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Chris made it back to me finally… Whew! And we leave this morning sometime for our big roadtrip! I’m up now (4 am) feeding Wade and trying to convince myself to stay up after he’s done. That’s pretty much the only way we’ll make it with a fairly early departure. I’m hoping for 7 or 8 am, but have a sinking feeling it’s going to end up closer to 10 o’clock. Yikes.

Chris got in around 8:45 pm last night, and he’ll basically have to unpack… then pack again. We were definitely ready for Daddy to come home. I am so not the stay alone type. We got his call that he was on the way home from school, and we decided to cheesily go outside and sit on the front porch and wait for him. He brought Haylee and I matching Philadelphia shirts… mine is orange, and hers is pink, of course!

Wade decided to be somewhat of a stinker for me yesterday, as I began to feel as though his body was merely an extension of my own. This cut down on packing/preparing progress, but I did manage to have everyone (but Chris) pretty much completely packed.

I must confess that I handle packing in an OCD, anal-retentive way…. I know, you’re shocked, aren’t you? :) I make list after list and get a high off of checking something off. I’m even so retarded as to add something I just did to the list, so I can get the pleasure of checking it off! :)

(Am I the only sick person that does that?)

I tried a blog tip this year with Haylee’s things… I put each day’s outfit (undies and all) into a ziploc baggie and labeled it with the day she’ll wear it. We had fun squishing all the air out and then stacked them on top of each other. I think this will help in a lot of ways for her, since she is horrible at “rummaging” through her drawers and/or suitcase and leaving it looking like a tornado went through.

Plus, if she decides to stay with Grandma for a night, she is less likely to talk Grandma into some outlandish outfit that she would never get by mommy. :)

We made it out in the the BLAZING HOT temps to CVS for the Diaper Deal and Food Lion for a formula run… I had some internet FL coupons for $3 off formula that say “print once” right on them, but I tried taking 3 little cans up and doing them all at one time. The phrase “3 little cans” is a bit misleading, especially if you haven’t looked at formula prices lately. One little 12 0z can was $13.49, and that only lasts about half a week. I also was going to try to use a register coupon for $3 off a $15 baby purchase. I wasn’t really hopeful about that one since it was a FL coupon too, and they are only supposed to do one per item… basically you can’t do the $3 off a can and the $3 off $15 on the same purchase. PLUS, the coupon also happened to have expired May 28th! But, stupid me, was crazy enough to want to try it.
I was blessed to get a cashier who was paying for formula herself and therefore empathetic to my situation. :) She had to get mgr approval, but she did all 3 of my “print once” coupons, and then asked about the coupon I was still holding in my hand. I kind of sheepishly said something like… well, I was going to see if you would do this one too. She turned to the mgr who was still standing there and gave her a questioning look as she said, “It’s so expensive!” The mgr gave her the nod and she scanned it through! Whoohoo! So I got $12 off 3 cans of formula which is almost one can free! :)
I was able to dig up the dvd player yesterday too, although there was a semi-crisis when I couldn’t find the car adapter cord. It’s kind of not worth anything without the cord, you know and miraculously after some desperate searching I found it stuck in a box behind the couch. :)

Well, it’s now about 4:30 am, and I have come back to finish this post after putting Wade down… One small step to making it to the shower next and not my warm, comfy bed.

5 Responses to ROADTRIP!
  1. Rachel
    June 6, 2008 | 5:32 pm

    Oh, you’re so funny. I think we have a lot of things in common.

    First of all, I put things like, “Wake up” on my to-do list so that I can feel as though I’ve accomplished at least SOMETHING during the day, so you’re not alone in that. I just LOVE making lists.

    Secondly, packing for a family is definitely a reason to get anal retentive. Only those who have never heard their kid cry out in panic, “Where’s my bear!” will thoroughly understand . . .

    You know, I bet Wade is just picking up on some of the anxiety/different atmosphere, and wants the extra cuddling and feeding to reassure him. He’s such a cutie pie!

    Good luck with your road trip. Can’t wait to see pictures!

  2. The Barth Family
    June 6, 2008 | 8:14 pm

    That’s hilarious! I’m definitely in the listing-what-I’ve-already-done-just-to-check-it-off club! ;) It keeps me motivated…

    Hope ya’ll have a great time!

  3. Ellen
    June 6, 2008 | 11:34 pm

    I’m SOOOO a list-maker!!! LOL. Rachel’s comment made me laugh — maybe I need to start doing that!! ha ha.

    Your method of packing for Haylee is a great idea! I think I’m going to do that for Claire the next time we travel…

    I know you’re on the road now, as I type this… Hope you have safe travel and a wonderful weekend!!

  4. Heather
    June 7, 2008 | 1:18 am

    Oh my goodness! I LOVED this entry. Great, fun stuff!!!! I TOTALLY used to be the person that made list when packing and checked them off etc. After YWAM and traveling so much though I gave up on it…I hope I can motivate myself to being as good as you when I have to worry about children’s belongings! YAH for you and the good deals!!! By the time you are your mom’s age, you will have way outdone her and found MORE ways to SAVE! =)

    I hope you guys have a GREAT TIME!!! Can’t wait to see you and hear about it when you get back!

  5. Twinmama
    June 7, 2008 | 1:21 am

    Ok you are not the only sick person who makes list after list for packing on a trip. one summer my boys went to both grandparents for 2 weeks and i made copies of my packing lists so they would come home with all their stuff! Smart girl here, forgot to take the lists to grandmas! We must be OCD sisters! :)


Chris made it back to me finally… Whew! And we leave this morning sometime for our big roadtrip! I’m up now (4 am) feeding Wade and trying to convince myself to stay up after he’s done. That’s pretty much the only way we’ll make it with a fairly early departure. I’m hoping for 7 or 8 am, but have a sinking feeling it’s going to end up closer to 10 o’clock. Yikes.

Chris got in around 8:45 pm last night, and he’ll basically have to unpack… then pack again. We were definitely ready for Daddy to come home. I am so not the stay alone type. We got his call that he was on the way home from school, and we decided to cheesily go outside and sit on the front porch and wait for him. He brought Haylee and I matching Philadelphia shirts… mine is orange, and hers is pink, of course!

Wade decided to be somewhat of a stinker for me yesterday, as I began to feel as though his body was merely an extension of my own. This cut down on packing/preparing progress, but I did manage to have everyone (but Chris) pretty much completely packed.

I must confess that I handle packing in an OCD, anal-retentive way…. I know, you’re shocked, aren’t you? :) I make list after list and get a high off of checking something off. I’m even so retarded as to add something I just did to the list, so I can get the pleasure of checking it off! :)

(Am I the only sick person that does that?)

I tried a blog tip this year with Haylee’s things… I put each day’s outfit (undies and all) into a ziploc baggie and labeled it with the day she’ll wear it. We had fun squishing all the air out and then stacked them on top of each other. I think this will help in a lot of ways for her, since she is horrible at “rummaging” through her drawers and/or suitcase and leaving it looking like a tornado went through.

Plus, if she decides to stay with Grandma for a night, she is less likely to talk Grandma into some outlandish outfit that she would never get by mommy. :)

We made it out in the the BLAZING HOT temps to CVS for the Diaper Deal and Food Lion for a formula run… I had some internet FL coupons for $3 off formula that say “print once” right on them, but I tried taking 3 little cans up and doing them all at one time. The phrase “3 little cans” is a bit misleading, especially if you haven’t looked at formula prices lately. One little 12 0z can was $13.49, and that only lasts about half a week. I also was going to try to use a register coupon for $3 off a $15 baby purchase. I wasn’t really hopeful about that one since it was a FL coupon too, and they are only supposed to do one per item… basically you can’t do the $3 off a can and the $3 off $15 on the same purchase. PLUS, the coupon also happened to have expired May 28th! But, stupid me, was crazy enough to want to try it.
I was blessed to get a cashier who was paying for formula herself and therefore empathetic to my situation. :) She had to get mgr approval, but she did all 3 of my “print once” coupons, and then asked about the coupon I was still holding in my hand. I kind of sheepishly said something like… well, I was going to see if you would do this one too. She turned to the mgr who was still standing there and gave her a questioning look as she said, “It’s so expensive!” The mgr gave her the nod and she scanned it through! Whoohoo! So I got $12 off 3 cans of formula which is almost one can free! :)
I was able to dig up the dvd player yesterday too, although there was a semi-crisis when I couldn’t find the car adapter cord. It’s kind of not worth anything without the cord, you know and miraculously after some desperate searching I found it stuck in a box behind the couch. :)

Well, it’s now about 4:30 am, and I have come back to finish this post after putting Wade down… One small step to making it to the shower next and not my warm, comfy bed.

5 Responses to ROADTRIP!
  1. Rachel
    June 6, 2008 | 5:32 pm

    Oh, you’re so funny. I think we have a lot of things in common.

    First of all, I put things like, “Wake up” on my to-do list so that I can feel as though I’ve accomplished at least SOMETHING during the day, so you’re not alone in that. I just LOVE making lists.

    Secondly, packing for a family is definitely a reason to get anal retentive. Only those who have never heard their kid cry out in panic, “Where’s my bear!” will thoroughly understand . . .

    You know, I bet Wade is just picking up on some of the anxiety/different atmosphere, and wants the extra cuddling and feeding to reassure him. He’s such a cutie pie!

    Good luck with your road trip. Can’t wait to see pictures!

  2. The Barth Family
    June 6, 2008 | 8:14 pm

    That’s hilarious! I’m definitely in the listing-what-I’ve-already-done-just-to-check-it-off club! ;) It keeps me motivated…

    Hope ya’ll have a great time!

  3. Ellen
    June 6, 2008 | 11:34 pm

    I’m SOOOO a list-maker!!! LOL. Rachel’s comment made me laugh — maybe I need to start doing that!! ha ha.

    Your method of packing for Haylee is a great idea! I think I’m going to do that for Claire the next time we travel…

    I know you’re on the road now, as I type this… Hope you have safe travel and a wonderful weekend!!

  4. Heather
    June 7, 2008 | 1:18 am

    Oh my goodness! I LOVED this entry. Great, fun stuff!!!! I TOTALLY used to be the person that made list when packing and checked them off etc. After YWAM and traveling so much though I gave up on it…I hope I can motivate myself to being as good as you when I have to worry about children’s belongings! YAH for you and the good deals!!! By the time you are your mom’s age, you will have way outdone her and found MORE ways to SAVE! =)

    I hope you guys have a GREAT TIME!!! Can’t wait to see you and hear about it when you get back!

  5. Twinmama
    June 7, 2008 | 1:21 am

    Ok you are not the only sick person who makes list after list for packing on a trip. one summer my boys went to both grandparents for 2 weeks and i made copies of my packing lists so they would come home with all their stuff! Smart girl here, forgot to take the lists to grandmas! We must be OCD sisters! :)