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Top Holidays Likes & Dislikes!

{via Just Devine Style}

There’s something about Christmas that inspires lots of lists, isn’t there?  Lots of Likes and Dislikes too about this most favorite and magical time of the year.

We all can even end up with strong opinions about the RIGHT way to do things for the holidays. :)

We are at my parent’s house today celebrating Christmas early, since the big day falling on a Sunday presented a bit of a planning dilemma for everyone and their coordinating family’s schedule. 

There will be lots of noise and food and general mayhem as we open presents and try not to kill each other amid all the holiday cheer.  Let the record show that as the deprived middle child, my role is usually peacemaker.  :)  Oh, and perfect angel, of course, but, ahem… that really goes without saying. 

After my bloggy friend, Rachel did such a fun list of her Holiday Likes & Dislikes, I decided today would be a good day to join in and share my own!  I will say that, for once, I had a much harder time coming up with DISLIKES.  Apparently, I SO love everything Christmas there is LITTLE that falls into my normal annoyance window. A window that unfortunately always seems to be open.  :)

{My Dislikes…}

The Christmas Story movie.  Ugh.  Hate it with a passion.  I think my brother liked it so I was forced to watch it as a child.  So many horrible, horrible things happening to kid.  The tongue stuck to the pole scene.  Tortuous.

Rachel mentioned hating train-wreck movies like National Lampoons Christmas Vacation, and I was glad to hear someone actually give this a name and validate my own thoughts on movies such as this.  CAN.NOT.STAND to sit there and watch someone self destruct… even with humor.  I guess I am truly just a happy ending girl.

christmas story{via}

“Go Tell it on the Mountain” & “Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer.”  I know.  It’s probably ALL SORTS of wrong to even put these two songs in the same sentence, but for purposes of this list… they are two Christmas songs that I just don’t like… for opposite reasons.  I don’t mind the words of Go Tell, but I just find the tune and rhythm annoying and non Christmasy.  Just feels like a cowboy song or some other weirdness. 

And really, what is point of words like “Grandma got run over by a reindeer… and as for me and Grandpa, we believe”?   What does that even mean?  I heard this one just earlier this week and started to wonder if there was some sort of hidden innuendo that maybe the reindeer had a little HELP from GRANDPA???

Holier than Thou Holiday Haters.  I grew up with LOTS of rules around of what things you should and shouldn’t do.  Lists of rules that, I think, made some people feel more holy and better about themselves.   One thing people LOVED to feel more spiritual about was PREACHING loud and long about the evils of Christmas.  How Santa was really Satan since you JUST had to switch the letters around? How this or that pagan ritual from centuries ago really meant we were all sacrificing to idols Christmas morning. 

Ok maybe not that last one… but pretty darn close.


I say Boo on you Holiday Haters.  For every pagan instance you come up with in relation to Christmas, someone else has found a profoundly spiritual connection to the celebration. 

We grew up with Christmas trees and presents, knowing Santa was a fun story.  Though my mom likes to tell of overhearing us kids tell the neighbors, “Santa really IS real, but mommy just won’t let him come to our house.”

Colored Lights.  I’m sorry.  I’m pretty sure this makes me a Christmas snob or something, but I just think there is no contest when it comes to colored vs white lights.  There is just something so glowingly magical about white lights on a tree.  I absolutely LOVE it. 

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My sis and I love white, and my brother is a colored fan.  Any guesses what’s on mom’s tree todayrightthisveryminute?  Yup.  Colored.     :)

Tinsel. We grew up with tinsel or icicles thrown haphazardly on the tree, so I guess I SHOULD have an affection for it, but sadly… I don’t.   Right now there is tinsel coming out our ears on mom’s tree.  After the grandkids had way too good of a time spreading the Tinsel Cheer, we sat back staring at the tree and decided that tinsel = a Halloween looking tree.  You know, kind of like the cobweb look?  So yeah.  Just can’t handle the tinsel trees.  :)

grandmas tinsel 2


Now enough of the negative stuff and on to the happy fun part!!


{My Likes…}

Cheesy Happy Ending Made for TV Christmas Movies. I’m pretty sure this one drives everyone else around me batty except for Haylee and mom… my fellow cheesy movie lovers.  It doesn’t even matter if I’ve seen the Christmas Cheesiness before or not!  Sometimes it’s actually better if I HAVE seen them so I won’t miss too much while I’m otherwise occupied wrapping gifts or addressing Christmas cards.  :)

madefortvchristmasmovies 2

Christmas Tunes. Nothing puts me {or you, right?} in the Christmas mood better than some awesome Christmas music!  This year I’ve mostly used the Christmas station on Pandora to get my holiday music fix, since it’s easy and it’s a good mix of all different genres. 


Lighted Garland = Magical. I never even used lighted garland AT ALL until a couple years ago after being so inspired by Thrifty Décor Chick.  I discovered how much I adore lighted garland.  And when I say garland, I mean greenery.  There is something so special about the draping twinkling greenery that just adds a touch of Christmas magic wherever it goes. 

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I was so, so very sad this year when half of the lights on my garland decided to GO OUT.  Wah!

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Just not the same without the twinkling lights!

Funny Christmas Movies like Elf and The Santa Claus movies as well as Heartfelt Classics like Miracle on 34th street.  These types of movies Chris will actually sit down and watch with the family, and it’s Christmas moments like these that I just want to squeeze and bottle up for when my crazy kiddos are a few years older and too cool for cuddle time with mommy. 

elf santa claus  miracle{via}, {via}, {via}

Beautifully Wrapped Packages.  I love wrapping our gifts with that little extra touch of ribbon and bows that really just SCREAM Christmas!!  Those beautiful bows are pretty much annoying to everyone when it comes time to open those gifts, but in the meantime it’s TOTALLY worth it…to me anyway.  I was excited to find some UNC wrapping paper at Mighty Dollar this year to wrap the hubby’s gifts.  At least if the gift bombs, the paper made his day.  :)

I wish I was a more interesting bow tie-er, but maybe one day I’ll achieve some better skills in that department.  :)

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Making Sugar Cookies Together.  I have VIVID memories of making sugar cookies with my sister and mom when we were little.  Dropping dots of food coloring in those little bowls of icing and watching the color appear as we stirred away.  So. much. fun. 

This one tradition I determined early on I was going to carry out with Haylee…  She absolutely LOVES doing anything in the kitchen and making and decorating sugar cookies is no exception. 

sugar cookies

I consider these times to be equally priceless and nerve-racking.  :)  Pretty much like any other good memory you do with your kids.

Getting Christmas Cards in the Mail.  We all can agree.  Christmas cards are SUCH a hassle.  And so much money!!  Not to mention the level of STRESS that goes into just getting pictures made to go on or in the card.  ALL THAT ASIDE… I LOVE getting Christmas cards in the mail.  Especially the ones with those aggravating to get pictures.  :)

I love seeing how the little kiddies have grown and all the smiling faces with their matching or coordinating outfits. 

I do think sending Christmas Cards is becoming a lost art, unfortunately.   With all 6 million or whatever of us on facebook, sending a card greeting just doesn’t happen for lots of peeps. 

I get it, but I still love getting ‘em

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What are you Christmas Likes & Dislikes?  Do you agree or disagree with mine?

feelscript sig smiley_thumb_thumb

*Linking to the Weekend Bloggy Party at Serenity Now!

10 Responses to Top Holidays Likes & Dislikes!
  1. Tanya
    December 23, 2011 | 2:47 pm

    Totally agree with lots of these. The holiday haters…ugh! And love Elf and all the other cheesy, feel-good Christmas movies.

  2. Beth Anne
    December 23, 2011 | 3:28 pm

    I totally agree with all of your likes and dislikes. I would just like to add one song to your list of stupid holiday songs…The Beach Boys' song "Little St. Nick." The lyrics are just dumb…"Christmas comes this time each year"…well DUH!

    I super love the made-for-tv movies too. My hubby is totally wishing we did not get the hallmark channel right now. :P

  3. Rachel
    December 23, 2011 | 8:51 pm

    Great lists!! Except for the colored light hating, of course.

    Merry Christmas!!

  4. AJ @ Happy Misadventures
    December 24, 2011 | 8:25 pm

    I'm in complete agreement on most of your list. I love the look of colored lights on every edge of the outside of a "gingerbread" style home, looks adorable. Not inside though, let's stick with the white. HATE tinsel, think it's so ugly and annoying and a pain to clean, plus the kids and dogs eat it.

    Love me some cheesy holiday movies and traditional holiday songs, that's the best way to get in the Christmas spirit! No National Lampoon here, either, I'm all about Miracle on 34th and Polar Express.

    Sent holiday cards out for the first time this year, which was a pain, but oh how I love receiving them! Great list. :)


  5. Christina
    December 26, 2011 | 6:19 pm

    I agree with all your likes and dislike all your dislikes!! :)

    I will say – the song, "Grandma Got run over by a reindeer" makes more sense if you watch the tv show/movie/ :) still stupid… :)

  6. Laine
    December 27, 2011 | 7:03 pm

    What?? You don't like "Grandma got ran over by a Reindeer??" =P Had to laugh about the colored lights, I don't like them either! My kids though beg for them every. single. year though. Feel like a mean mommy but I really cannot stand them!

  7. Beth
    December 27, 2011 | 9:41 pm

    I am in the exact same sleigh as you on the dislike and likes, except that I like colored lights AND white lights together. The white lights tone down the colored ones and the colored ones add a bit more magic to the look of the white ones.

    I don't care for mean spirited or idiot Christmas shows, but do also love Elf, The Santa Clause, Polar Express and of course, all the cartoon ones from my childhood! I have never liked the Grandma song, even when I was a teenager.

    Love to see someone who has the same Christmas Spirit as me!

  8. Priscilla Manago
    December 28, 2011 | 3:14 am

    I didn't realize how much your mom and I have in common–I love colored lights and have lots of icicles on our tree!! It's a tradition for us to make sugar cookies and I love the cheesy Christmas movies, too! I enjoyed reading your post! Love, Aunt Cilla

    March 19, 2012 | 3:16 am

    Hey There. I found your blog using msn. That is an extremely smartly written article. I’ll make sure to bookmark it and return to read more of your helpful info. Thank you for the post. I’ll certainly comeback.

  10. сумасшедший
    May 19, 2015 | 12:18 am

    This blog was… how do I say it? Relevant!! Finally I’ve found something which helped me.
    Thank you!

Top Holidays Likes & Dislikes!

{via Just Devine Style}

There’s something about Christmas that inspires lots of lists, isn’t there?  Lots of Likes and Dislikes too about this most favorite and magical time of the year.

We all can even end up with strong opinions about the RIGHT way to do things for the holidays. :)

We are at my parent’s house today celebrating Christmas early, since the big day falling on a Sunday presented a bit of a planning dilemma for everyone and their coordinating family’s schedule. 

There will be lots of noise and food and general mayhem as we open presents and try not to kill each other amid all the holiday cheer.  Let the record show that as the deprived middle child, my role is usually peacemaker.  :)  Oh, and perfect angel, of course, but, ahem… that really goes without saying. 

After my bloggy friend, Rachel did such a fun list of her Holiday Likes & Dislikes, I decided today would be a good day to join in and share my own!  I will say that, for once, I had a much harder time coming up with DISLIKES.  Apparently, I SO love everything Christmas there is LITTLE that falls into my normal annoyance window. A window that unfortunately always seems to be open.  :)

{My Dislikes…}

The Christmas Story movie.  Ugh.  Hate it with a passion.  I think my brother liked it so I was forced to watch it as a child.  So many horrible, horrible things happening to kid.  The tongue stuck to the pole scene.  Tortuous.

Rachel mentioned hating train-wreck movies like National Lampoons Christmas Vacation, and I was glad to hear someone actually give this a name and validate my own thoughts on movies such as this.  CAN.NOT.STAND to sit there and watch someone self destruct… even with humor.  I guess I am truly just a happy ending girl.

christmas story{via}

“Go Tell it on the Mountain” & “Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer.”  I know.  It’s probably ALL SORTS of wrong to even put these two songs in the same sentence, but for purposes of this list… they are two Christmas songs that I just don’t like… for opposite reasons.  I don’t mind the words of Go Tell, but I just find the tune and rhythm annoying and non Christmasy.  Just feels like a cowboy song or some other weirdness. 

And really, what is point of words like “Grandma got run over by a reindeer… and as for me and Grandpa, we believe”?   What does that even mean?  I heard this one just earlier this week and started to wonder if there was some sort of hidden innuendo that maybe the reindeer had a little HELP from GRANDPA???

Holier than Thou Holiday Haters.  I grew up with LOTS of rules around of what things you should and shouldn’t do.  Lists of rules that, I think, made some people feel more holy and better about themselves.   One thing people LOVED to feel more spiritual about was PREACHING loud and long about the evils of Christmas.  How Santa was really Satan since you JUST had to switch the letters around? How this or that pagan ritual from centuries ago really meant we were all sacrificing to idols Christmas morning. 

Ok maybe not that last one… but pretty darn close.


I say Boo on you Holiday Haters.  For every pagan instance you come up with in relation to Christmas, someone else has found a profoundly spiritual connection to the celebration. 

We grew up with Christmas trees and presents, knowing Santa was a fun story.  Though my mom likes to tell of overhearing us kids tell the neighbors, “Santa really IS real, but mommy just won’t let him come to our house.”

Colored Lights.  I’m sorry.  I’m pretty sure this makes me a Christmas snob or something, but I just think there is no contest when it comes to colored vs white lights.  There is just something so glowingly magical about white lights on a tree.  I absolutely LOVE it. 

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My sis and I love white, and my brother is a colored fan.  Any guesses what’s on mom’s tree todayrightthisveryminute?  Yup.  Colored.     :)

Tinsel. We grew up with tinsel or icicles thrown haphazardly on the tree, so I guess I SHOULD have an affection for it, but sadly… I don’t.   Right now there is tinsel coming out our ears on mom’s tree.  After the grandkids had way too good of a time spreading the Tinsel Cheer, we sat back staring at the tree and decided that tinsel = a Halloween looking tree.  You know, kind of like the cobweb look?  So yeah.  Just can’t handle the tinsel trees.  :)

grandmas tinsel 2


Now enough of the negative stuff and on to the happy fun part!!


{My Likes…}

Cheesy Happy Ending Made for TV Christmas Movies. I’m pretty sure this one drives everyone else around me batty except for Haylee and mom… my fellow cheesy movie lovers.  It doesn’t even matter if I’ve seen the Christmas Cheesiness before or not!  Sometimes it’s actually better if I HAVE seen them so I won’t miss too much while I’m otherwise occupied wrapping gifts or addressing Christmas cards.  :)

madefortvchristmasmovies 2

Christmas Tunes. Nothing puts me {or you, right?} in the Christmas mood better than some awesome Christmas music!  This year I’ve mostly used the Christmas station on Pandora to get my holiday music fix, since it’s easy and it’s a good mix of all different genres. 


Lighted Garland = Magical. I never even used lighted garland AT ALL until a couple years ago after being so inspired by Thrifty Décor Chick.  I discovered how much I adore lighted garland.  And when I say garland, I mean greenery.  There is something so special about the draping twinkling greenery that just adds a touch of Christmas magic wherever it goes. 

IMG_1274 3

I was so, so very sad this year when half of the lights on my garland decided to GO OUT.  Wah!

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Just not the same without the twinkling lights!

Funny Christmas Movies like Elf and The Santa Claus movies as well as Heartfelt Classics like Miracle on 34th street.  These types of movies Chris will actually sit down and watch with the family, and it’s Christmas moments like these that I just want to squeeze and bottle up for when my crazy kiddos are a few years older and too cool for cuddle time with mommy. 

elf santa claus  miracle{via}, {via}, {via}

Beautifully Wrapped Packages.  I love wrapping our gifts with that little extra touch of ribbon and bows that really just SCREAM Christmas!!  Those beautiful bows are pretty much annoying to everyone when it comes time to open those gifts, but in the meantime it’s TOTALLY worth it…to me anyway.  I was excited to find some UNC wrapping paper at Mighty Dollar this year to wrap the hubby’s gifts.  At least if the gift bombs, the paper made his day.  :)

I wish I was a more interesting bow tie-er, but maybe one day I’ll achieve some better skills in that department.  :)

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Making Sugar Cookies Together.  I have VIVID memories of making sugar cookies with my sister and mom when we were little.  Dropping dots of food coloring in those little bowls of icing and watching the color appear as we stirred away.  So. much. fun. 

This one tradition I determined early on I was going to carry out with Haylee…  She absolutely LOVES doing anything in the kitchen and making and decorating sugar cookies is no exception. 

sugar cookies

I consider these times to be equally priceless and nerve-racking.  :)  Pretty much like any other good memory you do with your kids.

Getting Christmas Cards in the Mail.  We all can agree.  Christmas cards are SUCH a hassle.  And so much money!!  Not to mention the level of STRESS that goes into just getting pictures made to go on or in the card.  ALL THAT ASIDE… I LOVE getting Christmas cards in the mail.  Especially the ones with those aggravating to get pictures.  :)

I love seeing how the little kiddies have grown and all the smiling faces with their matching or coordinating outfits. 

I do think sending Christmas Cards is becoming a lost art, unfortunately.   With all 6 million or whatever of us on facebook, sending a card greeting just doesn’t happen for lots of peeps. 

I get it, but I still love getting ‘em

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What are you Christmas Likes & Dislikes?  Do you agree or disagree with mine?

feelscript sig smiley_thumb_thumb

*Linking to the Weekend Bloggy Party at Serenity Now!

10 Responses to Top Holidays Likes & Dislikes!
  1. Tanya
    December 23, 2011 | 2:47 pm

    Totally agree with lots of these. The holiday haters…ugh! And love Elf and all the other cheesy, feel-good Christmas movies.

  2. Beth Anne
    December 23, 2011 | 3:28 pm

    I totally agree with all of your likes and dislikes. I would just like to add one song to your list of stupid holiday songs…The Beach Boys' song "Little St. Nick." The lyrics are just dumb…"Christmas comes this time each year"…well DUH!

    I super love the made-for-tv movies too. My hubby is totally wishing we did not get the hallmark channel right now. :P

  3. Rachel
    December 23, 2011 | 8:51 pm

    Great lists!! Except for the colored light hating, of course.

    Merry Christmas!!

  4. AJ @ Happy Misadventures
    December 24, 2011 | 8:25 pm

    I'm in complete agreement on most of your list. I love the look of colored lights on every edge of the outside of a "gingerbread" style home, looks adorable. Not inside though, let's stick with the white. HATE tinsel, think it's so ugly and annoying and a pain to clean, plus the kids and dogs eat it.

    Love me some cheesy holiday movies and traditional holiday songs, that's the best way to get in the Christmas spirit! No National Lampoon here, either, I'm all about Miracle on 34th and Polar Express.

    Sent holiday cards out for the first time this year, which was a pain, but oh how I love receiving them! Great list. :)


  5. Christina
    December 26, 2011 | 6:19 pm

    I agree with all your likes and dislike all your dislikes!! :)

    I will say – the song, "Grandma Got run over by a reindeer" makes more sense if you watch the tv show/movie/ :) still stupid… :)

  6. Laine
    December 27, 2011 | 7:03 pm

    What?? You don't like "Grandma got ran over by a Reindeer??" =P Had to laugh about the colored lights, I don't like them either! My kids though beg for them every. single. year though. Feel like a mean mommy but I really cannot stand them!

  7. Beth
    December 27, 2011 | 9:41 pm

    I am in the exact same sleigh as you on the dislike and likes, except that I like colored lights AND white lights together. The white lights tone down the colored ones and the colored ones add a bit more magic to the look of the white ones.

    I don't care for mean spirited or idiot Christmas shows, but do also love Elf, The Santa Clause, Polar Express and of course, all the cartoon ones from my childhood! I have never liked the Grandma song, even when I was a teenager.

    Love to see someone who has the same Christmas Spirit as me!

  8. Priscilla Manago
    December 28, 2011 | 3:14 am

    I didn't realize how much your mom and I have in common–I love colored lights and have lots of icicles on our tree!! It's a tradition for us to make sugar cookies and I love the cheesy Christmas movies, too! I enjoyed reading your post! Love, Aunt Cilla

    March 19, 2012 | 3:16 am

    Hey There. I found your blog using msn. That is an extremely smartly written article. I’ll make sure to bookmark it and return to read more of your helpful info. Thank you for the post. I’ll certainly comeback.

  10. сумасшедший
    May 19, 2015 | 12:18 am

    This blog was… how do I say it? Relevant!! Finally I’ve found something which helped me.
    Thank you!