboard to try to get the “first day” feel…
and Wade got to pose in one too!  I don’t guess the bare feet look really helps with the authenticity either.  :)

So far the workbox seems to be going well.  I have each day’s things ready in a folder so at the end of the day all I have to do is grab the next day’s folder and plug things in where they were supposed to go.  I don’t know that we are really using this in a true “workbox way” though, since most of her subjects are at least started with “mom” so they are not done in the workbox”working independently” way.  BUT… I will say that it is helpful to have everything we need at our fingertips to make our day go smoother. It’s also easier for me to give her verbal instructions in starting the next subject without having to go into exorbitant details in order for her to find something.  I can just say… start Spelling, and she goes right to the Spelling folder to get out all the materials and looks on her assignment sheet to see what she should be doing.

What’s funny is that her school desk is not getting much use so far.  Like I’ve said before, it’s much more convenient to work at the table where I can sit down too and spread out my teacher books!
It could be that once she is in her own room she will be able to do some of her independent work there, but we’ll see how it goes. I figure variety is always nice so I guess it’s nice to have it as an option.
Wade did okay and even helped her play the Add it game with the marbles…  :) He loves to “help” her especially when she’s doing anything hands on like the marbles or the magnetic letters or coloring and cutting out. 
We started around 9 am and finished about 1 o’clock!  I think she thought that was pretty cool.  :)

If I had continued working at Northside, today would be our First Day of school.  I think I have mixed feelings about it since I know how excited Haylee would be to get to see her friends again.  Plus she really did well in the school environment.  I also am missing being back with my fellow teachers, and experiencing the thrill of the FIRST DAY, BUT at the same time… I can’t imagine having to work on my feet all day for the next five weeks.

Ultimately, knowing this is what we’re supposed to be doing helps with any doubts or uncertainties I may be facing on the day that we’re “missing” the first day of school… at school.  :)

Linking up to the Blog Hop!  This week is School Photos Week!

6 Responses to Blog Hop..The Momentous First Day Photos!
  1. Carrie
    August 16, 2010 | 12:20 pm

    She is so cute with her clipboard … she looks proud!! ;)

    Somehow, our stuff always ends up spreading out, too! ;)

    Happy Homeschooling Renee!!! Looks like you guys are off to a great start!!

  2. Carrie
    August 16, 2010 | 1:23 pm

    Her folder holder is sooo cute! I know you will appreciate the flexibility ESP when the baby comes. Don't stress yourself out over missing some time then, you have a whole year to get school done! :) Your first few weeks with the baby will fly by and never come again…don't stress about school.

  3. Sherri
    August 16, 2010 | 7:01 pm

    LOVE it!

    Bare feet are definitely one of the "PROS" for homeschooling! (Right up there with multiple pajama days!!!) ;-)

    You guys look like you're doing great! Just hang in there… before you know it, we'll be posting about the end of the year!!! :-D

  4. Rachel
    August 16, 2010 | 9:59 pm

    She looks adorable!!! First day of school in barefeet is the way to go!!

  5. Catherine Anne
    August 17, 2010 | 4:41 pm

    Blessings to a wonderful year. Catherine Anne

  6. H-Mama
    August 18, 2010 | 12:59 pm

    Sounds like a great year ahead. Love the bare feet and clip board. :) We bought our girls backpacks this year. ;) Anything to help get them excited, yes? Ha! Cute blog!

Blog Hop..The Momentous First Day Photos!

After much planning and research and preparation, our FIRST DAY of school… of homeschooling, that is, had finally arrived.  Haylee was very excited thankfully.  It is hard to believe it is even possible she actually be going into SECOND grade?? How did this happen?

We had to get the customary “First Day of School” pictures though it seemed a bit odd without a backpack or lunchbox.  :) 

We did try one with her new clipboard to try to get the “first day” feel…
and Wade got to pose in one too!  I don’t guess the bare feet look really helps with the authenticity either.  :)

So far the workbox seems to be going well.  I have each day’s things ready in a folder so at the end of the day all I have to do is grab the next day’s folder and plug things in where they were supposed to go.  I don’t know that we are really using this in a true “workbox way” though, since most of her subjects are at least started with “mom” so they are not done in the workbox”working independently” way.  BUT… I will say that it is helpful to have everything we need at our fingertips to make our day go smoother. It’s also easier for me to give her verbal instructions in starting the next subject without having to go into exorbitant details in order for her to find something.  I can just say… start Spelling, and she goes right to the Spelling folder to get out all the materials and looks on her assignment sheet to see what she should be doing.

What’s funny is that her school desk is not getting much use so far.  Like I’ve said before, it’s much more convenient to work at the table where I can sit down too and spread out my teacher books!
It could be that once she is in her own room she will be able to do some of her independent work there, but we’ll see how it goes. I figure variety is always nice so I guess it’s nice to have it as an option.
Wade did okay and even helped her play the Add it game with the marbles…  :) He loves to “help” her especially when she’s doing anything hands on like the marbles or the magnetic letters or coloring and cutting out. 
We started around 9 am and finished about 1 o’clock!  I think she thought that was pretty cool.  :)

If I had continued working at Northside, today would be our First Day of school.  I think I have mixed feelings about it since I know how excited Haylee would be to get to see her friends again.  Plus she really did well in the school environment.  I also am missing being back with my fellow teachers, and experiencing the thrill of the FIRST DAY, BUT at the same time… I can’t imagine having to work on my feet all day for the next five weeks.

Ultimately, knowing this is what we’re supposed to be doing helps with any doubts or uncertainties I may be facing on the day that we’re “missing” the first day of school… at school.  :)

Linking up to the Blog Hop!  This week is School Photos Week!

6 Responses to Blog Hop..The Momentous First Day Photos!
  1. Carrie
    August 16, 2010 | 12:20 pm

    She is so cute with her clipboard … she looks proud!! ;)

    Somehow, our stuff always ends up spreading out, too! ;)

    Happy Homeschooling Renee!!! Looks like you guys are off to a great start!!

  2. Carrie
    August 16, 2010 | 1:23 pm

    Her folder holder is sooo cute! I know you will appreciate the flexibility ESP when the baby comes. Don't stress yourself out over missing some time then, you have a whole year to get school done! :) Your first few weeks with the baby will fly by and never come again…don't stress about school.

  3. Sherri
    August 16, 2010 | 7:01 pm

    LOVE it!

    Bare feet are definitely one of the "PROS" for homeschooling! (Right up there with multiple pajama days!!!) ;-)

    You guys look like you're doing great! Just hang in there… before you know it, we'll be posting about the end of the year!!! :-D

  4. Rachel
    August 16, 2010 | 9:59 pm

    She looks adorable!!! First day of school in barefeet is the way to go!!

  5. Catherine Anne
    August 17, 2010 | 4:41 pm

    Blessings to a wonderful year. Catherine Anne

  6. H-Mama
    August 18, 2010 | 12:59 pm

    Sounds like a great year ahead. Love the bare feet and clip board. :) We bought our girls backpacks this year. ;) Anything to help get them excited, yes? Ha! Cute blog!