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I am Lost…

So, I have to say I have LOVED watching Lost.  Sam got us into it a while back, and we started by watching Seasons 1-3 on DVD.  It didn’t take long for us to be hooked!

We have endured through the questions and twists and suspense hoping that ONE DAY those questions would be answered.

That “One Day” came last night as we settled in for the FOUR & A HALF HOURS of Lost Television.  The first 2 hours were a recap, but STILL!

It didn’t end until 11:30, and on a school night?! 

So after watching for 6 seasons (and 4 hours in one night alone), the final credits played, and we looked at each other in amazement.  So much for the questions being answered.  I get that the LOST writers don’t exactly enjoy being clear cut.  They thrive on leaving things open to interpretation, but really?

I love Rocks in My Dryer’s take on it.  I think she makes several valid points that can’t be brushed aside with the common defenses of “artistic impression.” 

I mean, REALLY??  REALLY??  Everyone on the island dies (all at different, random, undisclosed, and pretty much insignificant times) and all these flash sideways that we have been struggling to see reconciled were merely a sort of purgatory?

I don’t find that a satisfying ending to six seasons of one of the Best Shows Ever. Lost delivered time and time again, but unfortunately their Series Finale… did not deliver.  At least not for me. 

What do you think?  Did you love it?  Hate it? 

4 Responses to I am Lost…
  1. Cindy
    May 24, 2010 | 10:13 pm

    I liked that it was a happy ending and I actually appreciated the fact that they didn't try to answers thousands of questions in ONE episode. I know that if they tried to answer some of the questions and it didn't have a lovey dovey ending I wouldn't be satisfied.

  2. Ellen
    May 24, 2010 | 10:37 pm

    Ha ha…. sorry it wasn't an ending you liked… I have to say that I haven't seen even ONE episode of Lost, so I know nothing about the show. I do know how frustrating it is to get vested into a show and then have a disappointing ending though…

  3. Heather
    May 25, 2010 | 12:00 am

    I think I have decided that I like it. I didn't feel disappointed last night, just wanting MORE! But I think if they had explained everything, it wouldn't be LOST. Granted, they could have answered a FEW more questions, but somehow it feels pretty right. Sam and I dreamt about LOST all night though!!!

  4. Rachel
    May 25, 2010 | 1:24 am

    I feel somewhat vindicated that I went against the grain and never started watching it like everyone else that I know…I HHHAAATTTEE vague endings!! Chris and I were talking about it yesterday and agreed that it'd probably end like X-Files – with all the questions still unanswered. I'm sorry that sounds like what happened…

I am Lost…

So, I have to say I have LOVED watching Lost.  Sam got us into it a while back, and we started by watching Seasons 1-3 on DVD.  It didn’t take long for us to be hooked!

We have endured through the questions and twists and suspense hoping that ONE DAY those questions would be answered.

That “One Day” came last night as we settled in for the FOUR & A HALF HOURS of Lost Television.  The first 2 hours were a recap, but STILL!

It didn’t end until 11:30, and on a school night?! 

So after watching for 6 seasons (and 4 hours in one night alone), the final credits played, and we looked at each other in amazement.  So much for the questions being answered.  I get that the LOST writers don’t exactly enjoy being clear cut.  They thrive on leaving things open to interpretation, but really?

I love Rocks in My Dryer’s take on it.  I think she makes several valid points that can’t be brushed aside with the common defenses of “artistic impression.” 

I mean, REALLY??  REALLY??  Everyone on the island dies (all at different, random, undisclosed, and pretty much insignificant times) and all these flash sideways that we have been struggling to see reconciled were merely a sort of purgatory?

I don’t find that a satisfying ending to six seasons of one of the Best Shows Ever. Lost delivered time and time again, but unfortunately their Series Finale… did not deliver.  At least not for me. 

What do you think?  Did you love it?  Hate it? 

4 Responses to I am Lost…
  1. Cindy
    May 24, 2010 | 10:13 pm

    I liked that it was a happy ending and I actually appreciated the fact that they didn't try to answers thousands of questions in ONE episode. I know that if they tried to answer some of the questions and it didn't have a lovey dovey ending I wouldn't be satisfied.

  2. Ellen
    May 24, 2010 | 10:37 pm

    Ha ha…. sorry it wasn't an ending you liked… I have to say that I haven't seen even ONE episode of Lost, so I know nothing about the show. I do know how frustrating it is to get vested into a show and then have a disappointing ending though…

  3. Heather
    May 25, 2010 | 12:00 am

    I think I have decided that I like it. I didn't feel disappointed last night, just wanting MORE! But I think if they had explained everything, it wouldn't be LOST. Granted, they could have answered a FEW more questions, but somehow it feels pretty right. Sam and I dreamt about LOST all night though!!!

  4. Rachel
    May 25, 2010 | 1:24 am

    I feel somewhat vindicated that I went against the grain and never started watching it like everyone else that I know…I HHHAAATTTEE vague endings!! Chris and I were talking about it yesterday and agreed that it'd probably end like X-Files – with all the questions still unanswered. I'm sorry that sounds like what happened…