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Happy Father’s Day!

Father’s Day is coming up on Sunday, and if the men in your life are anything like the ones in mine, they are often, shall we say, “difficult” to shop for!
A lot of times, when there is something they see that they want, they just decide to get it for themselves! I recently told Chris if he buys everything for himself, then there is nothing left for anyone to buy FOR him!
I think sometimes the small things mean more than some extravagant gift does, however.
I thought this was kind of a cool idea. There are coloring pages for your little ones to make for Daddy. There a few different styles to choose from too, so you could do some for the Grandpa’s too.
This blog has some other Father’s Day craft ideas too if you are more ambitious! :)
2 Responses to Happy Father’s Day!
  1. The Barth Family
    June 14, 2008 | 12:56 am

    Oh thanks for sharing those links, Renee! We’ve got to take care of our Father’s Day gift-making tomorrow while Daddy’s at work!! ;)

  2. Amy's Journal
    June 14, 2008 | 2:33 am

    i am excited we got creative this year and did stepping stones.. sage loved it!!!!

Happy Father’s Day!

Father’s Day is coming up on Sunday, and if the men in your life are anything like the ones in mine, they are often, shall we say, “difficult” to shop for!
A lot of times, when there is something they see that they want, they just decide to get it for themselves! I recently told Chris if he buys everything for himself, then there is nothing left for anyone to buy FOR him!
I think sometimes the small things mean more than some extravagant gift does, however.
I thought this was kind of a cool idea. There are coloring pages for your little ones to make for Daddy. There a few different styles to choose from too, so you could do some for the Grandpa’s too.
This blog has some other Father’s Day craft ideas too if you are more ambitious! :)
2 Responses to Happy Father’s Day!
  1. The Barth Family
    June 14, 2008 | 12:56 am

    Oh thanks for sharing those links, Renee! We’ve got to take care of our Father’s Day gift-making tomorrow while Daddy’s at work!! ;)

  2. Amy's Journal
    June 14, 2008 | 2:33 am

    i am excited we got creative this year and did stepping stones.. sage loved it!!!!