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He strikes again… Oy!

Just look at that face… Our little stinker has struck again.  This time it actually brought me to tears.  Literally. I know that’s silly, but in the interest of full disclosure I must admit it. 

In my defense, I find I must blame my reaction on my hormones and the fact that I was already on the verge when faced with this…Tor-Wado’s latest feat.

Just to set the stage for you… both kids had gone to bed around 8 pm and almost a full TWO HOURS later, I peeped in to check on them and found Wade looking at me. In the darkness I could see little bits of something on the floor by the crib and thought he had ripped another book to shreds.  (Speaking of which, no book is safe from him.  The board books that are supposed to withstand the slobbery-est babe don’t hold a candle to Wade. He finds the teeny tiny corner edge and pulls it until he has ripped off as much as he can get away with before being nabbed.)

Unfortunately, as I got closer to the pile and as my eyes adjusted, I was horrified to see the little bits of something were actually a pile of mini-MARKERS all with their lids OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I began the frantic examination of everything and anything to see what had been destroyed. 

Wade’s reaction to all this…. “I want to wake up.”

My sorrow mounted as I discovered the extent of the damage began all over his body and clothes… 

and ended all over the sheet…
and even on the crib rails!

I sent Wade out to Chris and tried to clean things up amid my tears so the crazy boy could be sent back to bed. Chris told him that he made mommy very sad, and he said very mournfully, ” I not do that again.”

That remains to be seen.

I discovered the next morning that Haylee had been playing with the markers on her bed and had thrown them down when she was done.  Somehow the thought didn’t occur to her that giving Wade access to said markers was not a good idea!

I managed to get most of the marker at least faded from his body through a soak in the tub the next morning, and the marker THANKFULLY came off the crib!!!

He is definitely a stinker but he does have his moments of sweetness.  That at least helps with times like these. :)

Less than 6 weeks to go before we could have another Mini-Wade on our hands.  Oy!

One Response to He strikes again… Oy!
  1. Ellen
    August 12, 2010 | 11:16 pm

    Oh dear… if I had a quarter for every time Lil has done something beyond my comprehension or understanding, I'd be a millionaire! She used to be the same way with books — but let me encourage you, that did get better w/ age, thankfully! ;) I well remember the time Lil colored herself w/ some blue markers, the time she finger painted on the spare room rug, and the time she used a sharpie on the wall… to name a few. LOL You really do end up laughing about them later on down the road – but not once have I really seen the humor in the heat of the moment. All that to say, I completely understand. All too well, in fact. One thing that has become my friend in regards to the traces Lil leaves behind is the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser! Those things have been such a lifesaver! (And by lifesaver, I mean they've saved Lil's! Hahahahahahahaha -just kidding!!!) Yes, thankfully, there are those very sweet moments to make up for all the other "scary" moments. ;)

He strikes again… Oy!

Just look at that face… Our little stinker has struck again.  This time it actually brought me to tears.  Literally. I know that’s silly, but in the interest of full disclosure I must admit it. 

In my defense, I find I must blame my reaction on my hormones and the fact that I was already on the verge when faced with this…Tor-Wado’s latest feat.

Just to set the stage for you… both kids had gone to bed around 8 pm and almost a full TWO HOURS later, I peeped in to check on them and found Wade looking at me. In the darkness I could see little bits of something on the floor by the crib and thought he had ripped another book to shreds.  (Speaking of which, no book is safe from him.  The board books that are supposed to withstand the slobbery-est babe don’t hold a candle to Wade. He finds the teeny tiny corner edge and pulls it until he has ripped off as much as he can get away with before being nabbed.)

Unfortunately, as I got closer to the pile and as my eyes adjusted, I was horrified to see the little bits of something were actually a pile of mini-MARKERS all with their lids OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I began the frantic examination of everything and anything to see what had been destroyed. 

Wade’s reaction to all this…. “I want to wake up.”

My sorrow mounted as I discovered the extent of the damage began all over his body and clothes… 

and ended all over the sheet…
and even on the crib rails!

I sent Wade out to Chris and tried to clean things up amid my tears so the crazy boy could be sent back to bed. Chris told him that he made mommy very sad, and he said very mournfully, ” I not do that again.”

That remains to be seen.

I discovered the next morning that Haylee had been playing with the markers on her bed and had thrown them down when she was done.  Somehow the thought didn’t occur to her that giving Wade access to said markers was not a good idea!

I managed to get most of the marker at least faded from his body through a soak in the tub the next morning, and the marker THANKFULLY came off the crib!!!

He is definitely a stinker but he does have his moments of sweetness.  That at least helps with times like these. :)

Less than 6 weeks to go before we could have another Mini-Wade on our hands.  Oy!

One Response to He strikes again… Oy!
  1. Ellen
    August 12, 2010 | 11:16 pm

    Oh dear… if I had a quarter for every time Lil has done something beyond my comprehension or understanding, I'd be a millionaire! She used to be the same way with books — but let me encourage you, that did get better w/ age, thankfully! ;) I well remember the time Lil colored herself w/ some blue markers, the time she finger painted on the spare room rug, and the time she used a sharpie on the wall… to name a few. LOL You really do end up laughing about them later on down the road – but not once have I really seen the humor in the heat of the moment. All that to say, I completely understand. All too well, in fact. One thing that has become my friend in regards to the traces Lil leaves behind is the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser! Those things have been such a lifesaver! (And by lifesaver, I mean they've saved Lil's! Hahahahahahahaha -just kidding!!!) Yes, thankfully, there are those very sweet moments to make up for all the other "scary" moments. ;)