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What’s for Dinner?

I think we all know that the concept of Menu Planning is a good one, but it often comes with too high a price of time and prior, proper, planning.  Not to mention it becomes obsolete when plans for dinner are often sporadically changed, leaving us with no plan for dinner at all…
Well, I’ve recently started making a monthly menu plan using Google Calendar and it’s so easy! 
google calendar  
It’s so easy to add meals… just double click on a date and a window pops up for you to ‘quick add’ the meal.
Menu planning is way nifty, but we all know that life happens and sometimes the meal we planned… just doesn’t.  Especially when you’re preggo, and you have a complicated relationship with food.
So, what’s cool is that if and when you change your plan, ALL you have to do is click and drag the meal to a different date!  Easy-Peasy!
Another totally cool fact is the “List” feature on the right side.  You can create multiple lists which is great, since you can create a “Meal List” to use as a guideline as you’re planning your month, and you can also create a “Shopping List” of ingredients you’ll need for the month!

google calendar with notes 
Cool, right???

2 Responses to What’s for Dinner?
  1. Ellen
    May 20, 2010 | 12:23 pm

    You know I try to plan a monthly menu every month, and have done so for a couple years now…. Well, I'm sitting here wondering WHY in the world it never occurred to me to use Google Calendar to make my menus?!?! Seriously – the light bulb just went on and I am feeling really THICK for not thinking of this before! LOL Thanks for sharing and I love the list option on the side. I use Google calendar for everything, it seems EXCEPT my menus! lol –Side note, are you familiar enough with Google calendar to know if there's a way to change the color coding on the events/labels, so that for instance you could have a color for each member of the family for easier visual distinction of who or what a calendar item was for? Just curious…. I do have 2 google accts, so I could just use the one I'm using now for "life" in general and then use the other acct. to set up my menu calendar…..

    THANKS for sharing! :)

  2. Renee
    May 20, 2010 | 1:07 pm

    Yeah, you can click on the drop down arrow on the left hand side next to the name of your calendar and it gives you options and a large color palette. Good luck!

What’s for Dinner?

I think we all know that the concept of Menu Planning is a good one, but it often comes with too high a price of time and prior, proper, planning.  Not to mention it becomes obsolete when plans for dinner are often sporadically changed, leaving us with no plan for dinner at all…
Well, I’ve recently started making a monthly menu plan using Google Calendar and it’s so easy! 
google calendar  
It’s so easy to add meals… just double click on a date and a window pops up for you to ‘quick add’ the meal.
Menu planning is way nifty, but we all know that life happens and sometimes the meal we planned… just doesn’t.  Especially when you’re preggo, and you have a complicated relationship with food.
So, what’s cool is that if and when you change your plan, ALL you have to do is click and drag the meal to a different date!  Easy-Peasy!
Another totally cool fact is the “List” feature on the right side.  You can create multiple lists which is great, since you can create a “Meal List” to use as a guideline as you’re planning your month, and you can also create a “Shopping List” of ingredients you’ll need for the month!

google calendar with notes 
Cool, right???

2 Responses to What’s for Dinner?
  1. Ellen
    May 20, 2010 | 12:23 pm

    You know I try to plan a monthly menu every month, and have done so for a couple years now…. Well, I'm sitting here wondering WHY in the world it never occurred to me to use Google Calendar to make my menus?!?! Seriously – the light bulb just went on and I am feeling really THICK for not thinking of this before! LOL Thanks for sharing and I love the list option on the side. I use Google calendar for everything, it seems EXCEPT my menus! lol –Side note, are you familiar enough with Google calendar to know if there's a way to change the color coding on the events/labels, so that for instance you could have a color for each member of the family for easier visual distinction of who or what a calendar item was for? Just curious…. I do have 2 google accts, so I could just use the one I'm using now for "life" in general and then use the other acct. to set up my menu calendar…..

    THANKS for sharing! :)

  2. Renee
    May 20, 2010 | 1:07 pm

    Yeah, you can click on the drop down arrow on the left hand side next to the name of your calendar and it gives you options and a large color palette. Good luck!