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100 Days of School!

So somehow I neglected ever posting this, so let’s step back in time a month or two…

Back in January, Haylee’s class celebrated 100 Days of School with everyone creating some sort of 3D project with 100 items for them to practice counting and assembling.  I’m such a bad mom when it comes to projects.  Seriously, having her do all these projects is making me re-evaluate “teacher-me” assigning projects in the future!  :)  I know… I’m complaining.  Sorry.

So the point of this was Haylee actually counting out 100 things and doing this herself which I try my best to adhere to.  I *love* it when parents do projects FOR their kids and try to act like yes, my six year old created this fabulous masterpiece.

We went for simple and glued 100 cheerios on a piece of scrapbook paper in the shape of a flower.  Sounds fairly easy, and it wasn’t too bad, but she did end up with a giant gooey glob of glue nastiness in the center of the flower… :) Yum.

I did have a moment of inspiration putting the project in a plastic protective sheet,  so when the random cheerio fell off it would be contained within the plastic, and thus, still be 100 cheerios.  I’m so brilliant, I know.

What do you think??

One Response to 100 Days of School!
  1. Sam
    April 11, 2010 | 2:25 am

    Yeah, my mom always did my projects and then her and the other moms would talk about the grades they got.

100 Days of School!

So somehow I neglected ever posting this, so let’s step back in time a month or two…

Back in January, Haylee’s class celebrated 100 Days of School with everyone creating some sort of 3D project with 100 items for them to practice counting and assembling.  I’m such a bad mom when it comes to projects.  Seriously, having her do all these projects is making me re-evaluate “teacher-me” assigning projects in the future!  :)  I know… I’m complaining.  Sorry.

So the point of this was Haylee actually counting out 100 things and doing this herself which I try my best to adhere to.  I *love* it when parents do projects FOR their kids and try to act like yes, my six year old created this fabulous masterpiece.

We went for simple and glued 100 cheerios on a piece of scrapbook paper in the shape of a flower.  Sounds fairly easy, and it wasn’t too bad, but she did end up with a giant gooey glob of glue nastiness in the center of the flower… :) Yum.

I did have a moment of inspiration putting the project in a plastic protective sheet,  so when the random cheerio fell off it would be contained within the plastic, and thus, still be 100 cheerios.  I’m so brilliant, I know.

What do you think??

One Response to 100 Days of School!
  1. Sam
    April 11, 2010 | 2:25 am

    Yeah, my mom always did my projects and then her and the other moms would talk about the grades they got.