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We are just beginning to be healed from the family plague that has been befalling us. After Wade, then Haylee, now Chris has been struck. He has been out of work the last two days, and is just now starting to feel a bit better. Since Haylee and Wade both got to go to Nana’s during their illness, we joked about Chris heading off their too. :) I’m sure she would take better care of him than I would when he’s sick, ha ha! :)

I have been handling things “on my own” with Chris feeling low, and I am ever so glad that he is feeling better, because I have been slightly overwhelmed juggling everything without all his help!

Here’s a few pics of the last few weeks… :)
2 Responses to Plagued
  1. Heather
    September 11, 2008 | 3:35 am

    Oh! That’s no fun when everyone gets sick! You were spared though (knock on wood!) I hope all is settling and everyone is starting to feel better!

  2. Sam
    September 12, 2008 | 7:50 pm

    I’m glad everyone is feeling better.


We are just beginning to be healed from the family plague that has been befalling us. After Wade, then Haylee, now Chris has been struck. He has been out of work the last two days, and is just now starting to feel a bit better. Since Haylee and Wade both got to go to Nana’s during their illness, we joked about Chris heading off their too. :) I’m sure she would take better care of him than I would when he’s sick, ha ha! :)

I have been handling things “on my own” with Chris feeling low, and I am ever so glad that he is feeling better, because I have been slightly overwhelmed juggling everything without all his help!

Here’s a few pics of the last few weeks… :)
2 Responses to Plagued
  1. Heather
    September 11, 2008 | 3:35 am

    Oh! That’s no fun when everyone gets sick! You were spared though (knock on wood!) I hope all is settling and everyone is starting to feel better!

  2. Sam
    September 12, 2008 | 7:50 pm

    I’m glad everyone is feeling better.