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Menu Monday…






Parmesan Tilapia

Parmesan Encrusted Tilapia




DSC_0179 2

Broccoli Chicken Casserole


wednesdaysandwich supper




From the Freezer




Pizza Night!



We had a great time visiting the “new house” this Saturday with lots of family there with us to check it out. It was nice to see everything again and take lots more pictures. The kids also got a chance to see their new rooms and traipse up and down the steps forty kajillion times.

There were no major issues with the inspection, just a few repair requests for us to make to the sellers. Two months to go, peeps!

Do you wanna take a stab at a stress free dinnertime? Click for more info on how on earth I do it. {Did I mention I ♥ it?}


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If your recipe was featured today, feel free to grab a button!

featured at lll button

What are you eating this week? Anything yummo AND easy??

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Menu Monday…






Parmesan Tilapia

Parmesan Encrusted Tilapia




DSC_0179 2

Broccoli Chicken Casserole


wednesdaysandwich supper




From the Freezer




Pizza Night!



We had a great time visiting the “new house” this Saturday with lots of family there with us to check it out. It was nice to see everything again and take lots more pictures. The kids also got a chance to see their new rooms and traipse up and down the steps forty kajillion times.

There were no major issues with the inspection, just a few repair requests for us to make to the sellers. Two months to go, peeps!

Do you wanna take a stab at a stress free dinnertime? Click for more info on how on earth I do it. {Did I mention I ♥ it?}


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If your recipe was featured today, feel free to grab a button!

featured at lll button

What are you eating this week? Anything yummo AND easy??

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