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LOST anyone??

I am a fresh addict of LOST. I’ve watched an episode here and there, but have recently begun watching Season 1. If you’ve never watched it, it is a crazy show that seems to be constantly twisting and turning in the plot. Our friends Sam and Heather just recently moved two doors down from us, and are furnishing the episodes for us. Sam has been a loyal LOST viewer, but Chris and I and Heather are all newbies to the show.

There is an advantage to watching a show this late in the game. You know that they are not being rescued anytime soon, for one thing. Also when I see a commercial for the current season, I can note who is still alive!

The show’s basis is a plane already 1,000 miles off course that crashes on a deserted island. This is no Gilligan’s Island, however. There never seems to be too many moments of rest or peace. There is always some new tragedy or trauma that they must face. Not to mention the “thing” that makes strange mysterious noises somewhere deep in the jungle.

One thing I like about the show is that they periodically through each show they flashback giving you back story on different characters which is interesting to see…

Bottom line… check it out if you’re not afraid of the scary creature in the jungle…
One Response to LOST anyone??
  1. Suburban Oblivion
    May 5, 2007 | 2:08 am

    I have been addicted to that show since day one!! LOVE it!!!

LOST anyone??

I am a fresh addict of LOST. I’ve watched an episode here and there, but have recently begun watching Season 1. If you’ve never watched it, it is a crazy show that seems to be constantly twisting and turning in the plot. Our friends Sam and Heather just recently moved two doors down from us, and are furnishing the episodes for us. Sam has been a loyal LOST viewer, but Chris and I and Heather are all newbies to the show.

There is an advantage to watching a show this late in the game. You know that they are not being rescued anytime soon, for one thing. Also when I see a commercial for the current season, I can note who is still alive!

The show’s basis is a plane already 1,000 miles off course that crashes on a deserted island. This is no Gilligan’s Island, however. There never seems to be too many moments of rest or peace. There is always some new tragedy or trauma that they must face. Not to mention the “thing” that makes strange mysterious noises somewhere deep in the jungle.

One thing I like about the show is that they periodically through each show they flashback giving you back story on different characters which is interesting to see…

Bottom line… check it out if you’re not afraid of the scary creature in the jungle…
One Response to LOST anyone??
  1. Suburban Oblivion
    May 5, 2007 | 2:08 am

    I have been addicted to that show since day one!! LOVE it!!!