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Half a Year…NOW WITH PICS!

Ahhh!!! Have you given up on me yet?? I haven’t fallen off the face of the earth quite yet, but I think I could be close. :) Things are crazy busy at home and school and you know how life goes.

But here I am attempting to plug out a short update so I will feel a bit better about my blog neglect.

Our little Wade turned 6 months old yesterday! It is hard to believe he has reached half a year already! This momentous birthday wasn’t quite so exciting however, since the Wadester decided to get sick in honor of the occasion.

He started feeling icky on Friday, and by Saturday he was running a fever and really starting to act miserable. We took him to the doctor Saturday afternoon, and they sent him home with a nebulizer to do breathing treatments every 4-6 hours this whole week. The doctor said he had fluid pockets in his lungs? which were causing him to wheeze and were keeping things too tight in there.

He did not care so much for the treatment and was a bit shocked when he felt the vapor blowing him in the face.
When we made the “mistake” of trying to put the mask on his little face, he let us know how strongly he disapproved of such actions. It only lasted a few minutes, but he screamed his little head off.
When it was finally over and he had calmed down, they got him riled up again with a nasal swab test for RSV!

He did finally chill out with the treatments, for which we were thankful!

We went back in today for a follow up visit. He has just done so horribly the last two days. You can just tell that he is so miserable, and you just don’t know how to make it better!

Well, we found out that the poor little guy had a double ear infection and something called Coxsackievirus that caused blisters on the back of his throat! No wonder he was miserable. I wasn’t very pleased that the doctor on Saturday hadn’t caught any of this!

But…. we now have an antibiotic and hope that he will be feeling better soon.
On a lighter note, he has finally managed to roll over for the first time (as of a week or so ago). He’s only about 3 mo’s behind schedule. :) On Saturday, he weighed 17 lbs 6 oz! Our little boy is getting so big, so fast!

Haylee is still enjoying school and even told me so sadly on Labor Day that she wished she could go to school because she missed Mrs. Baldwin (her teacher) and Ty (her ex-boyfriend)! Ty apparently has five girlfriends in her class, but decided to break up with Haylee last week. She said she doesn’t know why. :) When I first heard about it, she said that Ty said she was his girlfriend, but she said that she wasn’t. Maybe he didn’t like her assertiveness. :)

We are in serious trouble if the boyfriend problems are starting in Kindergarten.

Things are still going really well in my classroom. That is despite the fact that the great majority expected me to be mean. I took a survey last week, and 13 of my students said they had heard I was mean. (One even said they had heard I was EVIL!)
I was shocked even further when they revealed that someone had told them I may not be as mean this year, because I wasn’t pregnant. Basically, because sometimes pregnant women can be cranky. I had to laugh at loud.

Okay… that’s all for now… Laundry and lunches and diaper bags and clothes for tomorrow are all awaiting me…

(I took several pictures of Wade getting his breathing treatment…. They are so cute and pitiful! The mask is like a rooster just for little ones…. HOWEVER, the good news is we got a new computer, YAY! The bad news is the old one crashed a few days after we got the new one, and my camera isn’t compatible with stinky old Vista! Seriously, does anyone like Vista?? So, until I figure out another solution, I am picture-less. :(

6 Responses to Half a Year…NOW WITH PICS!
  1. Amy's Journal
    September 3, 2008 | 1:41 am

    Oh we know the breathing treatments oh so well esp in the winter! Believe it or not when Sage was little haveing ear infection we went on a Saturday and no ear infections went back on a Sunday and full blown . They say they can come over night. I was shocked too! I am so glad that the school year is going well and shocked that anyone would thing your evil!

  2. Ellen
    September 3, 2008 | 2:28 am

    Don’t even mention Vista around Matt — he goes off on a tirade… When computer-geek/IT gurus HATE it, you know it’s got to be bad! LOL

    I am SOOOOOOOOOO sorry about Wade being so sick. I know at that age it seems even worse b/c they can’t tell you what’s wrong or “how to fix it.” I am sure this has made for an interesting few days. Hope you’re getting plenty of rest!

    Laughed out loud re: the “boy trouble” Haylee’s already having in K! Too funny! ;) Just wait till she’s a teenager!

    Pray for you daily…

  3. Bette Anne
    September 3, 2008 | 12:47 pm

    Yay for an update! ;) We had a lot of fun with y’all the last couple days, and I’m still trying to weed through the pics I have, so hopefully I’ll have an update for you too! ;)

  4. Heather
    September 4, 2008 | 12:58 am

    Oh my goodness!!!! The poor little dear. =( I hope he really IS feeling better. Yah when Haylee was over here for a little bit with B, she told me her “boyfriend problems” We were laughing sooo hard!!! Give me updates on the Wadsters and Haylee if anything changes! Hope you have a good Thursday and Friday!

  5. Twinmama
    September 4, 2008 | 4:16 am

    Oh the poor punkin, the mask makes him look so pitiful. Glad to hear he is doing better! (Hope Mom is doing ok too.) If Haylee is having boy problems already, maybe us ever getting the kids together to play is not a good idea…LOL j/k

  6. Leah
    September 5, 2008 | 2:07 am

    yeah… I have Vista… I don’t see what the big dealio is, but then I am not a computer guru! lol
    my 5th grade teacher was pregnant and she was evil so maybe there IS something to that rumor…HAHA!

Half a Year…NOW WITH PICS!

Ahhh!!! Have you given up on me yet?? I haven’t fallen off the face of the earth quite yet, but I think I could be close. :) Things are crazy busy at home and school and you know how life goes.

But here I am attempting to plug out a short update so I will feel a bit better about my blog neglect.

Our little Wade turned 6 months old yesterday! It is hard to believe he has reached half a year already! This momentous birthday wasn’t quite so exciting however, since the Wadester decided to get sick in honor of the occasion.

He started feeling icky on Friday, and by Saturday he was running a fever and really starting to act miserable. We took him to the doctor Saturday afternoon, and they sent him home with a nebulizer to do breathing treatments every 4-6 hours this whole week. The doctor said he had fluid pockets in his lungs? which were causing him to wheeze and were keeping things too tight in there.

He did not care so much for the treatment and was a bit shocked when he felt the vapor blowing him in the face.
When we made the “mistake” of trying to put the mask on his little face, he let us know how strongly he disapproved of such actions. It only lasted a few minutes, but he screamed his little head off.
When it was finally over and he had calmed down, they got him riled up again with a nasal swab test for RSV!

He did finally chill out with the treatments, for which we were thankful!

We went back in today for a follow up visit. He has just done so horribly the last two days. You can just tell that he is so miserable, and you just don’t know how to make it better!

Well, we found out that the poor little guy had a double ear infection and something called Coxsackievirus that caused blisters on the back of his throat! No wonder he was miserable. I wasn’t very pleased that the doctor on Saturday hadn’t caught any of this!

But…. we now have an antibiotic and hope that he will be feeling better soon.
On a lighter note, he has finally managed to roll over for the first time (as of a week or so ago). He’s only about 3 mo’s behind schedule. :) On Saturday, he weighed 17 lbs 6 oz! Our little boy is getting so big, so fast!

Haylee is still enjoying school and even told me so sadly on Labor Day that she wished she could go to school because she missed Mrs. Baldwin (her teacher) and Ty (her ex-boyfriend)! Ty apparently has five girlfriends in her class, but decided to break up with Haylee last week. She said she doesn’t know why. :) When I first heard about it, she said that Ty said she was his girlfriend, but she said that she wasn’t. Maybe he didn’t like her assertiveness. :)

We are in serious trouble if the boyfriend problems are starting in Kindergarten.

Things are still going really well in my classroom. That is despite the fact that the great majority expected me to be mean. I took a survey last week, and 13 of my students said they had heard I was mean. (One even said they had heard I was EVIL!)
I was shocked even further when they revealed that someone had told them I may not be as mean this year, because I wasn’t pregnant. Basically, because sometimes pregnant women can be cranky. I had to laugh at loud.

Okay… that’s all for now… Laundry and lunches and diaper bags and clothes for tomorrow are all awaiting me…

(I took several pictures of Wade getting his breathing treatment…. They are so cute and pitiful! The mask is like a rooster just for little ones…. HOWEVER, the good news is we got a new computer, YAY! The bad news is the old one crashed a few days after we got the new one, and my camera isn’t compatible with stinky old Vista! Seriously, does anyone like Vista?? So, until I figure out another solution, I am picture-less. :(

6 Responses to Half a Year…NOW WITH PICS!
  1. Amy's Journal
    September 3, 2008 | 1:41 am

    Oh we know the breathing treatments oh so well esp in the winter! Believe it or not when Sage was little haveing ear infection we went on a Saturday and no ear infections went back on a Sunday and full blown . They say they can come over night. I was shocked too! I am so glad that the school year is going well and shocked that anyone would thing your evil!

  2. Ellen
    September 3, 2008 | 2:28 am

    Don’t even mention Vista around Matt — he goes off on a tirade… When computer-geek/IT gurus HATE it, you know it’s got to be bad! LOL

    I am SOOOOOOOOOO sorry about Wade being so sick. I know at that age it seems even worse b/c they can’t tell you what’s wrong or “how to fix it.” I am sure this has made for an interesting few days. Hope you’re getting plenty of rest!

    Laughed out loud re: the “boy trouble” Haylee’s already having in K! Too funny! ;) Just wait till she’s a teenager!

    Pray for you daily…

  3. Bette Anne
    September 3, 2008 | 12:47 pm

    Yay for an update! ;) We had a lot of fun with y’all the last couple days, and I’m still trying to weed through the pics I have, so hopefully I’ll have an update for you too! ;)

  4. Heather
    September 4, 2008 | 12:58 am

    Oh my goodness!!!! The poor little dear. =( I hope he really IS feeling better. Yah when Haylee was over here for a little bit with B, she told me her “boyfriend problems” We were laughing sooo hard!!! Give me updates on the Wadsters and Haylee if anything changes! Hope you have a good Thursday and Friday!

  5. Twinmama
    September 4, 2008 | 4:16 am

    Oh the poor punkin, the mask makes him look so pitiful. Glad to hear he is doing better! (Hope Mom is doing ok too.) If Haylee is having boy problems already, maybe us ever getting the kids together to play is not a good idea…LOL j/k

  6. Leah
    September 5, 2008 | 2:07 am

    yeah… I have Vista… I don’t see what the big dealio is, but then I am not a computer guru! lol
    my 5th grade teacher was pregnant and she was evil so maybe there IS something to that rumor…HAHA!