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Last Day of School!

The last day of school was very exciting!  I went to the morning awards ceremony with Haylee.  I was nice to actually be able to sit with her this year.
CIMG4733  Haylee and her friend, Favor…
Haylee got Good Conduct Award, PE Award, and Principal’s List for the whole year!


PE Award…
CIMG4738  Good Conduct and Principal’s List…
We are so proud of our BIG second grader!
After the Awards Ceremony, all the classes started their own End of Year Party!  First Grade was thankfully in the shade of the playground.  I’m not sure what we would’ve done without it, since it was soooo H-O-T!
The kiddos had lots of fun on the playground waiting on the pizza, and when it arrived they chowed down to their heart’s content.
After hours of celebrating away, I made sure to get a pic of Haylee with her beloved teacher, Mrs. Whitlow! 
We’ve been blessed with such good teachers this year and last year, and her 4K year for that matter.  She has gotten a such a great foundation, and I so thankful that we’ve had the opportunity for both the kiddos to go to school at Northside.  I will miss that, and I will miss my fellow teachers as well…  :(  It was comforting to know that Haylee was getting a good education…
Now, next year… that’s another story…
One Response to Last Day of School!
  1. Ellen
    June 7, 2010 | 5:41 pm

    Oh, come now! You're going to be THE BEST teacher they've ever had!! Congrats to Haylee on her accomplishments! How's summer vacation going so far?

Last Day of School!

The last day of school was very exciting!  I went to the morning awards ceremony with Haylee.  I was nice to actually be able to sit with her this year.
CIMG4733  Haylee and her friend, Favor…
Haylee got Good Conduct Award, PE Award, and Principal’s List for the whole year!


PE Award…
CIMG4738  Good Conduct and Principal’s List…
We are so proud of our BIG second grader!
After the Awards Ceremony, all the classes started their own End of Year Party!  First Grade was thankfully in the shade of the playground.  I’m not sure what we would’ve done without it, since it was soooo H-O-T!
The kiddos had lots of fun on the playground waiting on the pizza, and when it arrived they chowed down to their heart’s content.
After hours of celebrating away, I made sure to get a pic of Haylee with her beloved teacher, Mrs. Whitlow! 
We’ve been blessed with such good teachers this year and last year, and her 4K year for that matter.  She has gotten a such a great foundation, and I so thankful that we’ve had the opportunity for both the kiddos to go to school at Northside.  I will miss that, and I will miss my fellow teachers as well…  :(  It was comforting to know that Haylee was getting a good education…
Now, next year… that’s another story…
One Response to Last Day of School!
  1. Ellen
    June 7, 2010 | 5:41 pm

    Oh, come now! You're going to be THE BEST teacher they've ever had!! Congrats to Haylee on her accomplishments! How's summer vacation going so far?