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More Showers!

This time, I was helping with the shower!  I had lots of fun helping with things for a Baby Shower for my good friend, Kristi. She has a little girl, Aubrey that is just a month older than Wade.  Now we’re both adding to the family again… her with another girl and me with another boy.  :) She is due end of this month, so our newest little ones will be about 3 months apart.

This was a Ice Cream Sundae themed baby shower which was so fun and PERFECT for the scorching hot afternoon of the shower.


I was sorta in charge of the decorations and favors and received much inspiration from the decor blogs I’ve been reading for the past several months. 

I was inspired by my crafty sis’s birthday banner…


….and made this…


You can’t read it very well in the picture, but it says “Welcome Baby!” I made the shapes and letters using my cricut. which made it super easy to make something super cute!  This was the biggest I could make the bottles on my cricut, so the letters could only be 2 inches I think, in order to fit all the way on the bottle.
I would have liked for the letters to have been bigger, but oh well, right?

I made these ice cream cone labels for all our yummy toppings.  :) 

I was going to do circle labels, but thought that the ice cream cone shape on the cricut was just too cute.  My plan was to wrap the bowls in ribbon and hot glue the label on, but I didn’t quite budget enough time for that.

The favors seemed to be a big hit, and I love how they look so much more involved than they really are.  I got my inspiration for these Baby Bootie Favors from Beneath my Heart.  They really were very easy to make, I promise.  

Traci @ Beneath my Heart gives a full tutorial if you wanna try it!  This was a super cheap favor to do too!  The bag of cups was less than a dollar at Walmart, and I didn’t even use all of them.  The netting was just a pack of circle tulle from the Dollar Tree.  I think there were 15 in a pack… for only a dollar, ya know!  :)  I already had the ribbon and hot glue gun and the skittles that were inside… so the whole project was about $2!  Can’t beat that! 

I found a super cute invitation online and improvised it to add as a nice “welcoming” touch… I hot glued a ribbon on for some flair… 


It was so much fun going all out in decorating mode especially with school out and my sacred nap time to devote to things like ribbons, my cricut, and hot glue.  :)

Congrats Kristi!  We are so happy for you and your new little one!

One Response to More Showers!
  1. Ellen
    June 17, 2010 | 12:51 am

    Love all the decorations! Looks like a fun time. :)

More Showers!

This time, I was helping with the shower!  I had lots of fun helping with things for a Baby Shower for my good friend, Kristi. She has a little girl, Aubrey that is just a month older than Wade.  Now we’re both adding to the family again… her with another girl and me with another boy.  :) She is due end of this month, so our newest little ones will be about 3 months apart.

This was a Ice Cream Sundae themed baby shower which was so fun and PERFECT for the scorching hot afternoon of the shower.


I was sorta in charge of the decorations and favors and received much inspiration from the decor blogs I’ve been reading for the past several months. 

I was inspired by my crafty sis’s birthday banner…


….and made this…


You can’t read it very well in the picture, but it says “Welcome Baby!” I made the shapes and letters using my cricut. which made it super easy to make something super cute!  This was the biggest I could make the bottles on my cricut, so the letters could only be 2 inches I think, in order to fit all the way on the bottle.
I would have liked for the letters to have been bigger, but oh well, right?

I made these ice cream cone labels for all our yummy toppings.  :) 

I was going to do circle labels, but thought that the ice cream cone shape on the cricut was just too cute.  My plan was to wrap the bowls in ribbon and hot glue the label on, but I didn’t quite budget enough time for that.

The favors seemed to be a big hit, and I love how they look so much more involved than they really are.  I got my inspiration for these Baby Bootie Favors from Beneath my Heart.  They really were very easy to make, I promise.  

Traci @ Beneath my Heart gives a full tutorial if you wanna try it!  This was a super cheap favor to do too!  The bag of cups was less than a dollar at Walmart, and I didn’t even use all of them.  The netting was just a pack of circle tulle from the Dollar Tree.  I think there were 15 in a pack… for only a dollar, ya know!  :)  I already had the ribbon and hot glue gun and the skittles that were inside… so the whole project was about $2!  Can’t beat that! 

I found a super cute invitation online and improvised it to add as a nice “welcoming” touch… I hot glued a ribbon on for some flair… 


It was so much fun going all out in decorating mode especially with school out and my sacred nap time to devote to things like ribbons, my cricut, and hot glue.  :)

Congrats Kristi!  We are so happy for you and your new little one!

One Response to More Showers!
  1. Ellen
    June 17, 2010 | 12:51 am

    Love all the decorations! Looks like a fun time. :)