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Christmas Fun

Wade’s first Christmas!
Haylee’s Light Bright! We left this off in the other pic, so we had to take a special one just with it!

Wade the Present! I just loved his Christmas shirt. It says, “Santa’s Sidekick.”

MawMaw & PawPaw Howard with all the great grandkids minus one… I stole this pic from Amy!

Haylee showing off her loot
And Wade with his… Chris would only let me buy him one toy!

Can you believe it? We got him the electronic book thing on the left. The rest are from the rest of the fam… minus the Swaringens. We have him in the swing b/c he was so fussy. He hadn’t been in it in months. He’s a bit too big for it I think since it won’t swing when he sits all the way forward. :)

My two sweeties! Haylee 5.5 years and Wade 9.5 mo’s.

I actually took these pics on Saturday since I hadn’t snapped any of them on Christmas day! (I know I’m a bad mother, but we got a new camcorder, so that became our focus… The good news is I may actually be able to upload videos now!)

3 Responses to Christmas Fun
  1. Ellen
    December 29, 2008 | 12:27 am

    Claire got the l. bright too, as well as the Kohl’s dalmation. ;) The pics of the kids are too cute! Looks like they had a good Christmas! Wade is growing and changing so much, it seems… he’s so cute.

  2. Heather
    December 29, 2008 | 3:26 pm

    They look very happy with their gifts! That is so great you guys got a camcorder! I am trying to convince Sam to get one before the baby comes!

  3. Sam
    December 29, 2008 | 3:49 pm

    I think you’re mistaken about the light bright because if I remember correctly, the light bright was as big as I was and it wouldn’t fit in Haylee’s lap. It’s big and black too.

Christmas Fun

Wade’s first Christmas!
Haylee’s Light Bright! We left this off in the other pic, so we had to take a special one just with it!

Wade the Present! I just loved his Christmas shirt. It says, “Santa’s Sidekick.”

MawMaw & PawPaw Howard with all the great grandkids minus one… I stole this pic from Amy!

Haylee showing off her loot
And Wade with his… Chris would only let me buy him one toy!

Can you believe it? We got him the electronic book thing on the left. The rest are from the rest of the fam… minus the Swaringens. We have him in the swing b/c he was so fussy. He hadn’t been in it in months. He’s a bit too big for it I think since it won’t swing when he sits all the way forward. :)

My two sweeties! Haylee 5.5 years and Wade 9.5 mo’s.

I actually took these pics on Saturday since I hadn’t snapped any of them on Christmas day! (I know I’m a bad mother, but we got a new camcorder, so that became our focus… The good news is I may actually be able to upload videos now!)

3 Responses to Christmas Fun
  1. Ellen
    December 29, 2008 | 12:27 am

    Claire got the l. bright too, as well as the Kohl’s dalmation. ;) The pics of the kids are too cute! Looks like they had a good Christmas! Wade is growing and changing so much, it seems… he’s so cute.

  2. Heather
    December 29, 2008 | 3:26 pm

    They look very happy with their gifts! That is so great you guys got a camcorder! I am trying to convince Sam to get one before the baby comes!

  3. Sam
    December 29, 2008 | 3:49 pm

    I think you’re mistaken about the light bright because if I remember correctly, the light bright was as big as I was and it wouldn’t fit in Haylee’s lap. It’s big and black too.