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My Tribute to Grandma Bunts

My Grandma Bunts turned 90 years old yesterday. She is the most amazing 90 year old that I know. She really is unbelievable, and I’m not just saying that because I’m her granddaughter. She does not live her life like you would think a 90 year old would be forced to. She lives alone in her two story house and takes care of herself. She owns her own car and still drives herself.
I love this pic… Grandma riding a bike with two of my uncles…

Grandma and Grandpa with 8 of the kids… my mom (Bette) is on Grandma’s lap…

Grandma and Grandpa

Grandma recently had a doctors visit for some high blood pressure and happened to see an intern instead of her real doctor.

Here’s the convo…
Intern: What medications are you on?
Grandma: none
Intern: No, really. I need to know what meds you are on. (thinking the high blood pressure had made her forgetful)
Grandma: (again) I’m not taking any medications.
(Intern finally goes to talk to the real doctor to find out what meds this “forgetful” 90 year old is on, and is shocked when the real doctor informs him that she is in fact NOT on ANY medications!)

The secret of good health according to Grandma? “Don’t ever stop. Once you stop, you won’t be able to start again.”

Grandma hasn’t lived a life of ease and luxury. No. Far from it. Her father left their family when she was young and left them fairly destitute. She was a child during the Great Depression and is often asked by school aged children to share what things were like during that time for some report or project. Her answer… The Great Depression didn’t affect our family. We were so poor before it started, that life didn’t change for us. We were poor before and we were poor during.

She always wanted to have 12 children since she didn’t have a large family. She wanted 12 and she had 12. No more, no less. Before she achieved that happy goal, however, she went through more heartache. Her very first baby, June Rose, was still born. She went on to have four boys and 7 girls. Fred, Len, Ruthie, Elwyn, Carol, Doris, Bette, Paul, Kath, Anita and Priscilla. I’m not sure if I got that order right or not. I’m 30 years old and I can’t ever remember the order of all my crazy aunts and uncles. :)

There are 11 kids, 36 grandkids, 61(I think) great-grandkids, and 2 great-great grandkids. At the Reunion, 10 of the 11 kids were there; 22 of the 36 grandkids were there; and 21 of the 61 great grandkids were there. So as I’m sure you can imagine it was CRAZY! Bunts Reunions have always been crazy, but the older we get the more we have multiplied, and now it’s ridiculously crazy. :)

10 of the 11 kids

21 of the 36 grandkids (and spouses)

21 of the 61 great-grandkids

Crazy as it was I’m glad that we were able to come together and celebrate 90 years of our Grandma Bunts’s life. What a heritage for all of us to live up to…
5 Responses to My Tribute to Grandma Bunts
  1. Twinmama
    June 12, 2008 | 1:54 pm

    WOW! GO Grandma Bunts! I can’t believe she is still driving! She is a tough ole bird, huh? I admire her determination and strength.

  2. The Barth Family
    June 12, 2008 | 3:17 pm

    Renee, that was an awesome post. Someone should really help her to write a memoir because it sounds like she’s led an amazing life. You are so lucky to still have a grandma!

  3. Ellen
    June 12, 2008 | 3:40 pm

    This is such an incredible post… your grandma sounds like such a remarkable woman.

    I loved the pics. -WOW, what a BIG family! It sounds like a lot of fun when you all get together. Too many families don’t even make the effort anymore – I think it’s great yours apparently does! :)

  4. twiga92
    June 13, 2008 | 11:48 am

    Hey, Renee, I think Aunt Anita is older than Aunt Kath. Other than that you got the order right. We sure do have an amazing family! Thanks for sharing pictures!

  5. Amy's Journal
    June 13, 2008 | 5:48 pm

    okay now i feel really bad that i don’t knwo that much info on my g parents.. makes me want to study up on it.. very neat

My Tribute to Grandma Bunts

My Grandma Bunts turned 90 years old yesterday. She is the most amazing 90 year old that I know. She really is unbelievable, and I’m not just saying that because I’m her granddaughter. She does not live her life like you would think a 90 year old would be forced to. She lives alone in her two story house and takes care of herself. She owns her own car and still drives herself.
I love this pic… Grandma riding a bike with two of my uncles…

Grandma and Grandpa with 8 of the kids… my mom (Bette) is on Grandma’s lap…

Grandma and Grandpa

Grandma recently had a doctors visit for some high blood pressure and happened to see an intern instead of her real doctor.

Here’s the convo…
Intern: What medications are you on?
Grandma: none
Intern: No, really. I need to know what meds you are on. (thinking the high blood pressure had made her forgetful)
Grandma: (again) I’m not taking any medications.
(Intern finally goes to talk to the real doctor to find out what meds this “forgetful” 90 year old is on, and is shocked when the real doctor informs him that she is in fact NOT on ANY medications!)

The secret of good health according to Grandma? “Don’t ever stop. Once you stop, you won’t be able to start again.”

Grandma hasn’t lived a life of ease and luxury. No. Far from it. Her father left their family when she was young and left them fairly destitute. She was a child during the Great Depression and is often asked by school aged children to share what things were like during that time for some report or project. Her answer… The Great Depression didn’t affect our family. We were so poor before it started, that life didn’t change for us. We were poor before and we were poor during.

She always wanted to have 12 children since she didn’t have a large family. She wanted 12 and she had 12. No more, no less. Before she achieved that happy goal, however, she went through more heartache. Her very first baby, June Rose, was still born. She went on to have four boys and 7 girls. Fred, Len, Ruthie, Elwyn, Carol, Doris, Bette, Paul, Kath, Anita and Priscilla. I’m not sure if I got that order right or not. I’m 30 years old and I can’t ever remember the order of all my crazy aunts and uncles. :)

There are 11 kids, 36 grandkids, 61(I think) great-grandkids, and 2 great-great grandkids. At the Reunion, 10 of the 11 kids were there; 22 of the 36 grandkids were there; and 21 of the 61 great grandkids were there. So as I’m sure you can imagine it was CRAZY! Bunts Reunions have always been crazy, but the older we get the more we have multiplied, and now it’s ridiculously crazy. :)

10 of the 11 kids

21 of the 36 grandkids (and spouses)

21 of the 61 great-grandkids

Crazy as it was I’m glad that we were able to come together and celebrate 90 years of our Grandma Bunts’s life. What a heritage for all of us to live up to…
5 Responses to My Tribute to Grandma Bunts
  1. Twinmama
    June 12, 2008 | 1:54 pm

    WOW! GO Grandma Bunts! I can’t believe she is still driving! She is a tough ole bird, huh? I admire her determination and strength.

  2. The Barth Family
    June 12, 2008 | 3:17 pm

    Renee, that was an awesome post. Someone should really help her to write a memoir because it sounds like she’s led an amazing life. You are so lucky to still have a grandma!

  3. Ellen
    June 12, 2008 | 3:40 pm

    This is such an incredible post… your grandma sounds like such a remarkable woman.

    I loved the pics. -WOW, what a BIG family! It sounds like a lot of fun when you all get together. Too many families don’t even make the effort anymore – I think it’s great yours apparently does! :)

  4. twiga92
    June 13, 2008 | 11:48 am

    Hey, Renee, I think Aunt Anita is older than Aunt Kath. Other than that you got the order right. We sure do have an amazing family! Thanks for sharing pictures!

  5. Amy's Journal
    June 13, 2008 | 5:48 pm

    okay now i feel really bad that i don’t knwo that much info on my g parents.. makes me want to study up on it.. very neat