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Good News and Bad News

So the good news is I saw this great stroller of Natalie’s forever ago and I really loved the design and set up. It seemed perfect for our situation…

We got one similar to hers last weekend at Concord Mills for a great price… Ours is brown like this first pic…

But I wanted to show the other angle of the stroller too… It’s called a “Sit and Stand” tandem stroller. The older child can either sit on the bench and face you, or they can stand facing away from you and hold onto the handles.

Haylee enjoyed being able to cruise around with Wade! :)

The bad news is the kids are too sick to really go anywhere! They both started getting sick early this week, and Tuesday I decided to take Wade in to the doctor since they would probably be closed Wednesday and Thursday.
I was in the doctor’s office close to an hour and half. My appointment was at 4:30 and they didn’t even call me back until almost 5:00 and the doctor didn’t even come back until 5:15 or 5:20. Translation… I had to hold Wade my big 20 pounder for an hour and a half… a lot of the time standing to keep him appeased. I was never so ready to get out of there!
She heard some wheezing (big surprise… we had already started the breathing treatments at home) and wanted to do a breathing treatment in the office. On a whim, she had the nurse do a test for RSV and surprise! He has it. RSV is “a virus… that causes severe childhood respiratory infections, especially bronchiolitis in infants.” (according to

She prescribed a cough/cold med (which is WW3 about every time we try to give it and Motrin!) to ease his total miserableness as well as instructed us to do his breathing treatments every four hours. He is not really wanting to eat and his normal frequent grins and smiles are now few and very far between.
Supposedly, this is day five and more importantly the final day of this wonderful illness. Chris is back to work today so I’ve got to handle the troops on my own!
We’re supposed to be heading to Lynchburg (about 3.5 hour drive) tomorrow for a wedding.
Don’t know if that will happen! I’m back to work Monday and school starts Tuesday, so I’m hoping he’s at least recovered by then…
Oh, by the way… Happy 2009 to everyone! :)
4 Responses to Good News and Bad News
  1. Rachel
    January 2, 2009 | 3:43 pm

    I know how you feel…my two kids have been sick too! =( I’m probably going to be posting on that soon—hope Wade feels better!
    Happy New Year!

  2. Ellen
    January 2, 2009 | 11:07 pm

    Thinking of you in my prayers…. This Christmas break is speeding by at a rapid pace, isn’t it?! Hope everyone is feeling better. Happy New Year!!!

  3. Danny, Sherri, Sammi, and Lawrie
    January 3, 2009 | 2:19 am

    Oh bless your heart! So sorry to hear about little Wade… Hope he's better soon…

    We had a Sit 'n Stand & LOVED it for shopping! It's a great invention!

  4. Rachel
    January 5, 2009 | 12:28 am

    Oh you poor thing! I really hope they get over it soon. It’s so hard when your babies are sick and not feeling well. Poor Wade, especially.

    Great stroller, though! My sister has that one, and it’s fantastic!

    (I just use a sling, though, since I don’t have a stroller).

Good News and Bad News

So the good news is I saw this great stroller of Natalie’s forever ago and I really loved the design and set up. It seemed perfect for our situation…

We got one similar to hers last weekend at Concord Mills for a great price… Ours is brown like this first pic…

But I wanted to show the other angle of the stroller too… It’s called a “Sit and Stand” tandem stroller. The older child can either sit on the bench and face you, or they can stand facing away from you and hold onto the handles.

Haylee enjoyed being able to cruise around with Wade! :)

The bad news is the kids are too sick to really go anywhere! They both started getting sick early this week, and Tuesday I decided to take Wade in to the doctor since they would probably be closed Wednesday and Thursday.
I was in the doctor’s office close to an hour and half. My appointment was at 4:30 and they didn’t even call me back until almost 5:00 and the doctor didn’t even come back until 5:15 or 5:20. Translation… I had to hold Wade my big 20 pounder for an hour and a half… a lot of the time standing to keep him appeased. I was never so ready to get out of there!
She heard some wheezing (big surprise… we had already started the breathing treatments at home) and wanted to do a breathing treatment in the office. On a whim, she had the nurse do a test for RSV and surprise! He has it. RSV is “a virus… that causes severe childhood respiratory infections, especially bronchiolitis in infants.” (according to

She prescribed a cough/cold med (which is WW3 about every time we try to give it and Motrin!) to ease his total miserableness as well as instructed us to do his breathing treatments every four hours. He is not really wanting to eat and his normal frequent grins and smiles are now few and very far between.
Supposedly, this is day five and more importantly the final day of this wonderful illness. Chris is back to work today so I’ve got to handle the troops on my own!
We’re supposed to be heading to Lynchburg (about 3.5 hour drive) tomorrow for a wedding.
Don’t know if that will happen! I’m back to work Monday and school starts Tuesday, so I’m hoping he’s at least recovered by then…
Oh, by the way… Happy 2009 to everyone! :)
4 Responses to Good News and Bad News
  1. Rachel
    January 2, 2009 | 3:43 pm

    I know how you feel…my two kids have been sick too! =( I’m probably going to be posting on that soon—hope Wade feels better!
    Happy New Year!

  2. Ellen
    January 2, 2009 | 11:07 pm

    Thinking of you in my prayers…. This Christmas break is speeding by at a rapid pace, isn’t it?! Hope everyone is feeling better. Happy New Year!!!

  3. Danny, Sherri, Sammi, and Lawrie
    January 3, 2009 | 2:19 am

    Oh bless your heart! So sorry to hear about little Wade… Hope he's better soon…

    We had a Sit 'n Stand & LOVED it for shopping! It's a great invention!

  4. Rachel
    January 5, 2009 | 12:28 am

    Oh you poor thing! I really hope they get over it soon. It’s so hard when your babies are sick and not feeling well. Poor Wade, especially.

    Great stroller, though! My sister has that one, and it’s fantastic!

    (I just use a sling, though, since I don’t have a stroller).