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‘Fall’bulous, dahling!

Fall is here, and has found it’s way into my Computer Lab. I tried to do a good mix of fall type things along with Technology which was a bit of a challenge and of course something new for me this year…

I added leaves to the CD’s on the door… (the cd’s have all the teacher’s names on them)

This one I adapted from one of the teacher’s here… It says “‘Fall’bulous Computer Programs.” Then it lists a few programs… Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Kidpix, etc…

This one says, “Fall into Technology…” :)

I also figured out how to enlarge things in Print Shop so I had some fun blowing things up… These are the hands that show you which finger should type what letter…

This is my behavior rubric that I give to the classroom teacher when she picks up her class that lets her know about their behavior. I like having a visual reminder for the students…

I also started a new incentive by having a contest between the boys and the girls with the winner earning a skittle. I know… big thrills! It does seem to motivate the little ones especially. I even had one kindergarten boy after my “motivational” instructions to be good and to be quiet who very seriously and dramatically said to me, “I can’t be quiet, because if I’m quiet, it hurts my tummy!”

One Response to ‘Fall’bulous, dahling!
  1. Sam
    November 6, 2009 | 5:43 pm

    How creative. I always said you were a Martha Stewart.

‘Fall’bulous, dahling!

Fall is here, and has found it’s way into my Computer Lab. I tried to do a good mix of fall type things along with Technology which was a bit of a challenge and of course something new for me this year…

I added leaves to the CD’s on the door… (the cd’s have all the teacher’s names on them)

This one I adapted from one of the teacher’s here… It says “‘Fall’bulous Computer Programs.” Then it lists a few programs… Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Kidpix, etc…

This one says, “Fall into Technology…” :)

I also figured out how to enlarge things in Print Shop so I had some fun blowing things up… These are the hands that show you which finger should type what letter…

This is my behavior rubric that I give to the classroom teacher when she picks up her class that lets her know about their behavior. I like having a visual reminder for the students…

I also started a new incentive by having a contest between the boys and the girls with the winner earning a skittle. I know… big thrills! It does seem to motivate the little ones especially. I even had one kindergarten boy after my “motivational” instructions to be good and to be quiet who very seriously and dramatically said to me, “I can’t be quiet, because if I’m quiet, it hurts my tummy!”

One Response to ‘Fall’bulous, dahling!
  1. Sam
    November 6, 2009 | 5:43 pm

    How creative. I always said you were a Martha Stewart.