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Seriously? Five Months ALREADY?

My sweetie is FIVE MONTHS old today, believe it or not! I can’t believe he has reached this milestone soooo quickly and therefore signaling my return to school. I have just under ONE WEEK left. Don’t get me wrong. I am excited to be getting back, and I feel the rush and adrenaline of the new year, but I am also dreading having to leave my little one. I do feel this is what I am supposed to be doing, so I know that will help carry me through the drama and trauma of the ordeal… and of the hard points I may will experience along the way.

I went in one morning this week to get him up, and found him positioned like this. (The above pic) He doesn’t do a whole lot of scooting or moving around, so I was pretty surprised. :)

He is liking his new juice… prune juice to be exact. Not exactly my favorite treat, but I figure it has to taste better than formula, uck! The doctor advised to give him 4 oz of prune juice (or something similar) a day to ease his digestive “issues.” It was funny to watch him drink it all down (we’ve only done it a few times, and when we do, we only do 2 oz at a time.) and freak out like, hello?? I wasn’t done. That was much better than that stuff you normally give me!

He had been doing sooooo much better. He was just more relaxed and chill about life than before! He would let me put him down w/o fussing in two seconds. Well, the last day or two, he seems to be starting up the fussy trend again. Ahhh! It almost seems to me that he is irritable because of teething pain, but what do I know?? I think the technical doctor answer to that is, “Babies put things into their mouth 24/7, so just because they are sucking everything doesn’t mean they are teething.”

Okay, I get that, but this isn’t just normal, everyday sucking. It’s mad, serious, desperate “I’ve-got-to-get-this-item-in-my-mouth-right-this-very-second” kind of sucking and chewing. Haylee didn’t get her FIRST tooth until she was 11 months old, but maybe Wade is going to be a bit more normal in his timeline.

He actually hasn’t started rolling over yet… or even making any attempt close to rolling over. I know that “every baby is different,” but Haylee starting rolling over at three months!

He loves to push up on everything with his legs and “stand up,” and he can do a wobbly tripod sitting up for a few seconds. He also has finally started reaching out and being able to hold toys (I think he started that around 4.5 mo’s) which is soooo nice! Holding a toy is such a distraction when he is getting fussy that just isn’t an option earlier in their lives. :)

Here’s a few pics of my two cuties…

9 Responses to Seriously? Five Months ALREADY?
  1. Bette Anne
    August 1, 2008 | 1:25 pm

    Of course they are as adorable as ever! I love the one of him in the saucer… Too cute! :)

    Can’t wait to see y’all today!

    And he very well could be teething… Eli got his first at barely 6 months, and plenty of babies do… so who knows… Eli’s never bothered him too much, but I’ve heard teething tablets are wonderful and supposedly they are all natural! (Not that I really care about ‘all natural’, but some people do!)

  2. Amy's Journal
    August 1, 2008 | 2:08 pm

    Sage got his first at 4 months and Marli 5 so he may very well be getting his first toothies… Sage it bothered really bad (Bette Ann was right the teething tablets work) Marli didn’t bother so much until her molars. Tylenol works great too and motrin and when you give it to him rub it on his gums as well. They are some cuties let me tell ya!

  3. Ellen
    August 1, 2008 | 2:56 pm

    Claire was early w/ her teeth as well — your his Mom, trust your instincts! ;)

    L-O-V-E the pics– they are both soooo adorable. I only see him in the pics you share on here, but does he resemble Haylee (in his face) at all when she was this age? He’s fortunate to have such a great big sis! :)

  4. The Barth Family
    August 1, 2008 | 3:35 pm

    The girls are right about the teeth… Sam didn't get hers until 7 months, Lawrie got his first at 4 months. (I remember so clearly because that's also about the time I stopped breastfeeding!) ;-)

    The teething tablets worked great for us… and about the rolling over, from what I've heard that's common too among second-borns who are boys, they sometimes seem "delayed" on things like this but they are really just so spoiled by Mommy & older sibs that they don't bother! We definitely went thru this with Lawrie. :-)

  5. Mack Jennifer Swaringen
    August 1, 2008 | 3:46 pm

    I am opera-like saying/singing this next comment…

    I LOVE YOUR NEW BLOG PAGE, Haw, Haw, ahhhh!

  6. Amy
    August 2, 2008 | 4:46 am

    They are all right about the teeth. Cameron got his first at about 4 mo.
    Your kidos are soooo cute. I LOVE those fat baby legs! :0)

  7. Heather
    August 4, 2008 | 3:49 am

    Great pics!!! It’s sooo crazy to me to think that the Wadester is already 5 months! CRAZY! How time has flown…

  8. Kelly
    August 4, 2008 | 12:35 pm

    I can’t believe how big he’s gotten! I was so shocked when we put Wade and Riley side by side yesterday, and they were the SAME SIZE! He’s going to outgrow her soon! :)

  9. Sam
    August 4, 2008 | 4:17 pm

    Wow, babies grow fast.

Seriously? Five Months ALREADY?

My sweetie is FIVE MONTHS old today, believe it or not! I can’t believe he has reached this milestone soooo quickly and therefore signaling my return to school. I have just under ONE WEEK left. Don’t get me wrong. I am excited to be getting back, and I feel the rush and adrenaline of the new year, but I am also dreading having to leave my little one. I do feel this is what I am supposed to be doing, so I know that will help carry me through the drama and trauma of the ordeal… and of the hard points I may will experience along the way.

I went in one morning this week to get him up, and found him positioned like this. (The above pic) He doesn’t do a whole lot of scooting or moving around, so I was pretty surprised. :)

He is liking his new juice… prune juice to be exact. Not exactly my favorite treat, but I figure it has to taste better than formula, uck! The doctor advised to give him 4 oz of prune juice (or something similar) a day to ease his digestive “issues.” It was funny to watch him drink it all down (we’ve only done it a few times, and when we do, we only do 2 oz at a time.) and freak out like, hello?? I wasn’t done. That was much better than that stuff you normally give me!

He had been doing sooooo much better. He was just more relaxed and chill about life than before! He would let me put him down w/o fussing in two seconds. Well, the last day or two, he seems to be starting up the fussy trend again. Ahhh! It almost seems to me that he is irritable because of teething pain, but what do I know?? I think the technical doctor answer to that is, “Babies put things into their mouth 24/7, so just because they are sucking everything doesn’t mean they are teething.”

Okay, I get that, but this isn’t just normal, everyday sucking. It’s mad, serious, desperate “I’ve-got-to-get-this-item-in-my-mouth-right-this-very-second” kind of sucking and chewing. Haylee didn’t get her FIRST tooth until she was 11 months old, but maybe Wade is going to be a bit more normal in his timeline.

He actually hasn’t started rolling over yet… or even making any attempt close to rolling over. I know that “every baby is different,” but Haylee starting rolling over at three months!

He loves to push up on everything with his legs and “stand up,” and he can do a wobbly tripod sitting up for a few seconds. He also has finally started reaching out and being able to hold toys (I think he started that around 4.5 mo’s) which is soooo nice! Holding a toy is such a distraction when he is getting fussy that just isn’t an option earlier in their lives. :)

Here’s a few pics of my two cuties…

9 Responses to Seriously? Five Months ALREADY?
  1. Bette Anne
    August 1, 2008 | 1:25 pm

    Of course they are as adorable as ever! I love the one of him in the saucer… Too cute! :)

    Can’t wait to see y’all today!

    And he very well could be teething… Eli got his first at barely 6 months, and plenty of babies do… so who knows… Eli’s never bothered him too much, but I’ve heard teething tablets are wonderful and supposedly they are all natural! (Not that I really care about ‘all natural’, but some people do!)

  2. Amy's Journal
    August 1, 2008 | 2:08 pm

    Sage got his first at 4 months and Marli 5 so he may very well be getting his first toothies… Sage it bothered really bad (Bette Ann was right the teething tablets work) Marli didn’t bother so much until her molars. Tylenol works great too and motrin and when you give it to him rub it on his gums as well. They are some cuties let me tell ya!

  3. Ellen
    August 1, 2008 | 2:56 pm

    Claire was early w/ her teeth as well — your his Mom, trust your instincts! ;)

    L-O-V-E the pics– they are both soooo adorable. I only see him in the pics you share on here, but does he resemble Haylee (in his face) at all when she was this age? He’s fortunate to have such a great big sis! :)

  4. The Barth Family
    August 1, 2008 | 3:35 pm

    The girls are right about the teeth… Sam didn't get hers until 7 months, Lawrie got his first at 4 months. (I remember so clearly because that's also about the time I stopped breastfeeding!) ;-)

    The teething tablets worked great for us… and about the rolling over, from what I've heard that's common too among second-borns who are boys, they sometimes seem "delayed" on things like this but they are really just so spoiled by Mommy & older sibs that they don't bother! We definitely went thru this with Lawrie. :-)

  5. Mack Jennifer Swaringen
    August 1, 2008 | 3:46 pm

    I am opera-like saying/singing this next comment…

    I LOVE YOUR NEW BLOG PAGE, Haw, Haw, ahhhh!

  6. Amy
    August 2, 2008 | 4:46 am

    They are all right about the teeth. Cameron got his first at about 4 mo.
    Your kidos are soooo cute. I LOVE those fat baby legs! :0)

  7. Heather
    August 4, 2008 | 3:49 am

    Great pics!!! It’s sooo crazy to me to think that the Wadester is already 5 months! CRAZY! How time has flown…

  8. Kelly
    August 4, 2008 | 12:35 pm

    I can’t believe how big he’s gotten! I was so shocked when we put Wade and Riley side by side yesterday, and they were the SAME SIZE! He’s going to outgrow her soon! :)

  9. Sam
    August 4, 2008 | 4:17 pm

    Wow, babies grow fast.