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Fabulous First Day

We survived our first day! I’m so old. I’m old enough to have a child in SCHOOL! How did that happen??
She said that she had a good day, and her teacher even said she did fine.

Her teacher has a color behavior system… purple = superior, green = excellent, yellow = satisfactory, red = unsatisfactory. Every student has their name on a clothespin, and their pin is clipped to the appropriate color. She informed the parents on Orientation night that there would be few purples given out.

Today Haylee got a green (excellent) for her first day. We chatted with her teacher in her classroom after school, and as we got ready to head back up to my room, she quietly asked Haylee to take her clothespin off of purple and put it back on green! While in the room, my child had sneaked her pin from green (excellent) to purple (superior)! What a stinker. Her self-evaluation was much higher than her teacher’s, apparently. :)

Here are some promised shots of my room… Oooh’s and Ahhh’s appreciated. :)

The front of my room…. with the board ready for Orientation Night…

This is one wall with a few of my boards. You can barely see my Conduct area where my students put up stickers on their bear for good behavior….

This is the back right side of the room. You can see the cubbies on the left and the reading corner on the right….

Here is the back left side of the room. See my computer stations? The flat panel one is actually eventually going on my desk once I get the network situation figured out.

My desk!! :)

Hope you enjoyed the tour of my room!

10 Responses to Fabulous First Day
  1. Bette Anne
    August 21, 2008 | 2:30 am

    Oooooo, Ahhhhhhh!!! Everything looks great! I cracked up about Haylee switching her pin to purple! She is such a stinker!

    Glad y’all had such a good day, and yes, you ARE old! ;)

  2. Twinmama
    August 21, 2008 | 2:49 am

    OOO Ahh! There ya go! LOL Looks like a fun room. I haven’t seen in a grade school classroom in soo long, is the semi-random desk groupings a normal thing for elementary school? Do you have to move kids around if they chat too much?
    That is too funny that Haylee switched her pin…sounds like one of my boys! LOL
    Hope you have a good year. I am looking forward to updates on the class blog too!

  3. The Barth Family
    August 21, 2008 | 2:57 am

    Everything looks WONDERFUL! I bet you don’t really get to sit in that desk chair very often, though…

    What caught my eye was Haylee’s determination to show off her sense of style despite having to wear boring ol’ uniforms… The pink shoes are GREAT!:-)

  4. Amy's Journal
    August 21, 2008 | 3:01 am

    Aw cute class room! Haylee old enough to go to school??? WHAT!!!!

  5. Amy Blackburn
    August 21, 2008 | 12:08 pm

    I love your room and it is so BIG!! Guess going to a small Christian school growing up makes a difference. Our rooms were never this spacious! I love all your decorations – looks great!

    Ok, ok, gotta know, did the kids think you were mean today???? Were they sitting there in fear and trembling???? Did you go along with that idea and act tough today or do they know that they have a really fun teacher??? Glad to hear your day went so great!!

  6. Ellen
    August 21, 2008 | 12:33 pm

    OOOOOOOoooohhhhhhh, Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh…. LOVE your room! It looks so great. I like how you have arranged the desks — very cool. I also love the classroom jobs board… cute!

    I’m so glad you both had a good first day! How’d Wade do in the nursery/preschool room?

    Praying for you. Your students are so fortunate to have you for a teacher.

    And you’re not old… if you are, then that means I will be next year!! LOL.

  7. Kelly
    August 21, 2008 | 1:31 pm

    Wow, that’s a big room. If you could teach Wade to not need to be fed, changed, or rocked for 6 hours straight, then you could just put him in your room in a pack ‘n play! (JK, of course):) I’m sure you miss the little guy, but everything looks like it’s going great. Love the room. :)

  8. Leah
    August 21, 2008 | 4:01 pm

    oooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! i am actually very impressed. I know you are a great teacher and the room looks fabulous! I know how you feel about being old enough for your child to be in school. I feel the same way. Except I am older than you! haha

  9. Sam
    August 21, 2008 | 7:10 pm

    Wow, it looks like you had professional help with all of that. It looks great. Especially those welcome signs. I don’t think anyone can feel unwelcome in a room like that.

  10. Amy
    August 25, 2008 | 4:16 am

    Wow! What a great looking room. I’m sure that your kids will love it. And you have given me some ideas for our super church class room. Thanks =0)


Fabulous First Day

We survived our first day! I’m so old. I’m old enough to have a child in SCHOOL! How did that happen??
She said that she had a good day, and her teacher even said she did fine.

Her teacher has a color behavior system… purple = superior, green = excellent, yellow = satisfactory, red = unsatisfactory. Every student has their name on a clothespin, and their pin is clipped to the appropriate color. She informed the parents on Orientation night that there would be few purples given out.

Today Haylee got a green (excellent) for her first day. We chatted with her teacher in her classroom after school, and as we got ready to head back up to my room, she quietly asked Haylee to take her clothespin off of purple and put it back on green! While in the room, my child had sneaked her pin from green (excellent) to purple (superior)! What a stinker. Her self-evaluation was much higher than her teacher’s, apparently. :)

Here are some promised shots of my room… Oooh’s and Ahhh’s appreciated. :)

The front of my room…. with the board ready for Orientation Night…

This is one wall with a few of my boards. You can barely see my Conduct area where my students put up stickers on their bear for good behavior….

This is the back right side of the room. You can see the cubbies on the left and the reading corner on the right….

Here is the back left side of the room. See my computer stations? The flat panel one is actually eventually going on my desk once I get the network situation figured out.

My desk!! :)

Hope you enjoyed the tour of my room!

10 Responses to Fabulous First Day
  1. Bette Anne
    August 21, 2008 | 2:30 am

    Oooooo, Ahhhhhhh!!! Everything looks great! I cracked up about Haylee switching her pin to purple! She is such a stinker!

    Glad y’all had such a good day, and yes, you ARE old! ;)

  2. Twinmama
    August 21, 2008 | 2:49 am

    OOO Ahh! There ya go! LOL Looks like a fun room. I haven’t seen in a grade school classroom in soo long, is the semi-random desk groupings a normal thing for elementary school? Do you have to move kids around if they chat too much?
    That is too funny that Haylee switched her pin…sounds like one of my boys! LOL
    Hope you have a good year. I am looking forward to updates on the class blog too!

  3. The Barth Family
    August 21, 2008 | 2:57 am

    Everything looks WONDERFUL! I bet you don’t really get to sit in that desk chair very often, though…

    What caught my eye was Haylee’s determination to show off her sense of style despite having to wear boring ol’ uniforms… The pink shoes are GREAT!:-)

  4. Amy's Journal
    August 21, 2008 | 3:01 am

    Aw cute class room! Haylee old enough to go to school??? WHAT!!!!

  5. Amy Blackburn
    August 21, 2008 | 12:08 pm

    I love your room and it is so BIG!! Guess going to a small Christian school growing up makes a difference. Our rooms were never this spacious! I love all your decorations – looks great!

    Ok, ok, gotta know, did the kids think you were mean today???? Were they sitting there in fear and trembling???? Did you go along with that idea and act tough today or do they know that they have a really fun teacher??? Glad to hear your day went so great!!

  6. Ellen
    August 21, 2008 | 12:33 pm

    OOOOOOOoooohhhhhhh, Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh…. LOVE your room! It looks so great. I like how you have arranged the desks — very cool. I also love the classroom jobs board… cute!

    I’m so glad you both had a good first day! How’d Wade do in the nursery/preschool room?

    Praying for you. Your students are so fortunate to have you for a teacher.

    And you’re not old… if you are, then that means I will be next year!! LOL.

  7. Kelly
    August 21, 2008 | 1:31 pm

    Wow, that’s a big room. If you could teach Wade to not need to be fed, changed, or rocked for 6 hours straight, then you could just put him in your room in a pack ‘n play! (JK, of course):) I’m sure you miss the little guy, but everything looks like it’s going great. Love the room. :)

  8. Leah
    August 21, 2008 | 4:01 pm

    oooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! i am actually very impressed. I know you are a great teacher and the room looks fabulous! I know how you feel about being old enough for your child to be in school. I feel the same way. Except I am older than you! haha

  9. Sam
    August 21, 2008 | 7:10 pm

    Wow, it looks like you had professional help with all of that. It looks great. Especially those welcome signs. I don’t think anyone can feel unwelcome in a room like that.

  10. Amy
    August 25, 2008 | 4:16 am

    Wow! What a great looking room. I’m sure that your kids will love it. And you have given me some ideas for our super church class room. Thanks =0)
