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Gas is such a Killer!

Amy sent me this link where you can enter your zip code and it will show you the cheapest gas prices in your vicinity. I figured we ALL could use any help possible on all the $$ we are putting in our gas tanks.

We spent over $400 in gas alone on our NY trip! Yikes!

(We borrowed Chris’s parents’ tahoe… so that does include filling the tank before we gave it back to them.)

I saw in Wade’s baby book where I had written the price of gas when he was born… $3.15 a gallon, and now only 3.5 months later we are very close to $4.00 a gallon.

I checked Haylee’s baby book and saw that in May 2003, gas was a shockingly mere $1.30 a gallon. If only!

It’s pretty bad when I can already say, “I remember when things were only X amount of money.” I think that is definitely an indicator that one is getting O-L-D!!
2 Responses to Gas is such a Killer!
  1. The Barth Family
    June 18, 2008 | 10:15 pm

    Tell me about it! My car is a Tahoe… needless to say I’ve had to cut WAY back on fun shopping excursions, but it’s paid for so I don’t really want to get rid of it! :(

  2. Dawn
    June 19, 2008 | 1:29 am

    When Joey was born (11 yrs ago) I remember gas being 0.68 per gallon. And at that time we were driving around to find even cheaper gas. Now we stop at the gas station that is on the way to where we are going or leaving.
    Gas here in Ohio is around 4.00. Yesterday we had a gas station that made a mistake and was selling gas for .40 cents. You would think that when cars were lined up for gas they would think something was up. They didn’t change it until an honest buyer told them they forget a “0” in the price.

Gas is such a Killer!

Amy sent me this link where you can enter your zip code and it will show you the cheapest gas prices in your vicinity. I figured we ALL could use any help possible on all the $$ we are putting in our gas tanks.

We spent over $400 in gas alone on our NY trip! Yikes!

(We borrowed Chris’s parents’ tahoe… so that does include filling the tank before we gave it back to them.)

I saw in Wade’s baby book where I had written the price of gas when he was born… $3.15 a gallon, and now only 3.5 months later we are very close to $4.00 a gallon.

I checked Haylee’s baby book and saw that in May 2003, gas was a shockingly mere $1.30 a gallon. If only!

It’s pretty bad when I can already say, “I remember when things were only X amount of money.” I think that is definitely an indicator that one is getting O-L-D!!
2 Responses to Gas is such a Killer!
  1. The Barth Family
    June 18, 2008 | 10:15 pm

    Tell me about it! My car is a Tahoe… needless to say I’ve had to cut WAY back on fun shopping excursions, but it’s paid for so I don’t really want to get rid of it! :(

  2. Dawn
    June 19, 2008 | 1:29 am

    When Joey was born (11 yrs ago) I remember gas being 0.68 per gallon. And at that time we were driving around to find even cheaper gas. Now we stop at the gas station that is on the way to where we are going or leaving.
    Gas here in Ohio is around 4.00. Yesterday we had a gas station that made a mistake and was selling gas for .40 cents. You would think that when cars were lined up for gas they would think something was up. They didn’t change it until an honest buyer told them they forget a “0” in the price.