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Our Graduate….

I know that I don’t look old enough to be the parent of a 1st grader, but believe it or not, that moment has happened…

Our “little” Haylee has GRADUATED!

We are so proud of her! She had a such a great year and learned so much!
She’s growing up too fast!

Here’s more pics… a lot of which are grainy and dark but I did the best I could! :)
One Response to Our Graduate….
  1. Sam
    July 11, 2009 | 8:11 pm

    Wow, I remember when she was born. That is so crazy. Well at least Emerald will stay a baby forever. : )

Our Graduate….

I know that I don’t look old enough to be the parent of a 1st grader, but believe it or not, that moment has happened…

Our “little” Haylee has GRADUATED!

We are so proud of her! She had a such a great year and learned so much!
She’s growing up too fast!

Here’s more pics… a lot of which are grainy and dark but I did the best I could! :)
One Response to Our Graduate….
  1. Sam
    July 11, 2009 | 8:11 pm

    Wow, I remember when she was born. That is so crazy. Well at least Emerald will stay a baby forever. : )