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Life is crazy!

Today was my first official day of school and as most first days are, it was quite crazy. I have a good group of students, and everything that went on within the four walls of our classroom went well. It was when we ventured out into the great unknown that things became quite chaotic! I am team teaching, which means the kids must switch classes in the afternoon. This involves the wonderful lockers!!!!! Fifth grade is the first opportunity they have to use these combination lockers, and while it is thrilling for them, it can become quite the headache. Some have never used a combination lock before, and the whole concept seems overwhelming. Any time we had to utilize the lockers became Chaos Central as they were trying to figure out which books etc they needed and some were just trying desperately to gain access to their locker!

The good news is that this will get easier as we go, and they become accustomed to the locker/changing class process. All in all it was a good day! I even got to enjoy (scarf down) a tasty chocolate shake at lunch!

I am so thankful that God has led me to Northside. I am excited to see what this year will entail. I am looking forward to a wonderful year… I hope my students are too! :)

6 Responses to Life is crazy!
  1. Heather
    August 22, 2007 | 9:45 pm

    That’s great to hear, Renee! =)
    I just got two job offers today, kinda out of the blue…but just in the nick of time really. I am so excited to actually be on my way to DOING something! =)

  2. Ellen
    August 22, 2007 | 9:53 pm

    SO GLAD you had a great day! I had to laugh at your explanation of the locker chaos. I could envision the scene quite well… :) At least it can only get better with the passage of time, right? (At least we hope so.) I prayed for you this morning. I hope you have many more good days.

  3. AmyQ
    August 23, 2007 | 1:31 am

    Who knew that school could be so confusing for the kids? Mine don’t have to go far, but wow can they get lost! Three times one of my kids wound up in the high school Bible class. I am so glad you are enjoying it. My year has been great so far. God has blessed me with a great group. My your blessings be the same. Hang in there…drink plenty of water….get plenty of rest.

  4. The Barth Family
    August 23, 2007 | 3:48 am

    So glad you had a great day! Wow, Northside really starts their year ahead of the crowd, huh?! Good luck & God’s blessings!!!

  5. Jackie
    August 23, 2007 | 12:22 pm

    Sounds like you had a good day. I can only imagine what it would be like being a teacher having to deal with the lockers I remember my first day in Jr. High trying to open my locker. Most of the time I would just carry all my books so I didnt have to open the locker. Good luck!

  6. Bette Anne
    August 24, 2007 | 4:01 am

    So glad that you had a half way sane day! :) Cracking up about 5th Graders and lockers though!

Life is crazy!

Today was my first official day of school and as most first days are, it was quite crazy. I have a good group of students, and everything that went on within the four walls of our classroom went well. It was when we ventured out into the great unknown that things became quite chaotic! I am team teaching, which means the kids must switch classes in the afternoon. This involves the wonderful lockers!!!!! Fifth grade is the first opportunity they have to use these combination lockers, and while it is thrilling for them, it can become quite the headache. Some have never used a combination lock before, and the whole concept seems overwhelming. Any time we had to utilize the lockers became Chaos Central as they were trying to figure out which books etc they needed and some were just trying desperately to gain access to their locker!

The good news is that this will get easier as we go, and they become accustomed to the locker/changing class process. All in all it was a good day! I even got to enjoy (scarf down) a tasty chocolate shake at lunch!

I am so thankful that God has led me to Northside. I am excited to see what this year will entail. I am looking forward to a wonderful year… I hope my students are too! :)

6 Responses to Life is crazy!
  1. Heather
    August 22, 2007 | 9:45 pm

    That’s great to hear, Renee! =)
    I just got two job offers today, kinda out of the blue…but just in the nick of time really. I am so excited to actually be on my way to DOING something! =)

  2. Ellen
    August 22, 2007 | 9:53 pm

    SO GLAD you had a great day! I had to laugh at your explanation of the locker chaos. I could envision the scene quite well… :) At least it can only get better with the passage of time, right? (At least we hope so.) I prayed for you this morning. I hope you have many more good days.

  3. AmyQ
    August 23, 2007 | 1:31 am

    Who knew that school could be so confusing for the kids? Mine don’t have to go far, but wow can they get lost! Three times one of my kids wound up in the high school Bible class. I am so glad you are enjoying it. My year has been great so far. God has blessed me with a great group. My your blessings be the same. Hang in there…drink plenty of water….get plenty of rest.

  4. The Barth Family
    August 23, 2007 | 3:48 am

    So glad you had a great day! Wow, Northside really starts their year ahead of the crowd, huh?! Good luck & God’s blessings!!!

  5. Jackie
    August 23, 2007 | 12:22 pm

    Sounds like you had a good day. I can only imagine what it would be like being a teacher having to deal with the lockers I remember my first day in Jr. High trying to open my locker. Most of the time I would just carry all my books so I didnt have to open the locker. Good luck!

  6. Bette Anne
    August 24, 2007 | 4:01 am

    So glad that you had a half way sane day! :) Cracking up about 5th Graders and lockers though!