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Tagged…Six Memories

Okay. I’ve been tagged. Six things about me… Hmmm… Okay, so I’ve done the “things about you” tag already, so I thought I would do a theme on this tag…
Six Memories from my Childhood…

1. I was not allowed to wear sleeveless shirts. I think that started once I got to junior high. That was one of mom’s two biggest pet peeves. The other one was slits. I remember having a huge discussion on whether or not I could wear these two dressy shirts that I think someone gave me. I was soooo mad that I couldn’t wear them. I actually put them in my drawer, deciding that I would wear them when I got to college. Mind you, I was probably in 7th or 8th grade.

2. One of my biggest dreams was to be a cheerleader. I know. I know. How sad and pathetic, right? :) My dreams were sadly never realized since we moved up to Shelby the summer before 7th grade, the year I could have finally tried out. The closest I ever got was a “pep squad” or something cheesy like that in the 6th grade. We wore navy skirts and white shirts and “cheered” for the Junior High games. (They were the lowest on the totem pole. There was JH, then JV, then Varsity.) I remember “practicing” in the playground after school doing cheers and pyramids etc with my friends. I think I knew most of the cheers by heart including the motions!

3. I once went to camp (around 4th grade or so) and my friends and I decided to make up names for ourselves to tell our counselor. I remember playing a game during the week, and my counselor yelling, “Go, Claudia!”

4. Speaking of Claudia (she was a character in The Babysitter’s Club, and I was addicted to reading ALL of them! Thus came the inspiration for my fake name.), my friends and I started our very own Babysitter’s Club. We named it the “We Love Kids Club” and even passed out flyers. :)

5. My poor brother, Mack was stuck with two sisters to play with, and this meant putting up with a lot in order to have a playmate. I have MANY memories of playing baseball or kickball in the backyard with Mack and B. The rules were clear. Whatever I wanted, whether it be to only be up to bat, or that I was not out etc, I would hold over his head and threaten to quit unless he complied. :) Isn’t that sad? I was mastering my manipulation skills early, heehee…. (Don’t feel sorry for him, though. He tortured me in many, many ways for most of my childhood. I’m just now starting to recover from the trauma. haha!)

6. With my mom as a teacher combined with living next door to the school, made playing at school a regular past-time. I think I still have cassette tapes of my friends and I (and sometime Bette Anne) making our own version of a Patch the Pirate recording. We would act out a scene… mostly ad lib, and then we would interject with a touching song or two. Ah, the joys of childhood.

Okay, that’s it. My six. I think I should definitely stop at six before I completely embarrass myself. Oh, wait. Too late.

Tag yourself if you feel like rehashing six things about your childhood… :)
4 Responses to Tagged…Six Memories
  1. Ellen
    July 18, 2008 | 1:29 pm

    I LOVED the “Babysitter’s Club” books too!!! :D I remember something about a club my friend and I made too, but we never passed out any fliers! Too funny!

    Sorry you never got to be a cheerleader. ;) –The name changes at camp is a hilarious story — for some reason, it’s pretty easy to visualize a lady yelling “Go, Claudia!” — How hilarious must that have been? Did you ever fess up and tell her your real names?? lolol

  2. Amy
    July 18, 2008 | 1:35 pm

    OK, so I guess it’s too late to tell you that you’ve been tagged by me too, huh?
    I like the variation that you did though. Good idea.
    Have a great day!


  3. Rachel
    July 18, 2008 | 4:09 pm

    Oh, that DOES bring back some memories, lol! To this day, I love wearing sleeveless shirts as my subtle form of rebellion against my upbringing, lol!

    (The sad thing is that they really don’t look good on me!)

  4. Twinmama
    July 18, 2008 | 7:25 pm

    Ahh The Babysitters Club!! Such great reads! Wasn’t Claudia the asian mix girl? She always wore the funky outfits and hairdos? Don’t ask how I remember this…being an only child gives you lots of time to think about things… :)
    Loved the twist on the tagging!

Tagged…Six Memories

Okay. I’ve been tagged. Six things about me… Hmmm… Okay, so I’ve done the “things about you” tag already, so I thought I would do a theme on this tag…
Six Memories from my Childhood…

1. I was not allowed to wear sleeveless shirts. I think that started once I got to junior high. That was one of mom’s two biggest pet peeves. The other one was slits. I remember having a huge discussion on whether or not I could wear these two dressy shirts that I think someone gave me. I was soooo mad that I couldn’t wear them. I actually put them in my drawer, deciding that I would wear them when I got to college. Mind you, I was probably in 7th or 8th grade.

2. One of my biggest dreams was to be a cheerleader. I know. I know. How sad and pathetic, right? :) My dreams were sadly never realized since we moved up to Shelby the summer before 7th grade, the year I could have finally tried out. The closest I ever got was a “pep squad” or something cheesy like that in the 6th grade. We wore navy skirts and white shirts and “cheered” for the Junior High games. (They were the lowest on the totem pole. There was JH, then JV, then Varsity.) I remember “practicing” in the playground after school doing cheers and pyramids etc with my friends. I think I knew most of the cheers by heart including the motions!

3. I once went to camp (around 4th grade or so) and my friends and I decided to make up names for ourselves to tell our counselor. I remember playing a game during the week, and my counselor yelling, “Go, Claudia!”

4. Speaking of Claudia (she was a character in The Babysitter’s Club, and I was addicted to reading ALL of them! Thus came the inspiration for my fake name.), my friends and I started our very own Babysitter’s Club. We named it the “We Love Kids Club” and even passed out flyers. :)

5. My poor brother, Mack was stuck with two sisters to play with, and this meant putting up with a lot in order to have a playmate. I have MANY memories of playing baseball or kickball in the backyard with Mack and B. The rules were clear. Whatever I wanted, whether it be to only be up to bat, or that I was not out etc, I would hold over his head and threaten to quit unless he complied. :) Isn’t that sad? I was mastering my manipulation skills early, heehee…. (Don’t feel sorry for him, though. He tortured me in many, many ways for most of my childhood. I’m just now starting to recover from the trauma. haha!)

6. With my mom as a teacher combined with living next door to the school, made playing at school a regular past-time. I think I still have cassette tapes of my friends and I (and sometime Bette Anne) making our own version of a Patch the Pirate recording. We would act out a scene… mostly ad lib, and then we would interject with a touching song or two. Ah, the joys of childhood.

Okay, that’s it. My six. I think I should definitely stop at six before I completely embarrass myself. Oh, wait. Too late.

Tag yourself if you feel like rehashing six things about your childhood… :)
4 Responses to Tagged…Six Memories
  1. Ellen
    July 18, 2008 | 1:29 pm

    I LOVED the “Babysitter’s Club” books too!!! :D I remember something about a club my friend and I made too, but we never passed out any fliers! Too funny!

    Sorry you never got to be a cheerleader. ;) –The name changes at camp is a hilarious story — for some reason, it’s pretty easy to visualize a lady yelling “Go, Claudia!” — How hilarious must that have been? Did you ever fess up and tell her your real names?? lolol

  2. Amy
    July 18, 2008 | 1:35 pm

    OK, so I guess it’s too late to tell you that you’ve been tagged by me too, huh?
    I like the variation that you did though. Good idea.
    Have a great day!


  3. Rachel
    July 18, 2008 | 4:09 pm

    Oh, that DOES bring back some memories, lol! To this day, I love wearing sleeveless shirts as my subtle form of rebellion against my upbringing, lol!

    (The sad thing is that they really don’t look good on me!)

  4. Twinmama
    July 18, 2008 | 7:25 pm

    Ahh The Babysitters Club!! Such great reads! Wasn’t Claudia the asian mix girl? She always wore the funky outfits and hairdos? Don’t ask how I remember this…being an only child gives you lots of time to think about things… :)
    Loved the twist on the tagging!