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Park Pics

B is in town this week and the whole gang headed our way Thursday night for some fellowship. We went to Stowe Park in Belmont for a grandkids photo shoot. It was a little chilly, but we survived. :)

One day someone (like Mack, since he never gets too involved in the craziness) needs to video us acting like lunatics in order to get the kids to all LOOK at the camera and SMILE! It would be quite entertaining I’m sure.

Despite all the effort and cold weather, I think we got some good shots… :)

My cutie!

There were several of these, but this one was the BEST ONE, believe it or not. It was a bit tricky with the little ones perched so precariously…
Hard to believe there are FIVE of them, and Haylee is still the only girl. Maybe B will break the trend with this baby coming.

Sweet Kisses for my Sweet Little Man!


Seriously, they really have grown so fast…

Haylee and Wade… once again… precarious situation going on…

The poor little ones don’t look too comfortable up at the top…

I thought this was a cool idea that I stole from the Clark’s!

The Whole Gang…

Haylee 5, Jared 4, Eli 16 mo’s, Jacob 10 mo’s, Wade 7.5

4 Responses to Park Pics
  1. Sam
    October 27, 2008 | 2:10 pm

    Those pics are really neat. I’m glad B got to come so you could have some fellowship.

  2. Leah
    October 27, 2008 | 5:38 pm

    The one at the top of Wade is way too cute! What a sweet little face. They all look great. B does such a great job! In our family the girl/boy ratio is the other way around. There are 5 girls and one boy. :-)

  3. Kelly
    October 27, 2008 | 5:56 pm

    I LOVE the last picture. They all look so happy and giggly. :)

  4. Pumpkinhead-Michelle
    October 28, 2008 | 8:50 pm

    Those pictures are so good! The kids look like they had so much fun.

Park Pics

B is in town this week and the whole gang headed our way Thursday night for some fellowship. We went to Stowe Park in Belmont for a grandkids photo shoot. It was a little chilly, but we survived. :)

One day someone (like Mack, since he never gets too involved in the craziness) needs to video us acting like lunatics in order to get the kids to all LOOK at the camera and SMILE! It would be quite entertaining I’m sure.

Despite all the effort and cold weather, I think we got some good shots… :)

My cutie!

There were several of these, but this one was the BEST ONE, believe it or not. It was a bit tricky with the little ones perched so precariously…
Hard to believe there are FIVE of them, and Haylee is still the only girl. Maybe B will break the trend with this baby coming.

Sweet Kisses for my Sweet Little Man!


Seriously, they really have grown so fast…

Haylee and Wade… once again… precarious situation going on…

The poor little ones don’t look too comfortable up at the top…

I thought this was a cool idea that I stole from the Clark’s!

The Whole Gang…

Haylee 5, Jared 4, Eli 16 mo’s, Jacob 10 mo’s, Wade 7.5

4 Responses to Park Pics
  1. Sam
    October 27, 2008 | 2:10 pm

    Those pics are really neat. I’m glad B got to come so you could have some fellowship.

  2. Leah
    October 27, 2008 | 5:38 pm

    The one at the top of Wade is way too cute! What a sweet little face. They all look great. B does such a great job! In our family the girl/boy ratio is the other way around. There are 5 girls and one boy. :-)

  3. Kelly
    October 27, 2008 | 5:56 pm

    I LOVE the last picture. They all look so happy and giggly. :)

  4. Pumpkinhead-Michelle
    October 28, 2008 | 8:50 pm

    Those pictures are so good! The kids look like they had so much fun.